he had tears in his eyes!
Reposted from
Leonid Baezhnev
And that flight attendant's father's name? Albert Einstein.
The Big Tent must stand on integrity.
Ro Kanna should've told that guy the Repubs happily stripped $billions from kid's cancer research and told him to fuck off.
When I was protesting they were trying to figure out what to get Trump for a gift.
The Democratic Party is a Vichy Party. It deserves to be replaced for its collaboration with fascism
How many children will die because research stopped, because vaccines were demonized and preventable diseases allowed to flourish.
It's a shame the GOP used that little boy as a prop, a distraction.
Maybe everyone should take a turn? Pay is damn good and didn't you get free healthcare for life? Maybe we get universal healthcare by governing ourselves?
Sounds like a really really great idea. No more running for office (no more voting for the person with the largest budget).
I'm in.
I’ll take @algreen.house.gov
over @rokhanna.bsky.social
💀 ☠️
Childrens cancer?
You know what was heartless?
Using a boy with brain cancer for a prop - while cutting funding for kids’ cancer research & the Medicaid so many of these kids rely on for their ridiculously expensive treatments.
Don't get me started on how much he looked like he absolutely was not enjoying any of it...
There are no other choices
(And not for nothing, I grew up in that area, he could have run up and tackled Trump and won re-election).
someone said they had never seen tears like that
tears so big they were going to flood the world
if you can believe that
The “fake news” won’t report it because I just made it up
His political career is over.
We need better representation. But the problem party has left democracy. And it’s Gop
you STAND FOR THE KID! Stupid move not to. Just giving ammunition to the other side. #dumb