Hey you know what's fun? He's the only one who has ever claimed he has a brain worm, and he said it in divorce proceedings, probably to get out of paying alimony to his ex-wife!
Doctors found a dead worm in his brain while investigating neurological issues he was having… and that wasn't even thought to be the source of the issues, which were ultimately believed to be from mercury poisoning from too much tuna. Our Secretary of Health and Human Services!
I honestly don't know how his siblings haven't beaten the shit out of him with a pillowcase full of door knobs yet. There's enough of them that they could do tag-team and never get tired.
There is a pattern here that may be based on ideology. Specifically, the idea that the world is overpopulated and it is their job to kick the supports out from under the most vulnerable in order to reduce population. They believe the poor or medically challenged are expendable. Apparently.
He's leaving out the part where he only thinks *some* people should have lots of babies and he's fully on board with losing 2/3rds+ in the pursuit of eugenics.
Not sure what the difference would be if you vaccinated them, or let the bird flu vaccinate them. The only apparent difference is the vaccine is not deadly and the chickens may suffer avian autism.
On top of that, it has 75 to 100% mortality. So no eggs no matter what you do. One of the WH economists talked vaguely about something he heard about a circle of some sort.
I see indifference. Sociopathy is a selling point. Makes you more like the Boss.
And it's a plus to their faithful base, too. Every time they fill a position or post with another child rapist corrupt felon wife-beating philanderer, their base crows happily. It's a *plus*.
Just a total contempt for life?
The worms in RFK’s brain are all like-
You’ve obviously never put live baby chicks or mice in a blender.
You should try it.
Well, the "wrong" kind of life, which would be the sick, the elderly, the infirm, the mentally ill. Let them die, and then start a breeding program for the remaining population, with our tech overlords getting first pick of the teenage girls!
I think it's simply stupidity. Even if I had this idea, I'd want to consult scientists before suggesting it on Fox News. I am waiting for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to start an answer to a question—any question—with, "I consulted experts in the filed about this, and they say ...."
Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
Great idea! Wish I had seen it sooner. Perhaps try adding a date in the near future? I was considering a “booty embargo” for all women as punishment for the “your body, my choice” sexist pricks who rubbed Harris’ loss in our faces, but then realizes those incels aren’t getting any period.
Could Kennedy be any more clueless? He is COMPLETELY UNFIT AND INAPPROPRIATE for the position he was given. It's OUTRAGEOUS and, sadly, dangerous for humans and animals.
funny enough, that is my current attitude towards republicans getting sick, sufering acidents due to unregulated workplaces and buildings, and starving
Don't worry, you won't be allowed to leave the country after Project 2025 Republicans declare all opponents mentally ill and ship them off to RFK's forced labor camps.
Nothing like NOT being a doctor and having the power to further advance the chance of this virus becoming a pandemic. Not to mention the chances of the virus advancing and mutating into one that people can carry. This is beyond dangerous, it is criminal.
This is very common practice especially for those who are raising “organic “ birds, honeybees, etc. this is not unorthodox as the article suggests ( although I disagree with the practice)
RFK Jr.’s suggestion is beyond stupid. If high-pathogenic avian flu spread unchecked, it would wipe out most of the U.S. flock. Sure, maybe some birds would survive, but I would bet that >99% of America’s egg laying hens (357 million birds) would die. Bobby’s brain is gone; he just makes up shit.
Fascinating…he totally stole Chuck Schumer’s & Carvilles strategy: let the virus (of fascism) spread until Americans are (morally) immune and can stand on their own. … wonder how that’s gonna work out.
That goes double for him then, he is antithetical to life and is a danger, clearly.
He definitely needs to mix it up drug-wise, 'lil fentanyl with whatever the fuck he uses now.
RFK Jr is the poster child for necrosecurity, the belief that diseases exist to cull the weak and strengthen the population. He is a compassionless ghoul, hopefully that brain worm keeps eating.
RFK Jr’s approach to the bird flu is the perfect complement to the dismantling of the administrative state. Make or let everything die and then begin again from scratch. Implicit is the idea that ignorance is good because it is freedom from the tyranny of expertise. Oblivion here we come. Insane.
I've loved his "logic", that the vaccine is going to create a mutation explosion but somehow a much higher rate of virus spread (meaning more virus replicating) is somehow going to be helpful; completely ass-backwards. Fucking idiot.
I know the focus of this post is on RFK being an antivaxxer but its fascinating seeing this just after reading an article on npr about how Canada has no egg shortages atm. Really living in an era where republicans are so incompetent they can't figure out how to give us egg
for others only - and this applies to everything everyone in that regime practices. None of the rules or regulations or experiments we might wish to play with applies to us or our families - just you people
@markwarner.bsky.social @kaine.senate.gov @repvindman.bsky.social
what are we going to do to rein in all these science deniers?
No word on flu and Covid vaccines for the fall…and another pandemic is on the horizon.
That's not just RFK-lite's view. This is a view widely shared among Trump, his techno-nazi/Christian Nationalist/alt-right oligarchs. (That is right up to the point that it impacts someone close to them)
which is just another reason we’re masking in, at the very least, public indoor spaces right? because this is eugenicist ideology we don’t agree with and are making material changes in our lives so that we don’t contribute to it, even passively?
Maybe we could get my ignorant stupid tRump supporting neighbor to help JFK Jr. to spit ball more unscientific theories to try on us. Neither one of these two should be making decisions about anything other than how to put on their pants.
Typical of RFK Jr.'s brain-damaged "thinking." Worse, this is the same "experiment" that Trump already tried, but with us, the population of the U.S. Jared Kushner urged him to let the COVID virus "wash over the population" and create "herd immunity." We all know how that turned out.
There's some pools he could go swimming in at Yellowstone, they'd probably make him stronger, assuming he survives. He can't know until he tries it, though
Well, if you cull the herd of the unnecessary little people, there's fewer to be controlled, less usage of resources, and more pie for billionaires, cuz power and greed are what they're all about...
Many were quick to blame China for covid's spread but if the worst happens the world must place blame on RFK Jr & this US administration. Unfortunately pandemics are not contained w/in borders & this approach by one nation will escalate things quickly. No wonder they wanted out of the WHO
I told you he's a mass murderer. Not only that he doesn't care, he actively promoting myth, conspiracies and unfounded cures. He obviously doesn't know about what happened the last time there was an outbreak in Asia, or he does know and he sees that as an opportunity to kill more.
The ignorance is astounding. RFK clearly has NO idea how the factory farming system works. Broiler chickens only live for 47 days. No time to see which ones might be immune. Typically there are ~30,000 birds crammed into one shed. Who's walking around to see which ones are alive on day 46?
Some one please infect him with bird flu and measles and Covid and polio! Let it spread in him. He shouldn’t be allowed to get any vaccines or preventive therapy ever! What a cruel man.
It is kind of like Trump did this on purpose.
He really just hates all of us and wants us to die. Maybe they will cook up a batch of Trump vaccine for his acolytes. They will get that one for sure.
Dead people don't require social services or any government at all. So they are an asset for Republicans. Their Actuarial Life Tables look really really good if they can hit a certain number of dead Americans, especially high users of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
Add to the terrible cruelty to these animals, there will be hundreds of millions in taxpayer funded subsidies given to farmers, and factory farms, for the hundreds of millions of sick birds they have to kill.
I agree. I told my senator Tillis, that if Social Security and Medicare is taken from us (we haven’t even applied yet at 66) we would have no reason not to fight back with our lives.
Ask them why God made intelligence to develop science. I mean, if they think God is a puppeteer of everything we do then he also made scientists, no? Aren’t they going against God’s plan then?
I do not talk to any of them anymore. Trump brought out their true selves. One of them has threatened (by a note in our mailbox) to kill our dogs because we’re Democrats. People have stollen our “democracy” yards signs. It’s not safe here for anyone who doesn’t love Trump.
In all sincerity, they get off on pain and suffering.
That he has any authority is insane.
And it's a plus to their faithful base, too. Every time they fill a position or post with another child rapist corrupt felon wife-beating philanderer, their base crows happily. It's a *plus*.
No, I'm not joking.
The worms in RFK’s brain are all like-
You’ve obviously never put live baby chicks or mice in a blender.
You should try it.
He expected to get medical care.
2034: "Mommy, what do eggs taste like?"
With your administration running to the wall in all subject, you will need it soon.
Good luck 🍀
Buying eggs from Mexico for cheap, smuggling them to sell in the US high.
He definitely needs to mix it up drug-wise, 'lil fentanyl with whatever the fuck he uses now.
Anyone wanna pull feathers?
If one chicken in a 1,000,000 🐔 farm gets flu, they all get culled
what are we going to do to rein in all these science deniers?
No word on flu and Covid vaccines for the fall…and another pandemic is on the horizon.
Where are you then?
How many kids did you kill today?
Not only do these clowns not give a shit about your health (or life, for that matter)— this shit is eugenics. Don’t support it.
where are the serious people in America?
Meanwhile the price of eggs is going up, so there’s that.
If I remember the million plus that died of Covid were old or sick and who cared. Oh, most of us!
rotate pesticides, vaccines, etc.
Refuge is another useful concept.
Letting virus “run through the flock so that we can identify the birds, and preserve the birds, that are immune to it” is ridiculous.
Shall we try that with kids with measles?
Dr. Josef Mengele approves
He really just hates all of us and wants us to die. Maybe they will cook up a batch of Trump vaccine for his acolytes. They will get that one for sure.
And I've met him.
(But seriously, fuck RFK, Jr.)
If they even bothered to read their own scripture they’d find “god helps those who help themselves” in there
But no; just throw up your hands and say “god did it” when death could have been prevented.
If they are willing to kill for nothing we need to be ready to kill for something.
You can’t have MLK without Malcom X to fall back on when negotiations fail.
A political solution would be helpful because the people might resolve the problem in ways that get messy.
The rule of law has been disregarded and the social contract broken.
If the populace is denied the pen we need to pick up swords.