No one, and I mean no one of value or with a reasoned mind ever thought for a minute that beer kavanaugh was qualified, let alone the most qualified, justice in modern history. KBJ is far far more qualified and was recognized so by a body of peers, not Trump sycophants.
What a small-minded jerk. I am not a fan of Barrett at all, but what none of these guys ever considered is that as a woman, she need not opine with the others in luck step, as a woman, Barrett’s conservative bona fides is necessarily not going to conform to theirs.
At the risk of stating the obvious, he just doesn’t like the fact that sometimes she sides with the Democrats. He would be fine with her “qualifications” if she always voted with the theocratic wing.
Blackman might be the least qualified member of legal academia and, presumably, a regrettable appointment to Volokh from the standpoint of most his peers; so, perhaps, he’s able to see things, here, by proxy, that we’re not?
Roberts doesn’t want to be there. Barrett doesn’t want to be there. Hey, I wonder if it’s possible Thomas wants to be there because he’s cashing in the gifts.
These agenda-driven partisans ascribe only to Roy Cohn's view of justice system: "Don't tell me what the law is, tell me who the judge is." bc they spent decades creating pipeline of ideologically litmus-tested appointees, they believe all rulings shld now go their way. Good luck disabusing them.
It was really only ever going to be this guy, or maybe one other guy. Reason, where bold faced (two-faced?) lying is served up as considered persuasion.
I love how all of a sudden the MAGA extremists care about qualifications after not saying a word about Trump’s clown show of cabinet nominees that last 2 months.
I realized the author must be smoking something really strong when he asserted that “they say” Kavanaugh was the “most qualified” court nominee in recent history.
That’s not true even if you account for Kavanaugh being chosen through the Federalist Society’s white male affirmative action program!
She has been exactly as advertised. She is a conservative Catholic who is going to rule with conservatives on culture war issues. But she's always been quite moderate on economic and rule of law issues, and we knew that at the time. The abortion ultras forced her to the top of the list.
I have to agree with that assessment.
Now conservative men want to throw her to the wolves when she doesn't do what's she's told to do like they feel a good little white girl should in a white MAN's world.
She hasn't changed. We know who she is. That's exactly why women don't trust her.
She was disgusted by Trump that she looked like she was holding back throwing up! Good, then maybe she will be an honest judge and not a Thomas, Alina, etc partisan hack!
Methinks she has other, more "visceral", reasonings behind her decisions. Like, she perhaps is realizing we are facing a situation where a woman-ANY WOMAN-is becoming less equal to A MAN. Maybe she is realizing the DEPTHS of this misogyny...Maybe she is thinking of HER OWN CHILDREN? She has (1)
(2) white AND black children (adopted Haitians). Perhaps she has "thoughts" about the clearly RACIST turn this administration has taken? It is common knowledge Trump has been a life-long racist, as was his father. Perhaps she has a MORAL SPINE...not just a political "allegiance"? Who knows...
Well, maybe she’s a principled person. And the thing about principled people is that even when their principles aren’t always great they’re still anchored to them.
Just saw Sen. Whitehouse on He basically said the four dissenters had connections to a Project 2025 advisor to OMB director, Vought...his name escapes me, now, but Vought is a die-hard whack-a-doodle...IMO, he is REAALLLLLLYYYYYY out there. God help us...
Federalists 78 & 79 help to explain a lot, but bein old & knowing that:
an over-represented minority, allowed to Obstruct our Congress for decades, while telling their voters:
"vote for us, we'll over turn roe" makes their quid pro quo/coup stand out like the first flower of spring
Congress has fully rolled over. He has a minimum of two years of "yes, we'll do whatever you say" there.
That just leaves SCOTUS. With the most recent decision going 5-4 against him, guess she's the target.
I don't see it yet, but damn I am hear for it
"Thomas and Alito are still making important jurisprudential contributions to the Court. "
Tell me you've surrendered your intellect for tribal identity without telling me....
wanted to see.
That’s not true even if you account for Kavanaugh being chosen through the Federalist Society’s white male affirmative action program!
Now conservative men want to throw her to the wolves when she doesn't do what's she's told to do like they feel a good little white girl should in a white MAN's world.
She hasn't changed. We know who she is. That's exactly why women don't trust her.
Thomas was the least qualified in history
an over-represented minority, allowed to Obstruct our Congress for decades, while telling their voters:
"vote for us, we'll over turn roe" makes their quid pro quo/coup stand out like the first flower of spring
Ppl Wake Up!
That's a bald-faced lie.