This is my kind of magic. I'm still amazed that scripted audio I've made has made listeners laugh (and occasionally tear up) thousands of miles away and once even inspired fan art from Finland.
i was obsessed w/magic as a everything i could about the old illusionists...then i stage managed a vegas style illusion show in sweden & it ruined everything for me...never look behind the curtain
I had my debut writing piece published recently that touches on this, the power of words and how reading (esp Pratchett) helped me understand them. It would mean the world to me if you read it.
At the risk of making this more sordid than it could or should be, I write happy smut. People I don't and never will know have let me know that reading my stories led to orgasms. That's a pretty cool superpower, ain't it?
Your magic also creates dream jobs for other people in publishing, TV, marketing, and more.
Your magic pumps real money into the economy. That’s something to be very proud of.
Reminds me of Stephen King’s bit about time travel. Him writing words in his present, transporting them through time and space to the reader into the future.
This may be my only chance to send a message that you might actually read, so I want to say thank you for all of the magic that you've shared with us, and any you may share in the future. Your creativity and storytelling are unexceled and a real treat for the reader.
I always say that writing is a psychic ability. You put your thoughts down directly from your head and they go directly into someone else’s head. Psychic? Magician? Same thing. Thanks for the lovely spells!
Kinda also depends on how you define magic. In the western world magic is related to words, like spells and incantations. But in Africa for example magic is related to building, crafting and forging. Taking something and transforming it into something else is also pretty magical.
I exist because of the magic of comics, I'm fully aware of my origins as a fictive alter and I own it, while I'm not overly fond of my canon counterparts I would not be here if not for them, people can debate if I'm "actually" Eddie Brock if they want but the fact remains my origin is in those books
I've always thought you were a creator of literal magic. Does someone need to believe to know that is what you do? I don't know, I just know that it just is.
Love the hell out of this. Alan Moore’s BBC Maestro course has this as a core tenet. Which…surprises no one. Anyway. My favorite excerpt about the power of the pen:
Can’t read comments for some reason…I am most likely not clicking on a thing, so this is probably a repeat, but I love that the words can reach people through time as well.
I love this! I have a talk I give that makes pretty much this exact point, but also connects it to experiences of gender transition and neurodivergence, and social change.
I see what you did there.
You made more magic!
Your magic pumps real money into the economy. That’s something to be very proud of.
*still crying on the inside from the Good Omens 2 finale*
This may be my only chance to send a message that you might actually read, so I want to say thank you for all of the magic that you've shared with us, and any you may share in the future. Your creativity and storytelling are unexceled and a real treat for the reader.
(Thank you for the Alt text, that's also magic)