Elons goal is that one day you see people starving, see people begging for help, see children die, and that he has convinced you to think “this isn’t bad”.
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I keep thinking about the fact, that with his wealth, he could literally end world hunger overnight with a word (and it wouldn't even affect his lifestyle)... and he yet he chooses not to.
Elon is a EA adherent, so it's more along the lines of it being acceptable because we are redirecting that money to get people to Mars and saving humanity.
I read a quote from some guy who knows him that essentially said Elon cares about humanity as an idea but not about actual humans and I think that kind of sums it up
Like maybe this seems dramatic but this entire thing is a new religion of evil. You can argue over existing belief systems but there is no major religion with a central belief that “it is wrong to care about people”. That’s these guys. That’s what they want you to think.
the extent that it's "new" is debatable. The neo-reactionary/dark enlightenment bullshit Elon extolls is just a new flavor of older anti-humanist, white supremacist, and anti-feminist ideas.
A bunch of terminally online dorks who read some dystopian cyberpunk and thought, "hey, we should do that!" because it justified their online personas and gave them runway to be even shittier, instead of, you know, working on being better humans.
It feels like the same old Gilded Age/Industrial Revolution-era Social Darwinism & eugenics painted Mountain Dew green and strung with pointless rainbow-gradient LEDs to appeal to the Gamergaters trying to make it popular again.
It is a well known, if loosely organized, religion of the wealthy. It's called eugenics. It asserts that it is good and necessary for the weak and/or injured to die. It's survivor bias on mega-steroids.
Agree. In a way it’s like the antivax movement. These people came of age in a world made safe for their cynical bullshit by the very order they’re trying to destroy.
It is indeed a religion. Simulation theory, effective altruism, autistic/IQ supremacy, all emerge from the same core pre-rational parts of their (our) brains that presume and yearn for immortality, that wish to transcend icky bodily and social demands, to be the player in a cosmic game of The Sims.
I'm not sure what can be done that doesn't involve literally jailing or killing these people. I don't know if there's enough re-education that can turn someone from this. If you have a pipe in your basement spewing toxic shit into your home, you don't grab a bucket, you seal off the pipe.
One theory about why Christianity and Manichaeism spread so quickly in late antiquity is that they were up against state religions that existed solely to aggrandize established power structures while ignoring widespread suffering.
it's not dramatic. it's 100% accurate. every day I'm amazed that not only are these people completely irredeemable sociopaths but that they're genuinely attempting to convince people that it's those of us who aren't sociopaths who are the problem
They're not even couching it in things like the love of one's own family any more. they're just fully out here saying giving a shit about anyone, ever, for any reason, is morally wrong. If this actually *works*, there's no hope left for us
demonization of The Other is bad but they're not even doing that at this point. they're attempting to define The Other as "literally any other human being" and I'm genuinely amazed at the temerity
Yes and no. I mean it's true but also even Rand didn't openly declare that caring for your immediate family was some sort of Bolshevik weakness. at most she knew enough to keep it close to the vest
They want to benefit from basic human decency while pretending they've evolved past the need for it. If that were really true, that poor baby wouldn't be dragged around to every public appearance.
That baby is Musk’s human helmet to protect him from a sniper. I expect the child to be traded out for a new one when he gets too heavy to be portable.
I don’t think this is being dramatic at all. Opposition leaders (uh, Dems?) are making a huge mistake by not invoking the specter of evil in relation to Trump/the GOP. They are truly monsters among us.
I can't understand the aversion to speaking plainly about the evil of this new Republican/Tech-broligarchy philosophy. It's both the right thing to do and a powerful moral stance.
Too many of them swim in the same waters, many are lazy, many are scared, and many lack the moral imagination required to confront this. A sad state of affairs to say the least.
it’s cliche to say “everything is projection” but a lot of folks talking about being an npc or sheep are waiting for a world where they don’t have to feel bad about horrors as they’re fed an endless diet of AI slop that never challenges them, just folks that want emotional and intellectual neutering
it is much less emotionally traumatizing to oneself, in the short term, to focus on policy debates, but you're on target.
Policy is about which way to do something, they aren't advocating bad policy, they are advocating for a crusade against shared understandings of good and evil.
More like almost every evil billionaire villain from movies in the 1980s was based off this one specific dude because he was just as much of an asshat back then as he is now.
or one from 40k. "do not commit the sin of empathy" is 100% some shit you'd hear a space marine say between rounds of goomba stomping unarmed alien children or some shite
I keep thinking that this is why the argument about the 10 commandments in schools might be a good idea. Thou Shall Not be Empathetic isn’t on there but warning about the sin of idolatry is…
But how much power do they actually have? We've seen GOP town halls disappear after the slightest pushback. The Musk sideshow has been a disaster for his businesses.
I think a lot of this can be tied back to prosperity gospel preaching that says essentially that if someone is wealthy it's because God blessed them and if someone isn't, it's inherently implied that they were undeserving. It places blame on the poor and sick and says they aren't trying hard enough.
Which is just consumer culture Calvinism and one of America's cardinal sins going back to the beginning is never purging that way of thinking out of the soul of the nation.
It's a short step from that to, "See, God doesn't really *want* you to help the poor because those poor people just aren't living a Godly life, and if they were, they wouldn't be poor. If you help them, you're doing them a disservice."
And that got turbocharged when they cross-pollinated with the eugenicist ultra-weenies in the alt-right with a collective hard-on for genocide & and “wellness” antivax cranks who want to see autistic people wiped off the face of the earth in a way that doesn’t directly dirty their hands.
sorry if this seems annoying but I completely agree I actually watched a great video recently from belief it or not where they talk about "the sin of empathy" rhetoric and I think more people should be concerned about christians becoming cold unfeeling husks.
It’s all this and it ties into their gender ideology in which empathy is a trait associated with women, ergo that is a trait that must be controlled, oppressed, and eradicated from society. These tech guys have been trying to replace women forever, from our ability to create new humans on down.
They're worse than heretics, whose sin is being defiantly wrong; these ghouls, instead of being afraid the Lord will say "depart from me, you cursed", are planning to say "yeah? so? whatcha gonna do about it, Lord?"
Could any group of people trying to reframe empathy as being sin be rightfully called a strain of Christianity at all?
I could call myself an astronaut; could create a large group of people all calling themselves astronauts. If none of us had ever left earth, should society call us astronauts too?
Reminds me of when Elon changed the twitter algo, and some person I no longer associate with said, "we're so fucking back," in response to seeing domestic and gang violence on his feed. I feel like it was clear that was the goal from the start.
It's South Park as a religion for a generation of dudes. If you believe in creating a better world on any level, you're a mark worthy of ridicule. Throw in a couple decades of casual antisemitism and it's not hard to draw a line back to these chuds.
One of the founders of the modern anti-immigration movement was Garrett Hardin who argued in “Lifeboat ethics” that you have to hurt others, let them die, to save your own lifeboat. Strongly shaped so much of what we see re immigration and climate.
And yet when Bligh and 18 others were cast adrift they managed to make it 4K miles w/o killing each other and Fletcher and the others that made it to freedom turned on each other. Not a defense of Bligh, it's just you can make progress together in bleak situations.
It's really amazing how they've convinced so many 'christians' to follow this when this is exactly what they used to accuse satanists of being (even satanists would reject 'it is wrong to care about people')
This isn't historically unprecedented, though; the actual, literal Adolf Hitler thought 'modern ethics' and 'compassion' was a Jewish scam to convince the strong to give up their rightful power over the weak.
Dramatic? I think maybe you’re actually just being honest about the profundity of this problem. And it would be one thing if he was as unique as he thinks he is. But there are millions of people who will fight, scrabble, and defend him all so they get to be sacrificed 5 minutes after everyone else.
I’m too tired to articulate all of what I want to say, but this is cult of Sci*ntology ideology. They’re full-blown fascists. I watched people I love adopt this monstrous thinking under the “religious” guise of “the greatest good for [society].” Dark, horrifying stuff. Helps me understand history. 😞
Graeber has some really interesting things to say about Axial Age philosophies and the increasing rejection of money/market/profit motives in ‘Debt’; it’s not a coincidence how many major religions reject wealth & money-seeking.
Not sure I'd agree it's new, it seems to me just like capitalism (religion) replacing capitalism (economic structure) which is pretty much the destined result of demonizing socialism, Marxism, communism, and any other system than capitalism. When you've created demons, people want to invent angels
I mean this genuinely, what is the point of life at all without empathy? Truly, like, that’s kinda like the thing we *do* while we wander about here for a few decades, isn’t it?
It's so cliche at this point but every accusation is a confession. The right-wing will say the UN and Bill Gates want to depopulate by force and then immediately fellate the effective altruism tech crowd.
Everything you do for free is something they can't make a profit off of. Therefore, to keep the stonks line going up, all nonmonetised activities must be eliminated.
They are working on it with the federal workers - instead of a narrative around how can we support them with job transitions, FFOTUS and Muskovite are vilifying them as people who didn’t deserve their jobs, were corrupt, and are throwing them into the street.
Genuinely so cartoonish. Empathy is the driving force that keeps humanity moving forwards - even if its just limited to your kids, you empathetically want to give them a better life.
Very telling as to the husk of a soul that Apartheid Clyde has.
TESCREAL is another name for this cult of death and immortality and transcendence of human bodies and humane morals
Because they weren't "really" people
Policy is about which way to do something, they aren't advocating bad policy, they are advocating for a crusade against shared understandings of good and evil.
Soon my dogs of love!
When power is unsecured, it can fall into the hands of those who cannot comprehend it and are incapable of using it properly.
The incompetence of those who sparked the violence will bring them down, but that won't help the dead.
Your fear gives them power in your mind.
I could call myself an astronaut; could create a large group of people all calling themselves astronauts. If none of us had ever left earth, should society call us astronauts too?
The stampede on the road to Hell they are on is crushing them.
For crying out loud, they're against anything to do with DEI
If this were a TV show you'd call the writers lazy bastards.
It's always been a death cult with those people.
Very telling as to the husk of a soul that Apartheid Clyde has.