I always do, Carol! And Prof Ebright really should look up some of my papers, since he does seem to deeply misunderstand virology research. I might be biased but I think I’ve done some okay pathogenesis and host-pathogen interaction stuff over the years!
Phew! So sorry Dr. Rasmussen for this vile attack. I know you are more than capable of responding/ ignoring/defending yourself but still want to add my voice to condemning this rank misogyny. Your voice and insight continue to be important hugely appreciated.
I have known Richard since we were both in grad school and literally nothing has changed. Be proud he came after you because he's an unredeemed idiot outside his own field
Outside? Have you read his congressional testimony on consensus sequences? Refs 34-41 are all his papers on short repeated regulatory elements and a wiki page. Ref 42 is the consensus of almost identical entire genomes. Consensus was used because differences were likely sequencing errors.
Ironically, as he notes, actual consensus sequences of diverse elements stick out as artificial in the same way that SARS2 does not as more related genomes are published.
The only letter that is big for him might be the N of needy narcissism written all over his pathetic outbursts full of insecurity, jealousy and pettiness.
I still don't get how this man is still allowed to head research works at rutgers U with female students. It's not the first time he openly spews misogyny on the Internet
Dick spends his time on Twitter being a fucking troll like hack Paul Thacker. He RT'ed you twice but the three stooges meme of Dr. Dazsak, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Hotez over 40 times!
Meanwhile, NIH funding for Rutgers University is getting screwed and dick says nothing. https://archive.ph/iQdUD
He needs consigning to a care home...
I wonder where we'd be if we did science based on consensus of spooks.
I still wish Rutgers did something about that lot.
He must think his own productivity is absolute trash.
that asshole
He’s just mad that with our two full size X chromosomes, our genomes are bigger than his
Just another old white man.
Forget him.
Meanwhile, NIH funding for Rutgers University is getting screwed and dick says nothing.
Ignore those Idiots!