Molly..As disgusting as it sounds the media should give Musk all the credit. In fact we all should remark how he saved trump from himself. Donald would love that.
I'd like to see a few of them declare that they are now independents and switch to caucus with the democrats. However, I don't believe there is a single testicle to be found between them all...
How Ruck Scott is even in the running blows my mind. The man stole tens of millions of Medicare money and THEN ran for office. Who was it that said crime doesn't pay?
If we have any hope at all, is that there is a handful of Republicans in Congress who draw the line. This morning I thought of Eddie from Rocketeer: "I may not make an honest buck, but I'm 100% American!". That's all I'm asking: the ethics of the mob boss from Rocketeer.
We went to a mega church his brother Bob pastored (before deconstructing from religion). Overall their family SEEMED ok-ish. At least it’s not Rick Scott or any of the other options. I guess
It's not too soon for the various GOP factions that supported Trump's election victory and that now compete for the spoils of that victory to start undermining and eliminating one another from positions of influence and power.
Speaking of which, how is anyone who holds citizenship in three different countries, has business interests in multiple ones - including communication and space ventures - and has defense contracts, even considered for a position in the Government in any way?
ROTFLMAO, Musk pretends to be a proud U.S. immigrant while citing apartheid like policies. This guy literally migrated to the world's most diverse nation to espouse inequality. IMHO, Elon's little more than a juvenile white nationalist looking for a home in an integrated neighborhood
💯💯💯 A Nazi will always tell you that you do “not-see” what indeed you are seeing. Elon Musk is an unrepentant Nazi and prolific child-sex trafficker and offender. He belongs behind very high and impregnable walls for the safety and welfare of 7+ billion people in this world.
The Diva-Off between Leon & Shitler is going to be nothing if not entertaining. (In the same way I’m sure there was never a dull moment when Rome burned.)
Dave... a fall is way better than a mauling, when we think of not one person but lots. There's stuff to do and the field of options narrowed in a much better direction. I'll take it.
Wired: EETD
wiaf is going on over there???
an absolute shit show. And now I read he's going to pull support for Ukraine.
America, you realise you've just elected #Putin, yes?
Second thought: Shit. If that was thought 1 - We’re screwed.
A tough day for Diablo gamers everywhere
He is so odious.
He didn't have a clue what he was talking about.
Thank Christ for small victories. Scott would have been a disaster. (I mean, it's all a disaster. But it's a sliding scale of cataclysm, now.)
Put children in cages? O she'll do more than that! She's PERFECT for this!
what should I read into Thune becoming majority leader???
MAGA losing ground or a resistance within the GOP??
Now kiss the ring
Power struggle will ensue.
I know people were calling him Elmo as a joke, but I couldn't abide by the Sesame Street disrespect, so I like Elno better.
Nah, he’s got it down
Is "funny" the right word?
Doesn't seem right.
God help US and save the USA.
Thank you for that.
(Submitted tongue-in-cheek)
electrocution from an e-boat or sharks??
No wonder he won- he takes on all of the big questions!