Any chef who isn’t insane could tell you that while fat is flavor, it is a textural horror factory and the two things need to be balanced against each other
I’m going to support you in your crusade against fat, I barely even eat steak because everyone picks out a cut that’s like 60% fat and then wonders why I’m not touching that shit
Look it's not filet minon from a texture standpoint but it beats the new york strip (or like hanger, strip, etc any day of the week. And it out flavors filet by a mile
Ugh it's so stringy and gross. You can really tell who has taste in steak by how they order. If they order ribeye, they want THE BIG STEAK, and they want it well-done, and they only ever eat steak for $30 a portion. And their mouth will smell like charcoal marinated in merlot
A well-prepared filet is a great steak. Unfortunately they dry out in the blink of an eye so most restaurants--including a lot of better steakhouses--serve you a boot heel.
Then they down it in butter to hide how dry it is.
The only problem with filet mignon is that when I'm done eating it, there's still all this worthless other junk on my plate that isn't fucking filet mignon
I have a theory that a lot of folks (and presidents) formed their diet from cartoons. They see a t bone or a ribeye in Bugs Bunny or someone orders something “well done” and they just assume that’s what adults do, and then they never ever change
What's not to like
The fat is supposed to be distributed through the tissue by the cooking process if the marbeling is what it should be.
But I agree that even a good ribeye isn't usually worth the difference in cost from strip steak.
bacon must be one of the worst things you have ever put in your mouth
but I believe that like I believe you're a competent chef
Then they down it in butter to hide how dry it is.