*sending a pediatric brain surgeon to a military prison in El Salvador without a trial*
Maybe now college kids will think twice before making fun of my tax policies
Maybe now college kids will think twice before making fun of my tax policies
Reposted from
Michael R Strain
They gloss over which atrocity precisely they "don't fully agree with" and offer a sense of victimhood.
At no point over the last 45 years has every major US institution been hostile to conservatism.
Run by, staffed by and/or founded by them to varying degrees.
When you become the party of stupid, you gotta own it.
Ken: Good."
“The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values.” Umberto Ecco
Jesus himself weeps for this man.
Frankly, any time someone lets a conservative talk, they are being treated better than their ideology warrants.
Their reality just…isn’t.
-Raylan Givens, Justified
And we wonder why they vote against their own best interests, their leaders live this way.
Gee, wonder if there's some connection.
(Major institutions sometimes can be a source of it as well, but they didn't get to *be* 'major institutions by way of it.)
Texas has a bill to make transgender people a felon. Yes, a felon for being transgender.
I can't recall but there had to have been some states that tried making being a conservative a felon.
We really need to start treating them how they think they've been treated.
“The libs have been historically hostile to me because I’m an asshole.”