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AOC on senate Dems caving and backing the CR: “A wide sense of betrayal.”
holy shit this question at the Rep. Chuck Edwards town hall 🔥🔥🔥
I have to say: Chuck Schumer is a weak man and a fool. This was the one cudgel Dems had. Now it's up to the courts which we new from the beginning were at best going to slow some things down. There's 18 hours left to somehow bring additional pressure to bear. It will be really hard to do that.
Wow. Rep. Chuck Edwards is getting torn apart at a town hall in Asheville, NC. “I’m a veteran & you don’t give a fuck about me. You don’t get to do this to us!” Edwards orders veteran to be thrown out. We’re approaching a tipping point now. Anger across the country is going to boil over soon.
UNDERTALE is on sale for $1. If you're a bluesky user who hasn't played this game - now is the best time to join the other 99% of people on this website and pick it up. If you vote for cloture you are a stain on this country’s history that will never go away. You are willingly passing power to a tyrant in waiting, and you are a disgrace to every oath of office any senator has ever sworn. Your legacy will be one of cowardice and contempt.
I cannot emphasize this enough: no one will remember the shutdown even happened when it’s time to vote next year. One way or the other!
The institutional Democratic Party is guided by an almost pathological level of conflict avoidance in almost every direction. “What can we do to make the least number of people mad?” is just a bankrupt way to operate.
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CHUCK SCHUMER HAS TO GO. He’s way past his best by date and I’m not talking about age, I’m talking about usefulness. Senate Dems need to step up and have some courage.