Passing on a prime opportunity to confront the enemy directly is a poor choice.
But okay. You'll be doing the thing that's a major fucking problem with society today...instead of getting in the fight you'll be glued to your phone telling the internet what you think.
Complete waste of time if you ask me. You’ll get much more accomplished connecting with your constituents and voters around the country.
Someone who actually works for her paycheck.
Perhaps gather outside the JA instead with a majority or all of the other Democrats and give a live press release about all the anti democratic EOs the want-to-be-dictator has been signing.
Absolutely! Be there, show up, report live fact checking. Don’t allow Donald trump not to have truth sayers there. By being there, it shows that democrats in congress are not hiding. I get that boycotting is necessary, but democrats need to get in the way, stand and be heard. Boo the lies.
So sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its said that 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours,it was more than words could explain.The charming profile is irresistible,though a little personal message but your look tells alot about u kindly follow me
But wait to walk out until he’s actually up there and speaking! Media should join in, too, and then do interviews with the Congress people that walked out, outside! Tell Americans the truth while he bold face lies inside!
Exactly. Blow up his most important ego day. Shift the focus to Dems for doing something they've never done before. Join the protestors outside after the walk out. Unite!
With few exceptions, the Dems are part of the problem.
If they were truly fighting, how many lawsuits have they filed?
How hard are they obstructing what is going on?
How hard are they rallying people across the country?
I know. I wish she would, walk out with all of them and then join the protestors outside. Would show dems are in unison and actually spiritually and physically with the people.
You realize, she considered this alternative and has decided what she's going to do, right? I mean, she asked for input yesterday and decided not to do what you're asking...
Probably because the goddamned Dems are never in unison! I gave my input and today, I'm giving it again. We need unity. A few people's absence isn't going to make one bit of difference.
I know of two other Reps boycotting it, and I’m sure there are more, hopefully lots more.
And I left messages with my Senators to please do the same, one of whom is Schumer.
Stand up, make a bunch of noise in unison or chant “Trump is owned by Putin!” While they scramble to remove everyone! He’ll get so scrambled & angry, he’s sure to explode & further fuck up his image after fridays mess. Despite what they’re saying- I’ve talked with many Repubs that ARE NOT HAPPY!
I would like to see some sort of democratic united front instead of divided individuals like yourself and Wyden doing their own things. We need to see you all together and working as a strong party for the people that are about to get squashed by the oligarchy.
So sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its said that 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours,it was more than words could explain.The charming profile is irresistible,though a little personal message but your look tells alot about u kindly follow me
Watch for Trump to say something outrageous at SOTU to grab attention away from the tariff induced stock market plunge. It’ll be They Are Eating The Cats Part 2. Don’t fall for the smoke screen!
Please go and do some sort of demonstration. Bring flags and turn them upside down as trump begins his speech, then walk out.
I respect not wanting to go to give him the time of day, but that is also a sort of silence. You are letting them get on with this uninterrupted by doing that.
These people who are PAID to represent us need to show up and stand in solidarity! Either ALL stay home, or ALL show up and protest! Yell "LIAR" like that cave woman did Everytime he lies.
Don’t you want to stand with the ladies in pink who are going to dress the same in a fierce show of rebellion?
Keep up your brand of fight! We are with you
Everyone that runs for office or pursues any other kind of public figure role has at least a touch of narcissism. Some way more than others, such as Trump for example. It's full blown in his case.
Hopefully there is some Dem plan. Walkout, boycott, something. I wish to see a slow, steady walkout, 1 by one, during the entire speech. Or, everyone show up with Red noses on, with the Russian flag on it. And then take them off, throw at him, and walkout.
I also get the feeling that JD Vance is a smarmy weasel who just loves the sound of his own voice and can’t resist injecting a sound bite like he did last Friday with his foot in mouth symptoms coming to full center.
They should walk out waving the American flag in one hand and the Ukraine flag in another and toss a Russian flag at the republicans as they walk by.
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
Establishment Democrats are playing in our faces pretending these people can be reasoned with. We have been compromised, we have an idiot in the executive seat and an apartheid South Afrikkkan ketamine addicted freak in cahoots with Putin, pulling his strings
It starts from leadership on down. Hakeem Jeffries impotence is as bad as Chuck Schumer. If they’re compromised or not up for the task of fighting, they need to go.
Russia is in the White House … Elon and tr💩mp continue to talk about visiting Fort Knox… Come on now
We need new blood
Just my 2 cents-I think you should go. You’re part of Congress. Not going just makes the other side think you don’t care enough to show up. And then what happens down the road when there’s a different president? The same antics? You can always hold a live chat or town hall after or later this week.
Best not take the chance he calls in his brown shirt squad to make the opposition disappear.
The French resistance in WW2 would attack the soft underbelly of the enemy. Time to reinstate those tactics.
They should walk out waving the American flag in one hand and the Ukraine flag in another and toss a Russian flag at the republicans as they walk by.
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
NO! THE DEMS CANNOT EVEN DECIDE TO GO OR NOT TOGETHER. They are clearly incapable of unified action. They are making their $174k whether they do a fucking thing or not. I AM SO TIRED OF SCREAMING INTO THE VOID!
I called my Congressman and requested he do this. Please do the same. It’s a dignified form of resistance that garners publicity and everyone should feel comfortable with. Imagine how powerful it would be to see numerous seats with that flag.
I called mine to approve one senator abstaining. I like your idea better, bc by abstaining, the audience will never know whether she was there or not. Hoping some do walk out and that the cameras (controlled by Speaker Johnson) will show it.
OMG that is the BEST idea I have heard in ages. PLEASE Please do this. Get some Ukraine Flags.
They should walk out waving the American flag in one hand and the Ukraine flag in another and toss a Russian flag at the republicans as they walk by.
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
You got to give the American people something to hope for. I am not sure that not showing up sends any message at all and only leaves Trump sychpphants in attendance to cheer and kiss his ass.
We something symbolic of resistance/defiance. We need to know Dems are not accepting BS.
I was hoping Dems had a unified plan for tonight . . . I understand that none of us wants to watch him or hear his lies, but tonight's event seems like a great opportunity for Dems to do something peaceful & dramatic that will go viral for all to see.
Not showing up sends these messages of resistance:
1. It tells The Felon he is not worth listening to because he is a liar
2. It tells the American people the same.
3. Posting here during the address achieves real-time fact checking.
4. It reduces the TV audience tuning in to see "drama"
There will still be enough weakling Dems who will show up. And I would argue that not reacting is the same as supporting. Better to do something useful than a performance that accomplishes nothing.
Trump really hates empty chairs. He has a crowd problem. I think not giving him any attention will get under his skin much more than protesting. He can use protest to his advantage. But he can’t use what isn’t there.
but nobody else gives a rat's ass and he gets the ear of the majority of the country without any pushback
if the revolution is to be televised, it needs to be there revolting not online in an echochamber, especially as they reduce the available sources of info & media spins us into oblivion
I can see this, but I don’t have a lot of faith in our play-by-the-rules-of-decorum Democrats doing much in the way of disruption. Wearing pink will do nothing. Sitting quietly in their seats will do nothing. Unless they are serious about disruption, don’t bother going.
Yep, he wants the attention - hate emboldens him. I kinda like the idea of de-legitimizing him by not showing up and turning the attention to the people not the show
The largest audience is going to be people watching the speech, not social media or Dem responses after. Letting him lie over and over while Congress cheers him is bad optics for Democrats.
And letting him lie with no pushback is how we got here. They have a chance to call him out to his face in front of the whole country. Instead they are going to fact check him on social media? That’s weak.
And letting him lie with no pushback is how we got here. They have a chance to call him out to his face in front of the whole country. Instead they are going to fact check him on social media? That’s weak.
Having the live feed and watching the entire group of Dems walk out the door would be HUGE and be bad optics as they hold a press conference outside. Media will be wanting to watch them speak to find out why.
That I could get behind. Take the air out of the room is the objective and let Mr. Tantrum go. But they need a compelling message once our there - they can’t simply be performative
I’m debating, part of me feels a duty to watch it so I can say there’s no spin it’s my own take. The other part wants to skip for my mental health since he’s so abhorrent.
I disagree. Showing up then leaving would be a bigger insult to him. Then showing the empty seats. But he would be put off script not having Dems to point to during his lies. #FOTUS47.
If democrats don’t show up, will republicans be allowed to fill their chairs with someone else, for the cameras, or would those seats really stay empty?
There will be empty seats as they walk out one by one.
minute after minute.
soaking up the oxygen in the room.
embarrassing him over and over
out trump trump
That can still be used as cannon fodder for Trump. He will twist that to his advantage. Not putting any oxygen into the room in the first place and holding town halls instead would hurt much worse.
Let’s not police a decision of a grown adult and great leader. Let’s join her address and hope other join her too. I’d love to hear from young and old.
She isn't the boss of the Democrats...for sure a walk out would be powerful, but AOC can't be expected to take on the responsibility of the entire Party...and you know they wouldn't all walkout.
That's the problem with Dems. They can't be unified. Too many old thinkers in there who think the old rules still apply. That doesn't mean the likes of AOC shouldn't try. Even if 50 did it that's enough to create an impression. It also makes the remaining members look weak then maybe they'll join.
They might be too stuck on traditional methodologies - like they are still in shock that standard structures of communication & deal making within DC are no longer the norm. I fear it's going to be a big shift (that we all see coming) in the day to day lives of Americans before many Dems wakeup.
Nah, she is doing the right thing. She should just take the rest of the year off.
The smarts thing she did was ask why ppl voted for her and Trump. Then she ignored the responses. Not smart. She could have learned something. Decided to ignore.
The thing with this approach is that he has people telling him that this might be planned. I am sure they have some sort of performance art planned if they did this and would spin it in his favor (if he is good at anything, it's this). I understand about not being there too. No easy answer.
As I have mentioned before, democratic Congress Critters have probably been forbidden to go and walk out. Otherwise I'm guessing they would have. This is the next best thing. We know Democrats were never going to do the best thing. In this case, the enemy of good is better.
AOC you need to go and THEN walk out. One at a time. Just staying away isn't nearly as powerful as each member going and leaving one by one silently. Imagine this happening over 200 times during the address.
I don’t understand it either. It’s so obvious. Disappointed and surprised to see this coming from AOC. This is a big moment. The world is watching. Lead. Build momentum that’s unstoppable.
That’s the people’s house. Do it for us since we don’t have that option to do it ourselves.
I imagine she feels there is no State of the Union, and to even laud as such is a shame especially by the one who seeks to destroy it - Donald J Trump.
It means she was not listened too by leadership on the right plan and she can’t say that so she’s just not gonna be a part of it. Mark my words. Dems will do something dumb
I am very much in agreement that they should go and walk out. However, I am sure that they're not being allowed to do so by democratic leadership. In this case, the enemy of good is better. Let them refrain from attending.
You people are cuckoo, man. Participating in the freak show is what the fascists WANT. It gives them the patina of legitimacy. Not participating or engaging with it at all is the *only* answer. Stifle the flames by denying them oxygen.
Staying away leaves less of an impact to a narcissist that going & all leaving as one u if, or leaving one by one. It will devastate him because the press will show it. Take his thrill away. Make it about America & not him.
Trump threatens the representatives in the senators with primaries against them. What if we decided to primary against them if they don’t get a backbone and stand up for us?
It’s not likely we’ll have any further elections. Many are saying we have 6 months to a yr left in our democracy,
If GOP grew spines it could turn this over. They have the power to impeach him. So what are they afraid of? It appears many of their constituents feel as we do
I don't know what news you all are watching but dem's are doing a lot. There are 75 court cases as of last week. I'm tired of people screaming for other people to do something when republicans voters did not give them power in the house or the senate.
Trump threatens the representatives in the senators with primaries against them. What if we decided to primary against them if they don’t get a backbone and stand up for us?
Democratic norms are crumbling. The Democratic Party has zero power right now. They just have to be mute and listen to the propaganda with tied hands. Better to speak up. I can see your point, but it would only work with intact norms 🤷🏻♀️
Because dems are useless. Liberalism is useless. The only thing that beats fascism is leftist politics, and that doesn't exist in the US govt BECAUSE the US govt is fascist.
I disagree. Trump hates being ignored. People not showing up at all is the best option. The Republicans will all just jeer and make a scene if Dems come and then leave. Just don't show at all and make it all about Trump's insanity instead of Dems performance art
He hates being disrespected and humiliated. (Humiliation lessens his power.) Make a mockery of this traitor. Go and leave. It’s a global stage tonight. He craves the media attention. Steal that spotlight from him.
You are wrong. This only works if the majority of Dems do it. But they won't, because they're cowards. If she goes and does it by herself, it will not have any impact, and she will look like a fool. This is the best next thing.
Todd I live in the States and you are so right. They are pissing me off if they don’t show up. Proud of Trudeau’s telling the don-old he has a dumb idea this morning!
I believe whatever Dems do attend shout out “Liar” for each lie told, then walk out! He will be so pissed and flustered. MTG and her ilk did this with Biden who knew how to respond. Felon 47 won’t know how to respond other than belittle and insult. Talk about “making good TV!” 😂
2/ then have a state of the union on the steps of the capital building. Americans are depending on our leaders to take charge. I’d heard that people who have been fired from Musk are going to attend. Good, but they won’t be invited to speak. So, kind of worthless
Jeffries ruled out the possibility of a mass walkout with his call for decorum, because Jeffries is an utter catastrophic failure as a leader.
Having 5-10 walkouts wouldn’t be effective so it probably is best for AOC and others like her who understand the historical situation to just stay home.
I get not wanting to go, but we need a lot more than IG live. You and the rest of the Democrats need to be united!! We need to see a unified party here. passive aggressive no shows are not the answer!
I think that she's making a mistake, too.
I think that Dems should all attend, snub his entrance (not applaud or shake his hand), and then, when he talks about abandoning Ukraine, they should walk out.
Not attending just opens the door for the rightwing echo chamber to attack. Big mistake. Weak.
I disagree... I wish all the Dems would skip it and have their own competing conference at the same time to draw "ratings" from Trump. Because that is what he cares about with this horseshit.
How about sitting there like mature adults to show that they are the adults in the room while Trump acts like a child. Vs walking out which makes them like like children as well. Acting whiny is not the way to do it
Any democrats turning up tonight for the gaslighting extravaganza is complicit in the coup, and should be blasted by their constituents! I called my rep and requested they boycott! Call your rep now! Mango Mussolini loves attention, craves the audience! A half empty chamber would crush his ego!
One of my senators is going to the 💩show, but his guest is a person w/ disabilities. As the sib/guardian of a person w/disabilities, that means a great deal to me. In addition, my senator regularly calls out FOTUS's 🐂💩.
So sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its said that 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours,it was more than words could explain.The charming profile is irresistible,though a little personal message but your look tells alot about u kindly follow me
Republicans dumped us here.
Put the full glare of the searchlight on the unfaithful, oath-breaking Republicans!
I wonder if there will be any Nazi representatives in attendance.
Degradation, delivered by the decomposed GOP.
Disappointed. I was hoping that you would all turn on your heels and walk out, but you know more about what’s going on than I do. Hopefully none of you show if this is your plan.
Please address why Trump and Musk (selling us out to Russia) have not been arrested as traitors. Can’t you get a US marshal ordered from a Federal judge give an arrest warrant for them?
I’m 71 and living a nightmare like other seniors worried about losing the only income they have, SS.
I’d love to see each Dem hold a placard that reads “LIAR” and silently hold them up every time he tells a lie. (Everyone’s arms would be exhausted by the end, but it would be great.)
Yay! Would it be possible to hold a rally with fired federal workers outside the steps of congress? Create your own circus so the media has to pick between the two.
gods I hope so. Americans need to see the tangible impacts of letting rabid Muskrat rip thru the federal gov like he’s trying to open a bag of chips and can’t find the scissors.
I'm sorry I disagree with this decision.
The Dems should go and fight back against his lies in real time.
Don't let Trump have an easy adoring audience to play to.
So sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its said that 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours,it was more than words could explain.The charming profile is irresistible,though a little personal message but your look tells alot about u kindly follow me
I get it, but that's what Trump & the GOP want. It would be better to show up & either then walk out or stand & turn your backs while on national TV. He would have a meltdown on TV. A few Dems not showing up means nothing. A whole slew walking out or turning backs is more inspired.
The Dems are clearly the weaker party. The GOP will fight, yell, stay on message, etc. I don't agree w/their tactics, but it helped give the GOP a massive shift in power. The Dems need to work together, w/King & Sanders. Turn your backs or walk out. Be a team. Be strong.
They should walk out waving the American flag in one hand and the Ukraine flag in another and toss a Russian flag at the republicans as they walk by.
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
Is there any kind of plan or conversation going on between the Dems as far as how to approach making your position known about the SOTU, or are you all doing your own thing?
Please show up, and when he walks out to give his address, the Democrats stand up in unison and leave.
Step outside and have your own press conference.
It will be good for your constituents to see, and it will embarrass and humiliate the rapist in office.
America wants to be united like this map. In a beautiful, peaceful place where we don't have hear the losing party bitch and moan. It's only been less than two months. Demo☭rats need to stop with the lunacy.
Leave 1 person at a time. Slowly. And…feel the courage in your heart of every soldier that died on a battle field to preserve democracy and your right to protest!
The press conference is a good idea, but either do it or don't. Commiting one way or the other now is better than pretending to spontaneously walk out later later.
“Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.”
As difficult as it may be, I think it important to be there and to study his tactics to prepare yourself for the oncoming onslaught.
I don’t believe in giving a fake president an appearance of this being anything but a fake SOTU! I wouldn’t give the Democratic response. It’s not a real or genuine address. Why play along and placate the Republicans and the Un-president.
True…but can she use body language to comment at appropriate moments, or show up with a blue and yellow ribbon, or use other non verbal means to make a statement to other than her followers? Can she hear the side conversations from behind a computer screen?
That's all she does. She is a pitbull fighting for our country. I trust her decision to livestream with American voters instead of giving that cockmunch any ounce of attention.
I think you need to go, you are one of the most powerful voices for the DEMS. Yes turn your back every time he lies - stand through the whole damn thing and turn your back. I don’t know, it feels weak, not showing up. Aren’t you allowed to BOO?
I believe that all Democrats need to boycott the event. I would not want to sit in the same room with him and listen to his lies about Biden's term in office and the DEI nonsense he's using to remove all women and people of color from their positions within the government. So, why bother at all. 🤷♀️
I am so physically repulsed by his voice, I am dreading watching but I'm convinced we must be witnesses to this carnage and continue to repeat real information as often as we can, so will probably force myself to have it on and leave as frequently as I need to, to keep dinner down!
he's either lying or it's pure shit changes he's making to ruin our country and our lives! i hope he and all his die very soon.. it doesn't matter how.
I do prefer the idea of the Dems staging a walk out as soon as dump starts talking! Get your Democratic colleagues on board to join you. Then, all of you join the live protest planned outside of the Capitol!
This !!! Also why IG Meta owns that do it on or real journalists who are fighting don’t give Mark more money from streaming on IG that’s disappointing!!! We are boycotting why are you giving them money by streaming on Meta owned site!
I literally said this to my husband last night. The Dem's show up, stand up at his first lie, call it out, then all walk out TOGETHER in unity. I wish they would SHOW him they are not going to engage in his chaos.
Seems juvenile and performative, and designed to annoy regular human beings watching at home. Just don't go. If you attend, you're lending a sham credibility.
The Old school Dems need to step aside & let Reps like AOC, Jasmine Crockett & Maxwell Frost take the lead. You can't beat maga with the old school rules. Maga also lies & plays dirty.
Because they were there at the start it would prevent the MAGATs from filling the seats with their own staff to make it look like the whole building just loves him!
Although I'd like to see the Dems to leave in clumps so the press coverage takes prolonged notice of their action. recently asked via Bluesky what we thought Dems should do during trump’s address & I also suggested the Joe Wilson approach. When Wilson did it I thought it was despicable but I’m no longer about “going high.” I’m about matching energy. We’re either gonna win this or not.
In this instance he would use it as a strike against democrats.
As an example: 'Democrats are so lazy they can't even be bothered to show up. Like they never show up and that is why prices are high - they can't be bothered etc etc'.
I interpreted your comment as a dig on AOC who has been one of the few in Congress consistently vocal “speaking truth to power”. I agree there are plenty of Dems who haven’t. She’s not one of them. That’s my point of view.
Lost respect for Pelosi awhile back. Cemented when she +others conspired against the sitting President, publicly. Disagreements take place in private. She chose Jeffries but he has yet to meet the moment. We agree on much more, in particular where AOC is concerned. She is a much NEEDED voice.
I honestly expected you to be among the few to advocate for consistent and constant protest during the event, to either halt it or be forcibly removed. We would have supported that. The event continuing even in your absence will normalize this regime, and will be a missed opportunity, forever.
It’s a fair point but if Dems hold presssers and protests right outside and take away some of his viewership might be more impactful to an egomaniac like that?
I guess I don’t understand what the point is of merely trying to agitate an egomaniac. We need our democracy back. What we need is a show of solidarity and protest so he sees people will not roll over, to where he’s actually frightened of the people. Has no fear. He does not fear us.
For those attending, placing facts and truth on posters/cards would be great. How many jobs lost, lives lost or sickened, drop in DOW/economy in 40 days, all actions aligned with Putin, number of lives lost defending democracy, number of agreements broken by Putin, etc.
Watch Russian stooge lie!
Can't believe the boycott is really happening, good work.
We can't pretend this is anything but a coup
and not showing up to a dictator speech is like hanging the flag upside down as a distress signal to those not paying attention.
This “speech” isn’t shit. Pointless. The real decision on silence comes with the “Ides of March.” Do we help MAGAts with a CR to fund the gov’t that he won’t use the money Congress allots for, or let it shut down? The real “silence or survival” is in 2 weeks🤔
Ignoring this opportunity to use our voices, via representative, is weakling bullshit. This is not "pick your battles" or "keep your powder dry" time. Those days are GONE.
The point here is embarrassing him on the world stage, and letting the world know that the people of the US do NOT support him.
So…do you want them there or not? There’s no powder to keep dry. In 2 weeks we get to voice “No” & watch them tank it all-since they’re doing it anyway so it becomes all their fault.
you people need to wake up to the reality of our situation and adjust accordingly. symbolic gestures are useless against people who are too dumb to understand them.
again, you're dealing with a populace with sub-second attention spans that take what their news outlet of choice puts in front of them without question. fox news would just show trimmed clips after the walkout. they need to attend in full and stand physically in opposition, backwards or otherwise.
Sure Fox News is going to do Fox News things but I just hope that there is some form of protest not to try and impress MAGA morons but to show Democrats that they are up for the fight. We need to be bulldogs not timid little poodles.
agreed, but a walkout is a passive/timid strategy. they should stand there and boo & jeer everything he says, as republican reps have been doing since the obama era.
we need to meet these ghouls where they are and stay there. but dems are addicted to "taking the high road" and doing fuck all.
Bring together some of your constituents who’ve been impacted and let us hear from them. I’d also urge “impact events” in special election districts to give voters a chance to see their neighbors pain and give them a chance to join the fight
What's that going to accomplish? We are in desperate times. Our country has been taken over by a non-elected oligarch. Do something to stop what's happening before everyone's eyes! This isn't "business-as-usual" and desperate times call for desperate measures.
The only thing that would stop what’s happening is a violent overthrow of our executive branch, along with hunting down whoever DOGE has employed. It’s career suicide to call for that type of action, though.
I see a lot of people saying this, but this does not work unless a majority of dems do it. If she does it by herself, then it does not show a united democrat front. She will look like a fool. She understands this.
This is what I’ve said over and over. They all need to rise, turn their backs on him for a solid minute and then silently leave. Also wear blue and yellow in support of Ukraine. Because that is what we must show the world. We do not align with a Putin sympathizer. 🇺🇦
I think the country needs to see Congress physically fighting back. Not with fists, but taking up space. Disrupting. Using your bodies to show that you stand with us. That you stand for us. Don't just skip it. Fight for us. Please!
Everything that's been done since January 20th has been illegal. I'm not happy with the Dems, but I do not wish for anyone to be harmed because of that clown.
He gets enough attention, i think public displays are super important for his followers to see. And honest, it needs to be the white men. So far, mostly brown girls are the only ones with fucking BALLs! .. but the cult ignores them anyway.
No, if Dems don't show up GOP will say they don't care about democracy or constituents. Dems will lose control over their own narrative. Live streams can be ignored. Every Dem showing up and then leaving during a live broadcast can't be ignored. That will embarass Trump so much more! Media 101.
And in real time on a live broadcast. He will lose it. If he walks into a half empty room, he's won.
Can't believe how Dems, even media saavy ones, are missing such obvious things, especially when they managed them last time. WTF is going on? Opportunities being handed to them on silver platters.
No, he won’t. He’ll be applauded and fawned over by the gop. His lies will stand. He must be booed and disrupted at every word. So disappointed to see AOC take this stand. Bad choice.
It will not starve him for attention. It will have the entire media asking why the left and throw him off speech as it will get under his skin. #FOTUS47 can not stay on target.
This !!! Also why IG Meta owns that do it on or real journalists who are fighting don’t give Mark more money from streaming on IG that’s disappointing!!!
Ms. Occasionally-Cortez, don’t lean into not going please! That’s what they want the Democrats to do! I. Turn they will say that you don’t want to work with them and you’re not being bipartisan! I know you don’t want to go- but please, represent your constituents!
I don't give a damn about speaking to these people, they're all paid to destroy the country. I want AOC to speak to voters, not republican politicians. She should show the alleged president the respect he's due by skipping his joke of an event.
Look, this isn't some kind of call to action, I'm just pointing out that it's more valuable to stop pretending that the federal government still has legitimacy because it clearly doesn't. Dems should be taking their message to the public, not wasting time doing fascist kayfabe in Washington.
I have heard of protesting, however being that the current government is run by immature unfit individuals who are willing to disrupt our lives- don’t you think it’s better to stare at them and say they are not going anywhere instead of not showing up!
Let them stand on their own, so when people do start to wake up, it's crystal clear who fucked everything up and who are the responsible adults in the room looking out for ALL Americans.
No Dems should cross the aisle for anything until Trump is gone.
If Dems reach across the aisle, they'll end up shouldering the blame while Rs escape accountability, as usual. Likely leading to another R admin after this one.
Let them own EVERYTHING. If enough reps take enough heat, *maybe* we won't have to wait 4 years to put him behind us.
Dems protest anything tonight@ the capital he will call it illegal & school funding is done.Mike Johnson offered his office to a podcast to stream live during that time? wrote yesterday a must read for everyone,although no surprise for some.
All hell's going to break loose.
Fantastic ideas. The republikkkcommunists already have the flags, left over from last time he was Putin office. But, the wall out, THAT would be fantastic. Don't worry about how they might spin it.
We all love this but as I’ve seen from some diehard Dems, they will act normal and not do anything because that’s what they’re supposed to do. Old school Dem reaction. Taking the high road again! Uugghhhh Infuriating. They still feel like it’s the right thing to do.
Agree 💯 myself. One “influencer” who I follow here and IG because of his common sense, has said that it’s best for the Dems in Congress to do nothing except watch him drown in his own mistakes. It’s an old term or philosophy “Do not interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.”
You are not going to get the Clinton Republicans to do anything to dismay the Clinton's and the big Corp, lobbyists that buy their seats. She is not one of them . Put down the blue maga koolaid and get on AOC's DSA side.
No cause that would still be "great television" for donny. He would love that. Ignoring him is what he hates. Give him no media time, no attention, and no air to his ego.
My daughter in law said that if they do that, it actually gives him more power because it can be seen as them “abandoning their job”
Don’t know how true it is.
Not sure where she got that from. A walkout is a form of protest which is (currently) protected by the First Amendment. Their job is literally the opposite of bending the knee to a tyrant.
Totally, it's a crazy time right now, and people are rightfully terrified. But disruption and non-compliance are key tools to combat fascism and authoritarianism and we need members of Congress to lead that charge.
I wouldn’t be passing out Russian flags. The Republicans already have their own that were given to them by the dick-tators in OUR Oval Office, Muskrat and his 1st Man, Trump-a-Dumb. I support 🇺🇦🇨🇦🏳️🌈
In reality the most effective form of protest for the SOU would be for ALL dems to attend the speech and simultaneously stand and turn their backs to the president and stand that way until he is done. No talking, no comments, just turn their backs. Then they can host town halls and live feeds.
No staying away. This is a chance to get on the world stage and protest live. Show the world that we have a resistance still. Remember good trouble? Sometimes that means getting removed or arrested for the greater good. Time for our representatives to start representing our disgust!
He will feel disrespected. They are being creative and causing their own chaos. I like it. Empty seats with attendees bein fired workers. Works for me. There were lots of options.
I worry that absence during a moment when millions who don't pay attention to politics daily will be watching will be the same as silence. In Philly, we boo. There's something to be said for booing.
ALL members of congress need to appear, especially the Dems. YOU need to show up for We The People, no excuses. When it speaks, YOU should protest by standing up and turn your backs to it. I want you to protest FOR me, please stop giving Dems ideas to not show up for us, sets a dangerous precedent.
Not attending is not the same thing as not paying attention. Social media, independent media, and legacy media will cover it and discuss it to the nth degree; no need to physically be there. The FelonInChief feeds on attention and crowd size; the fewer that attend, the better, in my view.
Who will honestly be watching that isn't MAGA anyway. It's just gonna be another rally speech with a bunch of BS. He might as well be Nero playing the violin while Rome burns.
He feeds off audience and trolling the dems. This will be an echo chamber and the more who don’t attend the less ratings. The emperors wearing no clothes
And the news will have to focus on why they didn't show up. Which gives Democrats and everyone else another opportunity to point out every legal, and unconstitutional thing he's doing and how none of this is normal.
I agree, he’s a malignant narcissist the best thing you can do is to ignore him in that, don’t attend. If you attend you are validating him and the nonsense that will come out of his mouth.
I agree he does feed off the audience which is why the moment he steps up and gets people to sit... the dems should stand up and walk out. Then have a press conference after to let the American people know why they wont feed into his lies. He has tried to strong arm Congress.
Thats not how it works. You just want uneducated masses. Be smarter. We should watch and we should discuss with out non-political friends. We need a revolution.
I definitely understand the sentiment, and I admire AOC more than almost any elected in the US. Just as I strategy for winning future elections, I'm not sure a boycott is best.
Unfortunately I think they'll be so busy patting themselves on the back, they won't even miss the Dems absence. They will be able to spew their lies without any objections or opposition.
Rep. Boyle was on IHIP News and said that the Dems should go (and they are bringing people that were impacted by DOGE and executive orders) so that Johnson doesn't fill the seats with Trump dick suckers (which he is allowed to do).
Yes, let's appeal to the non-existent sympathy of the Republican party. Those people are already going through hell getting fired, why take them to the most evil place in the country and force them to listen to a nazi fairy-tale lie for 2 hours?
These people want us to see it and react. They will be forced to just listen lmao. Maybe some will be enlightened. I hope they all have the days they deserve tho
the sooner you people realize we are not going to live post our way out of the crisis of democracy we are in, the more chance we have of surviving it. it's virtue signaling performative behavior to an audience that already agrees with you.
demanding real action is not being a hater. grow up.
No...this is doing nothing and playing into the GOP hands...they love this....enough playing nice and let them have it...doing stupid stuff like this is why we are in this position now
We shouldn't wait for the perfect? No, I agree, we should DEMAND it. Far too long we've gone with Mr/Ms Right Now not Mr/Ms Right. And well, dems need to step up like AOC is doing.
Nah, just don't show up. Doing what AOC is doing, being able to immediately refute bad talking points is the answer. Shows he lacks your respect enough to show up while you directly work with your base. No more showy acts that do nothing.
Her refuting bad talking points is her saying what we, her audience already knows. The opposition needs to be in front of MAGA. In front of the world. If nothing happens tonight I can just hear the commentaries later . . . .
Nobody is going to broadcast AOC immediately refuting anything though. She'll be portrayed as some radical outlier. You know how these things go. Being in there in front of the cameras is critical in my opinion.
I'm just saying that the national news isn't going to show shit. They've all capitulated. Whatever the opposition does needs to be live on the main channels. Just my opinion I guess.
We cannot be the party of performative acts and no action. The perception of the party needs to change. Dems shouldn't show up, and should be actively working their base and any who stop by streams or shows they can get on to directly refute and call out bs.
No, that just draws more attention to the speech. Orange Man craves attention, both positive and negative. He also craves ratings, and theatricality by the Dems encourages more people to watch. Refusing to engage is better. It’s just going to be an avalanche of lies and empty promises anyway.
Yes come and decide to leave after few minutes of the speech starts and lies start flowing. And most important have USA flags and UA flags and make signs.
I was thinking they could hold up auction bidding paddles that say “lie” on them every time he says a lie. And dress in yellow and blue in solidarity with Ukraine.
Walking out would steal the narrative. Walking out then doing what AOC is planning would be even better. Take control of the narrative and then run with it.
Walk out...get the press attention on you doing so. Then walk over to another location where you have a giant town hall planned. Cover it online and have people chime in online also. Make a concentrated effort in unison.
It might be effective,just keep in mind the stupid old loser is a bloody psycho bob and he really doesn't care much but it could hurt his pride as a new kingpin.
In any case, Resist in all your personal and work environments, in all the official and military institutions in your city,everywhere.
I believe #Democrats should show up in #Ukrainian 🇺🇦colors & the minute #Trump steps up to the podium & begins his pathological lying they should disrupt him and, each one throughout his🤪LIE-FEST, should effect a LOUD process of leaving it!
It will totally throw him off!
I get your spirit here. But the Moron will likely talk for over an hour as he gaslights the shit out of the country. Better they critique his lies in real time and relentlessly. Make the gaslighting speech an opportunity to appeal to folks out of the Cult of Stupidity.
I really like that idea. It will be a wake-up call for all the weak republicans who suck up to him and will probably be watching on bended knee drooling at his every lie.
What the hell good is it to participate in the freak show? No matter what they do, it’ll just give the republicans shit they can spin. Not deigning to attend or watch in the first place is the only thing that makes any actual sense.
👍I & another 10 million of U.S. would love💙 to see each& every Democratic Congressperson & Senator slowly rise to
their feet,TURN their backs from that mendacious🍊 demagogue,& slowly, & with great dignity WALK OUT-all at different times,when each member has heard ENOUGH, which shouldn’t take long!
How about we get behind what she's doing in a unified voice? That way other Dems will follow. This is a form of protest so let's not squabble over the details?? Please?
The details are key. Not attending isn't going to get people to notice, members of Congress proposing this are just going to be speaking to their supporters. We need them to make a stink and disruption and non-compliance are key tools to combat facism and authoritarianism.
It's what she's doing. We can, again, fight about the details but how about for ONCE we just support the fucking protest even if you're SURE it's the wrong way? Jfc I'm sick of the infighting over stupid shit. An empty room speaks volumes-and he HATES being ignored.
Right, and a walkout makes that ignoring clear rather than preaching to half a room that's already succumbed to his tyranny. I appreciate your anger, but disruption is significantly more impactful than a boycott. Always has been. I'm not fighting, I'm offering a legitimate, powerful alternative.
Each should take turns calling out a lie and walking out, or continuing to call it out until they were ejected. Make the whole speech a parade of lies being called out followed by walkouts.
A young man in our tribal community disparaged our native code-talker veterans calling them traitors on a national platform. His clan required that he apologize to them at a huge celebration and the veterans all stood and turned their backs to him.
This is one of those moments where history will be watching who attended at all. Going and performing theatrics is acting like business is as usual. It isn't.
I suggest bringing a guest, and instead of yelling LIAR, have the guest hold a sign that says LIE, and the Congressperson points to the sign, the guest lifts it up then puts it down. Pattern that is not loud disruptive, but the cameras cant stay off of it. Moskowitz could pull it off.
Trump threatens the representatives in the senators with primaries against them. What if we decided to primary against them if they don’t get a backbone and stand up for us?
The Right would ridicule them for this. It would be mocked and laughed at endlessly on FOX news and on right wing podcasts. That’s how they operate and AOC knows this .
Ahh, my personal choice for my own protests. At my college graduation, the manager of the admin who harassed me for 4 years, who defended that admin and vilified me for 4 years, received an award. I stood up and turned my back for the presentation and speech, giving thumbs down and other gestures.
We dropped a large banner behind the college president during a speech, from behind the projection screen way up in the rafters. It was a whole coordinated operation. Democrats need to go full on Animal House with this.
Can’t disagree on that statement either… not that I live in a fantasy world, but I do feel like we have been failed by our elected representatives. Mainly because they are unable to act as a unified force in stopping this massacre on Democracy.
Absence is not the way to go. You're playing their game. Bring those who have lost their jobs because of this traitor. Listen to his traitorous rants and PROTEST LOUD AND CLEAR Then turn your backs.
It's really pissing me off that, once again, the Dems are squandering an opportunity to present a highly visible united front focal point of protest. Instead, some aren't attending and others will be there maintaining meaningless norms. Weak sauce.
I wish the dems would just stand up and have their backs turned towards Trump during his entire speech. Have Ukrainian flags pinned on the backs of their shirts. Hope they have the guts to do what is needed to be done. If they go quietly tonight we need their names and we need to replace them.
The Republicans are cowards. They wouldn’t take the flags. They are afraid to be seen as the traitors they are. Better to throw the Russian flags on the ground, stomp on them then walk out.
Please join with other eloquent Dems to deliver a take down after the rebuttal. Use charts not words. Go straight for the jugular- we are running out of time!!!!!!!
AOC, standing up and refusing to participate in a system that’s full of showmanship and corruption. Instead, she’s engaging with the people, staying true to what matters—the real issues affecting everyday lives. True leadership is about connecting, not playing political games. 🔥💥
YOU MUST ATTEND. THAT IS YOUR OBLIGATION. Then you can report back. Even if it is excruciating. and how I understand. But if you aren't there, you cannot read the room. If democrats are no-shows you are fanning the flames of this debacle fire.
I don't know if AOC works this way, but coming to me from a position of absolutely no authority and ordering me to do something is the quickest, most effective way of getting me to not do it.
Really? Sure let’s do the same old same old and be ‘polite’. You are free to watch and read the room from your couch. I personally think anyone in the room should heckle the shit out of him.
So is it also every citizen’s “obligation” to watch?! No one in America is “obligated” to participate in this gross political theater specifically built on lies and gaslighting. I can “read” the room before it’s even filled with people - a bunch of insane sycophants cheering on their dear leader. 🙄
Plus, he'll ramble about whatever is up his ass at the moment.
The Dems have completely surrendered and showing up tonight only legitimizes this coup.
But okay. You'll be doing the thing that's a major fucking problem with society today...instead of getting in the fight you'll be glued to your phone telling the internet what you think.
It's no sort of help at all.
Someone who actually works for her paycheck.
Please, bark this up the tree!!!
This is how we show the world that DEMOCRATS ARE FIGHTING FASCISM!!!
Please scream thing with your big, beautiful lungs now!!!
9pm Eastern
6pm Pacific
Outside your windows
pass it on 🍳🍳🍳
Rowdy & traditional protest!
With few exceptions, the Dems are part of the problem.
If they were truly fighting, how many lawsuits have they filed?
How hard are they obstructing what is going on?
How hard are they rallying people across the country?
Answer: Almost none at all.
And I left messages with my Senators to please do the same, one of whom is Schumer.
A real tough American would tell Putin, " we ARE accepting Ukraine into Nato and you must leave its borders."
Confront and push back that is the way.
Thank you for representating.
Embarrass the living shit out of him. On the world stage. Esp. since the polls are turning on him.
PUTIN IS TAKING OVER THE US. We aren't gonna get many opportunities to fight this. Tonight, we have one.
We already know it will be filled lies and bravado for himself- terribly boring
I respect not wanting to go to give him the time of day, but that is also a sort of silence. You are letting them get on with this uninterrupted by doing that.
Keep up your brand of fight! We are with you
Remember that the worst thing for a narcissist is to be ignored.
So, yay, AOC!!
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
STEP ASIDE and let the women lead!!
Russia is in the White House … Elon and tr💩mp continue to talk about visiting Fort Knox… Come on now
We need new blood
The French resistance in WW2 would attack the soft underbelly of the enemy. Time to reinstate those tactics.
it is the job of our represents to 'show up'.
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
We something symbolic of resistance/defiance. We need to know Dems are not accepting BS.
1. It tells The Felon he is not worth listening to because he is a liar
2. It tells the American people the same.
3. Posting here during the address achieves real-time fact checking.
4. It reduces the TV audience tuning in to see "drama"
I’m sure Neanderthal is more intelligent, has more empathy and compassion… and definitely common sense
Go - then stand up and leave one by one over the course of the speech until all 200+ Dems have left.
That would get under the orange skin 1000 times more than just empty chairs.
if the revolution is to be televised, it needs to be there revolting not online in an echochamber, especially as they reduce the available sources of info & media spins us into oblivion
no one gets the message on here, they get it out there. that's where our reps need to be.
minute after minute.
soaking up the oxygen in the room.
embarrassing him over and over
out trump trump
So I think give him some really good damn fodder.
9pm Eastern
6pm Pacific
Outside your windows
pass it on 🍳🍳🍳
Rowdy & traditional protest!
The smarts thing she did was ask why ppl voted for her and Trump. Then she ignored the responses. Not smart. She could have learned something. Decided to ignore.
That’s the people’s house. Do it for us since we don’t have that option to do it ourselves.
‼️‼️ #WAKEUP ‼️‼️
All performance, no results.
I can hear MTg now, “guess they were afraid to show up”.
Come on fight.
If GOP grew spines it could turn this over. They have the power to impeach him. So what are they afraid of? It appears many of their constituents feel as we do
There are more reserves where Fetterman, Tulsi and RFKjr came from
Mark my words.
We *want* Trump and Republicans to make a scene.
Not going all they will do is find seat fillers and support maga
Having 5-10 walkouts wouldn’t be effective so it probably is best for AOC and others like her who understand the historical situation to just stay home.
I think that Dems should all attend, snub his entrance (not applaud or shake his hand), and then, when he talks about abandoning Ukraine, they should walk out.
Not attending just opens the door for the rightwing echo chamber to attack. Big mistake. Weak.
And walk out
Put the full glare of the searchlight on the unfaithful, oath-breaking Republicans!
I wonder if there will be any Nazi representatives in attendance.
Degradation, delivered by the decomposed GOP.
I’m 71 and living a nightmare like other seniors worried about losing the only income they have, SS.
The Dems should go and fight back against his lies in real time.
Don't let Trump have an easy adoring audience to play to.
A walk out. a slow parade.
one a minute.
drag the show out.
suck the oxygen out of the room
out trump trump
Step outside and have your own press conference.
It will be good for your constituents to see, and it will embarrass and humiliate the rapist in office.
As difficult as it may be, I think it important to be there and to study his tactics to prepare yourself for the oncoming onslaught.
y gracias.
Although I'd like to see the Dems to leave in clumps so the press coverage takes prolonged notice of their action.
Time to get loud.
As an example: 'Democrats are so lazy they can't even be bothered to show up. Like they never show up and that is why prices are high - they can't be bothered etc etc'.
It is their job to attend these things
Let him know this was the least watched speech in history.
This is AVOIDING "power" by refusing to confront it where it is and clap back.
Did you see she removed her pronouns??
#SlavaUkraini ✊🏼🇺🇦
Watch Russian stooge lie!
We can't pretend this is anything but a coup
and not showing up to a dictator speech is like hanging the flag upside down as a distress signal to those not paying attention.
How much more silence can we survive?
The point here is embarrassing him on the world stage, and letting the world know that the people of the US do NOT support him.
Anything else is silent acquiescence.
But it's nice that you think Dems will all unite behind "No" on March 15. I'll believe it when I see it.
republican reps will spread out, destroying the symbolism
they will cheer & clap for the entire speech, & go on fox news saying "everyone loves his ideas look at the videos!"
his base will eat this up. democrats will have accomplished nothing.
They live in #perpetual #denial of #truth.
we need to meet these ghouls where they are and stay there. but dems are addicted to "taking the high road" and doing fuck all.
See what I did there?
Not strictly *resisting* per se but hey.
Being absent yet publicly active elsewhere is a poignant lesson.
It will no doubt be missed by MAGAs.
By not showing up at all, the Orange Narcissist will be starved.
Can't believe how Dems, even media saavy ones, are missing such obvious things, especially when they managed them last time. WTF is going on? Opportunities being handed to them on silver platters.
Yet I can’t see a “gimmick” being seen as strong.
It wouldn’t impress me.
It requires nothing.
The whole event is a Trump-fest.
Not showing up is the highest DISrespect they can show.
Anything else is cheap.
And as far as I can tell, lol, we have like 25 choices!
And btw, it's you're.
Obviously, you’ve never heard of protesting 🤷♀️
It doesn’t matter one way or the other, it will always be the Democrats fault
they need to be united, and they ALL need to protest
Let them stand on their own, so when people do start to wake up, it's crystal clear who fucked everything up and who are the responsible adults in the room looking out for ALL Americans.
No Dems should cross the aisle for anything until Trump is gone.
Let them own EVERYTHING. If enough reps take enough heat, *maybe* we won't have to wait 4 years to put him behind us.
Let him hang himself with his own dreadful policies. wrote yesterday a must read for everyone,although no surprise for some.
All hell's going to break loose.
When these officers were invited to speak about what transpired, the GOP chose to boo and jeer and turn their backs on them.
Give the Russian GOP a little taste of their own medicine for a change.
They think silent sitting is an effective protest. They won't even make a line in paragraph 8 in the coverage
I’d love to watch Trump’s face turn red and his head explode 😂
Don’t know how true it is.
Seems people are looking for some movie fantasy social event.
This is reality. Lots of Americans voted for foolish causes.
How Dems handle Trump's speech won't change that.
However, I do not recommend this tactic to AOC, (unless she decides to get rid of a pair of her oldest & gnarliest.)
Drown Trump Out 🌊 🌊🌊
9pm Eastern at the start of Trump’s National speech
To Support
I know there's a double standard because the GOP can act like absolute clowns with no repercussions and Dems always have to be the adults in the room.
Boots on streets. Holler on every corner. Time to wake up and let these oligarchies know they cannot control us.
We are not here to serve them. Our lives are our own.
demanding real action is not being a hater. grow up.
Other's in the crowd have options.
Stand up back turned, censoring their face with props, making the circus a true circus. Get creative.
Performative as a pejorative is a great way to stop democrats from doing ANYTHING AT ALL!
Not being in the room is performative.
The Conservatives are all performative right now.
Sitting, doing nothing, zero results. Do something. Anything.
The speech is a WORLD stage.
To let Trump just have it is wrong.
A walk out. A back turn.
Heckle. Boo.
Everyone wear Zelensky shirts.
Whatever but to just...not be there? We cede to them the entire moment.
Then, when he is convicted, every representative to ever cozy up to big donors should be immediately stranded in the arctic tundra.
Then maybe a nap?
AOC was ignored.
Fiction imitates reality.
So please do it.
Standing up and turning around is a ruined wide shot for the entire speech.
In any case, Resist in all your personal and work environments, in all the official and military institutions in your city,everywhere.
I believe #Democrats should show up in #Ukrainian 🇺🇦colors & the minute #Trump steps up to the podium & begins his pathological lying they should disrupt him and, each one throughout his🤪LIE-FEST, should effect a LOUD process of leaving it!
It will totally throw him off!
their feet,TURN their backs from that mendacious🍊 demagogue,& slowly, & with great dignity WALK OUT-all at different times,when each member has heard ENOUGH, which shouldn’t take long!
Stand firm, refuse to move, say nothing. Lock arms if necessary.
A young man in our tribal community disparaged our native code-talker veterans calling them traitors on a national platform. His clan required that he apologize to them at a huge celebration and the veterans all stood and turned their backs to him.
They aren't going to do that shit, stop acting like they give a fuck.
Narcissists demand attention. Not showing up is less attention he'll receive.
I would like to see them wearing US flags on their lapels with a Ukrainian flag next to it and a Russian flag with “not” sign (I.e. 🚭) under them.
Quiet protest also works.
Ignoring these Nazis is best. #republicanpartyisnaziparty #fucktrump
In stead of empty seats, it would be people standing up with their back turned.
It's a powerful image.
He snorts and irks at every slight to his ego.
Powerful images is part of it.
It's not a counting pennies game.
Sum total.
You're putting the wrong thing in front of the other thing.
Make sure A.P. is outside to cover it all
Follow me🇩🇪
Since it is a media event, no.
Even if I'm ordered in ALL CAPS.
Not even close.
Show the staute or gtfoh!!!!
Shouldn't you introduce yourself before you start with the bad takes?
So, fuck off.
Attending normalizes.
Attending sane-washes.
Attending validates.
Attending feeds the 🍊ego.
Attending is subservient.