“To cut waiting times as dramatically as possible our approach must be totally unburdened by dogma..so today I welcome a new agreement that will expand the relationship between the NHS and the private healthcare sector”
Prime minister Keir Starmer
Prime minister Keir Starmer
Follow the money.
It’s only success is wealth creation for the parasites and shareholders!
It was only a couple of years ago he was criticising Tory’s for planning this.
There is no need for more private companies to be involved
1. It'd be cheaper and more sensible to invest & purchase "scanners" for the public sector to increase capacity long term.
2. Capacity is only as great as the slowest process. More "scanners" means more diagnoses, but still the same bottleneck in trained medics for procedures.
the private sectir in this country relies heavily on the nhs.
what starmer is doing simply cannot work.
your private doctor sends you to an nhs hospital to get your mri scan.
Have we not had enough of privatisation! We have shit in our rivers and seas. The trains are rubbish and expensive!!
Private providers can't offer critical care or A&E back up. So they'll only take easier cases, leaving complex/costly ones to NHS, along with the privately treated who have complications...
Treating easier cases on waiting lists won't address A&E crisis or hospital silt up due to lack of social care.
Apalling lack of airborne infection control adds to the crisis.
I recall Streeting saying 2 yrs ago that he would not be ideological about cutting waiting lists bcos he wants patients to get the treatment they deserve.
The fact there is so much fury about it now is pathetic.
I dunno
Wild thought, I know
“Nooo. Labour at socialists!”
Starmer told us again and again and again and again and again and again and again that he had “changed the party”
What did they think he meant?
And obviously it worked.
That doesn't mean he had to ditch his socialist principles as well.
Or any principles
I just want him gone
There’s nothing he could say, nothing he could do, to change my mind
Nothing anyone could
I just want him gone
Basically, seeing it coming doesn't make it any less shameful.
We all warned you, yet you voted blindly anyway.
So I voted LibDem and we replaced one Tory with three LibDems, which seems like progress.
Unfortunately though, Starmer appears intent on taking us backwards.
*sound of hollow laughter*
Starmer is a Tory
The public are sick of profits over patients
Labour are wrong on this
Don't be fooled.
It costs. yes. So be it. Falling health is also expensive, and losing legitimacy of the state for not providing basic services is even more expensive in the long term.
Look outside the UK if you want to know how it's done.
Dogma free NHS? Try being a trans woman. More red tape and dogma than the Church of England if you're a trans woman. Can't fart without asking permission from those 1950's wifebeaters.
Starmer, a man, was the only leadership candidate *not* to sign an anti-transphobia pledge. *All* the women candidates signed.
The road to hell for the people, gouging them mercilessly for every $. US system testimony to that.
Failure to address that means anything proposed is tinkering.
How will paying expensive private suppliers magically produce more money to fund NHS workers?
Utter scum.
Siri: "Show me what privatisation looks like without actually saying privatising..."
OK. 🤔
expand the relationship between the NHS and the private healthcare sector
Spending public money on private profit is dogma .
NHS sent me to A and E this am, it was full , no seats . Ambulances outside . Staff under pressure but so efficient and pleasant .
Privatisation of public institutions fails citizens , feeds Capital
Invest public money
For every #NHS service London privatises, Scotland Barnett consequentials are cut because England's spending is taken as the norm.
Scotland votes for better healthcare, but gets Westminster cuts.
The new Labour motto?
FFS! 🤬
This will further weaken the NHS.
This will lead to longer term worse outcomes.
The cash cow will be milked dry.
This is manslaughter on a massive scale.
Uncovered medical bills. Like 680,000 per year in the States.
Blair turned £11bn in investment into £83bn of returns.
He can't get out from underneath the system without increasing debts, austerity, due to low taxation.
They own us!
Or was that just propaganda? 🤔
Clearly allowed to win by oligarchs in order to destroy any vestuge of willingness to vote labour.
(Although I readily admit there sure as heck weren't any other reasons to vote Labour lol)
He was also touting *this exact policy* of using 'temporary' private capacity:
This is literally why we told you not to vote Labour.
Quit it with the middle-men; just put that money into the NHS!
Uninformed by the wisdom of privatisation experience?
Private health leaches both funds and personnel from the NHS. Is the recognition of that fact to be dismissed as dogma?
Long term still remains a issue and it’s why they need to accelerate the social care aspect of things
They can't be in two places at once so if we increase private provision we have to increase NHS staff in private hospitals.
Profited from the vulnerable .
Private profit needs attacking , instead Labour seems to welcome it . Public money for Private Profit
Should we enslave them and force them to work for the NHS?
Private facilities will take in NHS patients, for a price. So how is this different?
Should we seize all the buildings & equipment?
Also, your figures mean they 20% aren’t NHS workers, so if we cut off all private contractors, then there’d be at least that 20% of private provision dropping off wouldn’t there?