He’s only selling to his base, mainly dirt poor folk who were so desperate they believed his lies. Not exactly wealth strata that Tesla need. For everyone else his endorsement is a mark of shame.
I love Tezlur!
You know why? They make red ones. I love red ones. Nobody makes red ones like Tezlur.
They match my tie. It’s red. Nobody knows more about red things than I do….
So today Dictator Trump has imposed further tariffs on Canada, ass licked Musk while trying to promote Tesla, the American stock markets continue to fall and MAGA thinks everything is fine
Did I hear it right that MuZk said he intends TeZla to double production within 2 years? So either he expects this boycott to be short lived, or he'll be tapping into a previously untapped customer base. 🤔
Musk: “So….these here are the cars we’ve sold this year.”
Trump: “Wow, great, incredible…and how many of each of these have you sold?”
Musk: “No, I mean these are literally the cars we’ve sold this year.”
Quite fitting really a used car salesman, a hustler, fits him to a T. On a more serious note, this is the supposed leader of the free world, the largest economy and largest army in the world. Using the WH to sell cars for his buddy. What a 💩show !
I'm now beginning to think that somehow, over the past decade, a hallucinogen has been introduced into my system 'cause this shit is too wild to be for real.
Mourn for the late, great United States of America, folks.
When I worked in public sector we had strict rules on managing conflicts of interest, registering such interests & following Nolan principles of standards in public life. I had colleagues who would not accept a cup of tea from planning applicants. What do these dodgy car dealers say about the US?
You too can own your very own! Come on in! Kick the tires! Take it for a spin down here at dastardly Donald’s Whitehouse and car emporium. Trust us! They’rrre great!
Yeah, sure...everyone go out and buy one of these shit boxes while the economy is flailing just to help Muskrat! 🤣🤣🤣
This is how these self-serving narcissists think, their minions only exist to support THEM. I couldn't care less if both of these terrible…
#TwoScumbags #FuckTesla #BankruptMuskrat
The angle at which he stands is getting dangerously close to tipping point. 🤣
I thought the camera was off and then I remembered about the frontotemporal - ehem - issues.
... but one bright side. I bet Donnie didn't pay, he has a history of stiffing his suppliers and welching on payments. I bet this won't even show as a positive on the Tesla balance sheet.
Not so long ago, he wasn’t such a massive fan…https://apnews.com/article/climate-trump-electric-vehicles-pollution-standards-ae3a35faa376630e494765175aee2c28
So lame! But let this rubbish continue. This whole operation will undoubtedly unravel. Sadly after causing a lot of harm to the US and the rest of the world, but it will unravel
Elon literally owns Trump because he stole the election for him using Starlink.. they’re both going to jail when all hell breaks loose when they inevitably fall out..
Yeah!! You endorse those Swastikars, Mr President! Coz that’s really gonna help. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maybe they both be bankrupted beyond measure. Then actually locked up for their crimes.
So, the brand is already toxic, therefore you decide to explicitly link it with the President who is possibly going to usher in another depression. Ummm, this is gonna work out well........
Trump has degraded the White House and turned it into a cheap car show...
Being Potus is his free ticket to beeing a gambler, Poker with economy-taxes, or a kind of ping pong... He will lose the money of Americans
You know why? They make red ones. I love red ones. Nobody makes red ones like Tezlur.
They match my tie. It’s red. Nobody knows more about red things than I do….
Trump: “Wow, great, incredible…and how many of each of these have you sold?”
Musk: “No, I mean these are literally the cars we’ve sold this year.”
How many loans has he taken out against his stocks and shares? Overlevereged!
I can't see this stunt helping. Quite the opposite.
This is just too crazy.
I'm now beginning to think that somehow, over the past decade, a hallucinogen has been introduced into my system 'cause this shit is too wild to be for real.
Mourn for the late, great United States of America, folks.
Oh wait, he's already done that and MAGA cultists each have a bottle of the magic potion...
This is how these self-serving narcissists think, their minions only exist to support THEM. I couldn't care less if both of these terrible…
#TwoScumbags #FuckTesla #BankruptMuskrat
I thought the camera was off and then I remembered about the frontotemporal - ehem - issues.
thingy with orifices.
Why do Rapepublicans hate America?
So when it blows up the poor chauffeur will get it too
Is the White House the only safe place to sell teslas now?
America and the World: Nope.
I hope Tesla sinks without trace.
He has a geriatric gait doesn't he.
Being Potus is his free ticket to beeing a gambler, Poker with economy-taxes, or a kind of ping pong... He will lose the money of Americans
Grifting for a free car. The Ford F150 brigade must be confused.