“A rerun of Tory austerity by making poor people poorer isn't what Labour should be about. Instead, the government should explore raising extra funds from wealthy corporations and individuals”
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It's beginning to look like that time in the game of monopoly where one player has all the cash and assets, everyone else is broke, and the game just.... stops.
And the government is just going along with it.
Tax on private schools, second homes, non doms, land owners, private jets. They are. And I wouldnt believe any speculation about cuts, the press have been mostly wrong.
I agree with that,but what would be your take if speculation is true?Starmer of all people is the guy i had full faith in regarding disabled,he made a point of supporting disabled as leader of opposition..kendall is always eager to cut benefits never saw starmer like that,but if he does lab lose me.
I'm interested in those politicians who actually plan to make the country a worse place in which to live.
If they believe it's only those affected, let's look at the homeless on the streets (not nice for the visitors who come to see our monarchy), the hungry (not nice to see soup kitchens).
PSA: a currency issuing government doesn't need to "raise funds", they create money when they spend. Tax receipts are the end of the transaction. Central government spending is constrained by total spending this year, not tax receipts last year.
When are they going to learn that you can't "kick start the economy" by making sure the poorest people in society, (who already struggle to pay for their most basic needs) have even less to spend? Wealthy people hoard money, instead of helping it to circulate. 1/
If ordinary people have some disposable income, the economy will grow. Shops, cafes and restaurants need customers. Research shows that one person spending £10 in local businesses can equate to an extra £50 in the local economy. Source: research by the New Economics Foundation).
They're playing into the hands of the far right. Reform are poised in 2nd place in many
Labour seats. Labour not only doing the job of the Tories in cutting welfare to the disabled but facilitating the far right but abandoning their base.
Agreed - those that haven’t recovered from the austerity cuts of the last govt may have voted for this govt hoping for better - this govt must make changes that make lives better for the many or else they’ll hand the next election to a Tory/Farage party coalition … 🤔
Perhaps Starmer will raise the issue of UNICEF feeding starving children in the UK in January 2020 ! Just by way of showing the Tory levels of concern for the most vulnerable citizens in the country !
It’s mind boggling that a Labour government would follow this course. Do they want to hand power to far right lunatics? I mean, come on, just modest rises on the wealthy and a higher band for the billionaires isn’t too much to ask, is it? Is it?
What course? Have they actually announced anything yet?
The October budget did raise taxes on the wealthy, what do you think the furore over IHT and Vat on school fees was about? They also raised CGT.
Do you know what timeframe these savings are over? Are they cuts or savings?
I agree with what they did over IHT and VAT on school fees, and you are right, they haven’t announced anything yet. There has been a focus on benefits of late, though, and I find that concerning. The focus should continue to be on the wealthy, who are NOT paying their fair share.
If you look as their actual words though, not the media spin, they are saying that it needs addressing because it doesn’t serve those on benefits well, and it’s wildly expensive.
The tories designed a system people get lost to, rather than a system to help them.
That’s what they’re addressing.
However, since they seem to be shooting themselves in the foot a lot at the moment, I wouldn’t be surprised if the plan is less than brilliant or badly miscommunicated!
Yes, we need to wait and see. The language from ministers has had far too many echoes of the Cameron government for me, though, and I think that led to Brexit, Johnson, Truss etc. Labour can’t make that mistake. They can’t just make things better for ordinary people, they need to be seen to do it.
Before the GE was always reluctant to vote for Starmers "Party" just couldn't trust him, and I feel my reluctance has been justified, because in my book it's no longer the Labour Party just a darker shade of a blue Tory Party.
Indeed. It's been very clear to me since 2016 that the vast majority of the PLP are in the wrong party. There was a glimmer of hope, quickly snuffed out.
I think reform is necessary. The increase in welfare needs to be tackled as it’s growing at an unsustainable rate and crowding out investment in areas that generate growth. Just taxing wealth isn’t the answer… can’t do that every year as you will run out of money
You disagree with millionaire landowners having to pay inheritance tax? With private school fees being subject to VAT to fund breakfast clubs for all state schools?
Perhaps you disagree with Starmer’s deft handling of Trump or bringing together Europe to protect Ukraine?
UK gov by not raising taxes 4 the rich they become richer the middle class & working class become right-wing with the help of the MSM (Owned by the very rich) Don't blame us (not paying tax) poor amenities it's those immigrants fault!Uk gov put taxes up! Or we will end up with a right-wing gov!
I hope Labour supporters see sense. Starmer is not unsure what he's doing. Attacks on the most vulnerable, support for genocide and privatisation is who he is. He keeps telling you. Believe him!
If they made the wealthy and the Amazons of this world pay the taxes here where they are making their money then people will probably back them but up to now it the lower end of us having to pay
We need to invest to save, because rise in disability & long term sickness is caused in large part by patients waiting for treatments, services and support.
Austerity will result in the absolute opposite of what’s needed!
Putting money in people's pockets stimulates the economy fast @uklabour.bsky.social ! Taking it away kills the economy - as we're seeing. Businesses need customers duh?
Sounds like the establishment Democrats that are yet again trying to push the party right. 🙄 Reliable method to snatch defeat from victory. Like not contesting a Starlink rigged election, but conceding immediately instead.
Maybe if all these Labour MPs who are unhappy with starving the poor and disabled should do the obvious thing and resign from the Party that wants to. Lets see Starmer cope with half a dozen* angry independent back benchers.
* I can't honestly see any of the other 398 resigning on principle
He will be called to account at elections, local and general. What a shame, what a waste when the choices are obvious, or should be, to a Labour administration.
Watched UK Governments from sidelines for some time: two things;
(1) Labour governments behave like Tories:
(2)The Country never learns from its mistakes. Labour trying so hard to keep foolish promise not to raise taxes, forced down the same road as their predecessors , who wanted to reduce taxes.
I thought the political upper crust, all the Sirs and Dames, were educated.
Austerity never works. Never.
What works? Massive national infrastructure programs that directly engage citizens in employment, engineers, scientists and businesses in research.
It would be nice if they at least try to sound sorry or humble about cuts. All I'm hearing is aggressive hostility toward a demographic that overwhelmingly has no control. It is cruel and shameful.
Our society is no longer fair. We need better distribution of wealth. Why work for minimum wage when the ceo picks up 10’s of millions?
A ceo earnings cap of 100x lowest earner, and a 2% tax on personal fortunes above £10m would hurt no one (although they would scream) and regenerate the country.
or the greater the disparity between earnings across a labour force, in a company and the sub-contractors it uses, the higher the rates of tax for different tax bands get to be.
Shareholders in a company should also get taxed at higher rates on the earnings from these companies
Yes, the wealthy should pay more tax, but so should everybody. I remember when tax was 33% and Super Tax was 98%. Today's historically low rate of 20% is simply not enough to support the kind of country people want to live in. Personal allowances protect the poor, and 25% would still be low.
Bidenomics based on the FDR New Deal proved regulating capital is the best way to grow an economy. Had Biden been able to get his tax plan enacted US debt would be addressed. Starmer should model that with a better communication strategy.
Reform is needed agreed? It must be soul destroying to feel capable of doing some work, both for financial reasons & socially & being held back.
Changing the rules to allow people to earn more if they're able & not be afraid of loss of some benefits seems sensible.
We need to increase defence spending and we need to find the money somewhere, we could rejoin the eu and get growth going but no one send willing to grasp that nettle
@dalevince.com and the Patriotic millionaires are pushing for a wealth tax. Why on earth isn't the government listening??? These are Britain based wealthy individuals pushing to pay more, rather than overseas ones fighting to pay less!!
I told my mum Keir Starmer was weak and a careerist and nothing else...he was in it for the money and the power! She died believing he was a good man....she would be ashamed she voted for him!!!!
So far it’s losing them their support base and it’s moving to reform. Get back into the EU and tax the rich instead of the poor. They have forgotten about the people who voted for them.
Cutting benefit payments to disabled people is not going to help us find employment when employers are extremely resistant to employing disabled people. When was the last time you saw a disabled person working in Sainsbury’s? Employers are the problem not disability.
It has to be in the mix, it will be very modest but the RWPress won't give it a rest if it's not there. Most of the necessary headroom will come from taxing the rich and freezing tax allowances for all. You read it here first.
Not a chance, When you have Mandelson taking Starmer to the Palantir complex in the US AND Mandelson's company lobbied for Palantir to get the NHS contract, that's how corrupt it is
Just a thought from a person abroad...why don't the citizens of the United Kingdom demand more from the incredibly wealthy monarchy? It is 2025...is there not a clear understanding that NO human has Devine Right to hold power and money at the expense of the citizens of that country? Just wondering..
But, but, Peter, the less well off and the disabled are such an easy target. Why would they target the tax evading rich who fill the MPs pockets with lovely tax free donations. It would be like biting off your nose to spite your face.
The Labour Party ceased to exist following Blair's ditching of Clause 4 and the re-branding to New Labour. Thus began the transformation of a workers socialist, left-wing party into a neo-Con, right-wing.We have in power today. Stop calling them Labour and use their correct name!!
I can't understand why they won't do it. the extra tax would hardly be missed! If you want to grow an economy you put money into the pockets of the vast majority - the low to middle income households. They will spend it locally, thus instantly regenerating town centres! Unlike the rich who hide it.
You, I, all of us who lent our votes to them to get the Tories out are fools.
The hope that we could have a different kind of Govt, actually working for the people, to better our lives, to raise living standards, to actually be decent fkng people is gone.
The green party in England and Wales. In Scotland the alternatives were Scottish green party or SNP, the SNP are far from perfect but do protect more public services and benefits than Westminster has, or looks like will.
Vote for parties with #ProportionalRepresentation. At least members of other parties might show meaningful criticism and maybe Labour MP's might start belonging to parties that they actually have views that are representative of that party!!
It’s time for ACTUAL Labour MPs contributors and voters to abandon what the party is now, and set up one which represents actual socialist principles. If Reform can overtake Tories, True Labour could overtake Fake Labour
Being trans we got an early taste of who they were. I switched my vote from Labour to Plaid Cymru (along with SNP and Greens, they are the ONLY left wing socially libertarian parties in the UK)
Yep. This is why I didn't vote for them and why I didn't celebrate the win. The wealthy have got their talons into the political system and now we just get 2 versions of what they want presented to us.
It's nice to see people are finally coming around to the fact that voting for red tories does not in fact get the tories out.
Lets hope we get another chance to save our country from right wing conservatism and people don't 'vote tory to get Labour out'
We need change of policies not tie colour.
And the government is just going along with it.
If they believe it's only those affected, let's look at the homeless on the streets (not nice for the visitors who come to see our monarchy), the hungry (not nice to see soup kitchens).
Labour seats. Labour not only doing the job of the Tories in cutting welfare to the disabled but facilitating the far right but abandoning their base.
So many of the ultra rich have argued for this.
Why are Labour ignoring them? It makes no sense.
The October budget did raise taxes on the wealthy, what do you think the furore over IHT and Vat on school fees was about? They also raised CGT.
Do you know what timeframe these savings are over? Are they cuts or savings?
The tories designed a system people get lost to, rather than a system to help them.
That’s what they’re addressing.
I can’t see benefits increasing currently, but I’m hopeful the targeting will improve.
Hope that helps you sleep at night.
They seem happy to follow tory dogma and are unwilling to tackle the rich.
You disagree with millionaire landowners having to pay inheritance tax? With private school fees being subject to VAT to fund breakfast clubs for all state schools?
Perhaps you disagree with Starmer’s deft handling of Trump or bringing together Europe to protect Ukraine?
They threw them out to do this shit.
But no Labour government should choose to hurt poor, sick, old and vulnerable people instead of raising taxes for the rich.
Stand up for what's right, or be like USA.
RED TORIES? BLUE LABOUR? There's your choice.
They refuse to tackle tax avoidance and evasion.
Austerity will result in the absolute opposite of what’s needed!
‘Every £1 invested in health makes £4’
LOL, D.S.M.cMindful ("ALL PROTECTED FROM EACHOTHER N OTHER'S?!!";);( DuhRoarinGMO 20's PIBBLE'SHIT'SHOW N SHINE SUICIDEALL yankeeBlankeeD.S.M.AKERivercidead PIBBLE'S 01b.MisogynisticSeX6x6x6Cist RACISTzionistKELLye GLEASON berry n smitHOElBrOAF (2EAST INDI@N'S @RE COOL!!) profit's over PEOPLE!!
Almost like the oligarchs own both sides...
* I can't honestly see any of the other 398 resigning on principle
A tax on the richest
Attacks on the poorest
No thanks @teamlabouruk.bsky.social
Never again. Trust utterly destroyed.
(1) Labour governments behave like Tories:
(2)The Country never learns from its mistakes. Labour trying so hard to keep foolish promise not to raise taxes, forced down the same road as their predecessors , who wanted to reduce taxes.
Austerity never works. Never.
What works? Massive national infrastructure programs that directly engage citizens in employment, engineers, scientists and businesses in research.
A ceo earnings cap of 100x lowest earner, and a 2% tax on personal fortunes above £10m would hurt no one (although they would scream) and regenerate the country.
Shareholders in a company should also get taxed at higher rates on the earnings from these companies
Changing the rules to allow people to earn more if they're able & not be afraid of loss of some benefits seems sensible.
wonder why?
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Also, it’s a fact that there are too many benefits claimants who aren’t eligible for benefits.
Towing the Tory line on benefit cuts
And seemingly fawning over Trump
People need to understand this asap
Same shit house. Different curtains.
We need better parties to pick from
The hope that we could have a different kind of Govt, actually working for the people, to better our lives, to raise living standards, to actually be decent fkng people is gone.
This Govt is no better than those before.
I am voting Lib Dems or Greens next time for sure!
I'm not sure as many people will be convinced to do it again tbh.
Lets hope we get another chance to save our country from right wing conservatism and people don't 'vote tory to get Labour out'
We need change of policies not tie colour.