This is absolutely shocking. Surely instead of cutting benefits for disabled people, the moral thing to do would be to introduce a wealth tax on the very wealthiest people in our society?
For the first time in my life I feel politically homeless.
Oh wait, they are Tories.
Labour have also banned bonuses for polluting water bosses in legislation that recently passed the Commons.
Elected with a huge majority. on a mandate for change, yet choosing to continue implementing Tory-esque cuts. Disgusting.
Property (home/investments)
Pension pots
Shares (own Co / investments)
Cash/liquid asset(s)
Much of which could be distributed between family members and ‘wealth tax’ avoided ..
Before hitting the most vulnerable people in society
Cut the allocated budget by exactly that amount.
Just saying.
Why don’t they?
Corbyn wasn,t keen on the EU , the workers unions likewise.
Its just my view but I think the EU is not compatible with the majority of English people.
It might be empire syndrome mentality.
Unfair to the Scots & NI.
It shows too
It never did under the Tories.
Voters have been conditioned for 40 years that low taxes are preferable to poor and vulnerable people suffering.
Woke no longer means what it meant at it's origins - it's been manipulated. I suspect Socialism is on the same journey:
In summary, Western-style socialism has moved further toward inclusivity, environmentalism, and pragmatic solutions within capitalism, reflecting the needs of the 21st century.
a callous society takes care of the richest and most powerful, leaving the weak, the poor and the vulnerable to huddle in alleys, under bridges and in doorways.
The very wealthy have lawyers, media, lobbyists and the class system on their side - not such easy targets.
I have always looked to a labour govt to try to make a fairer society. Not any more.
Rich-mans paymasters FGS!
Narcissistic tantrums followed by world leaders fawning only feeds more tantrums and illegality.
How does this make sense?
Life is already tough if you have a debilitating condition. Adding huge financial pressure could become too much for them. There's no route out for those who simply can't work is fighting back.
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We were duped!.
Fix the causes of the problems by taxing the rich.
Invest in housing, education, social care.
Restore hope. Improve the quality of life and the well being of all - for happier, healthier people.
Children are the future.
Look after them.
Make sure the king and his siblings paid their inheritance tax
The inequality regarding ownership of land, property, immense wealth hasn't changed much in centuries
That's not to say genuine people should be hit, rather it needs to be sensible.
In total, their disabilities could be equally as severe
Would be great if the system included common sense and flexibility, but nothing today suggests that afaik?
That's not really the issue under discussion here though.
One law for the rich, another for the poor. No thanks.
Which makes him MORE of a human being than every current Labour MP.