This seems to follow the trend of " this person has a lot of social media following so they must be (a good singer, a good author, a good cook, whatever)" which is just patently not true. Let the people who are good at journalism do journalism. Not the ones with the most followers.
My grandpa was on the team that went into the Lima State Hospital and exposed the horrific conditions in mental asylum in the 70s (was up for a Pulitzer). He helped get Kennedy elected and was invited to his inauguration. I'm glad he's dead so he can't see the dessicated corpse journalism has become
Couple this along with deciding facts by committee and we're well on our way to a dark age in the midst of having more info at our fingertips then at any other point in history. The Future is going to make fun of us so bad
Especially since the Post has seemingly fired every woman who has dealt with harassment as a direct result of their previous pushes, siding with the abusers.
yeah seriously. I was just thinking how it's a recipe for burnout unless they're a reactionary centrist type who doesn't look up anything or cite sources or interview people and just complains about randos on twitter
The entire digital ecosystem runs on a single principle: Enrich owners by demanding free labor. Slavery-derived capitalism meets apartheid South Africa. Fair compensation -- any compensation -- is not an obligation but an affront.
i can kinda understand where it comes from, since people tend to follow journalists on social media and get their news from them rather than directly from the outlet. it feels like they're trying to embrace something that was already reality, but they're probably also trying to exert more control.
The last god damn fucking thing anyone should want from a reporter is for them to be a " personality". Reporters inserting themselves in the news story is a huge part of how we got here.
Personalities and content creators are not journalists. So it seems the Washington Post is declaring that it will be ceasing to be publication even related to journalism
what they should do is hire people who are good on camera at doing "explainer videos" to post about the stories. the journalists themselves are not good at this (that's why they are writers and not on tv), but it's a certain skill that not a lot of people have.
it sounds like they want influencers and not journalists.
i just can’t with paper and cable news. i’ve been tuned out for a while but now that while will be permanent. the news has been compromised by the republican billionaires that own it and their centrist useful idiots.
... okay, maybe it's not ALL bad.
(Don't crucify me I'm just fooling around. I'm aware that my reasoning here is unhinged 😅).
Better to grieve and move on
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i just can’t with paper and cable news. i’ve been tuned out for a while but now that while will be permanent. the news has been compromised by the republican billionaires that own it and their centrist useful idiots.
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