L.A. Times opinion staffers notify the executive editor that Soon-Shiong has banned criticism of Donald Trump unless its "presented side-by-side with another opinion piece representing the 'opposing view,’" via @oliverdarcy.bsky.social
Used to get the Times for many many years.
This ahole was lauded for saving the paper a few years back, and maybe he did.
But for what?
To provide less and less material, gouge the price and let good journalists walk.
And that last part ain't happening with his crappy paper hemorrhaging subscribers.
They may lose readership but they'll gain some others. In the UK the Daily Mail is the best selling newspaper and it's pure trash and....
LA Times will die as what it was but will likely survive as an advertising platform trying to stradle the rage/feels market.
And publish elsewhere.
on the other hand! ...
But the arrogance is truly astounding.
The “legacy” media really believes they will control the narratives moving ahead don’t they?
The future of journalism aint cable or network news or crusty old newspapers. Their demise is imminent.
• Elon Musk
• David Sacks
• Patrick Soon-Shiong
Answer: All of the above.
the ZA Connection taking over the world eh?
Yay Immigrants !!
Yay successful Immigrants living the American Dream !!
no, not those immigrants !!
Qatari-based Al Jazeera is far more objective than much of the mainstream US media who have joined the "Trump Loyalist" kool-aid line.
I suspect in most cases self-preservation will outweigh principle.
Soon shite has dandruff sized balls.
"Is this all I get? This tiny mic? trump got a much bigger one and I have more money. How can I perform fellatio on this tiny little thing? Be like trump, bee like trump, beeeee like trump."
No longer. This is journalistic malpractice. Cancel your subscription
Let them know you're cancelling and won't come back until they restore their journalistic integrity.
The oligarchs forcing the capitulation of the press has been just one of the many depressing outcomes of Nov 5.
It needs to die outright. Just kill the oligarch-owned Zombie Fourth Estate, people. Don't link to it. Don't click to it. Don't subscribe to it. The oligarchy and its toys of control and manipulation need to die.
Counter: LA Times sucks but in a different font
Fuck the New York Times.
Fuck WaPo.
Fuck ABC.
We need to support REAL journalism. My recommendations are https://www.propublica.org/ and https://talkingpointsmemo.com/
Who else ya got?
The very worst, obsequious form of journalism.
Creating a paradigm of "Are you Pro- or Anti-?"
Rather than "Will this policy, betray our morals/values as a nation?" debate.
NO ONE will remember why you helped shitler destroy everything.
ONLY that you helped shitler destroy everything.
The LA Times suffered an insignificant number of subscription cancellations.
I fucking hate this timeline.
criticisms curtailed;
the richest men on the planet shadow-driving the agenda;
enemies defined (illegal aliens and the LGBTQ+ community);
a rabid base locked in: fundamentalists.
Democracy is on the way out.
And I am not even a conspiracy person typically.
If nobody in leadership can figure out how to use this moment, it’s time to step aside.
The current "owner" contributes nothing of value and has no role in any journalistic enterprise.
LA Times out here making the Seattle Times seem reasonable.
Point: trump is a piece of shit because he is a rapist and a liar.
Counterpoint: trump is fucking garbage because he is a convicted felon and incompetent.
Someone should try it.
The arc of the immoral universe is long, but it bends toward bullshit until it eventually eats itself.
trump’s a pathological liar
CP: fact-checking = waste of time
immunization rates have fallen & previously eradicated diseases returned
CP: Sick kids are absent during school shootings
all trump’s nominees are destructive fools
CP: their incompetence will save us
Wonder what favours he is trying to garner from trumpy?!!
How's this working out for all the proles? Feeling the economic benefit yet? Don't hold your breath.
poor society
The old days of news is over.
“I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm … but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present.”
William Lloyd Garrison
The opposing view is that a jury did not find him to be a rapist...which is just a lie.
Sad times for the LA Times and it's legit reporters.
B.R.O.W.N. N.O.S.E.?
This dude is a grade-A creep.
- Not, you're not. Not unless someone is gonna write an opposing view that Trump shooting someone is actually good.
That's not a newspaper; that's a coin-flipping machine.
Listen, if you have an opinion, don't get cute about it. Just say what you think. Okay?
Another South African? Wtf