I’m totally willing to give China my TikTok viewing habits. The rest of what you said is absolute BS. Do you understand anything about operating system permissions and privilege levels?
I do, yes. "Permissions" are not really worth a penny when the app provider can access any data he wants on any device. Can you try to think for a minute?
And how exactly are they doing that? I’m happy to get to any level of specificity you would like as I’m an aging software developer with over 35 years of experience.
Every social media app you've ever used is spyware.
Pearl clutching about national security when no effort is made to stop US corporations from infringing on citizens' privacy and wellbeing just makes you look xenophobic or jingoistic.
The hilarity of arguing about spy ware while chatting on the internet is rib cracking. This is what boomers have such a hard time with. This is why Congress failed so miserably in regards to anything internet capable. It doesn't matter anymore. Everyone's data is in the interwebs and can be farmed.
a) what the fuck can China even do with my Chinese TikTok data that would affect me halfway across the planet?
b) facebook/google/the american government does this already and they are a much bigger threat to you or i than china
It's not about specific people. It's about gaining mass data from people and connecting it all together. To think that a spy agency is looking into YOUR data specifically is very idiotic.
Lol. Anyone can buy American data from a data broker. Remember Cambridge Analytica? Privacy is a thing of the past. Where have you been the last 20 years?
What exactly do you imagine they are doing with this mass of data that you imagine they have that you are afraid of? You prefer to give your data to Elon or Zuck?
I'm not giving to Elon, Zuck, China. I don't care what they do with it, I try my best not to be in the same boat with the clowns happily feeding that pile of data.
So we should also ban Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, etc? Do you ever search or browse the web? If that’s the argument I could probably support it on consistency grounds.
Me, personally, am not using Zuck / Elon stuff. I avoid Google at all cost, yes. Also idk when was the last time I touched something that Microsoft did. My life is pretty normal, everything I do is end-to-end encrypted.
dawg I have multiple friends on Snapchat who are in the navy and I can see exactly where their ships are when they’re out at sea, this isn’t a China vs America problem this information can be gathered by a trans girl
I'm confused at how you get to this level of care and don't just wanna wipe out capitalism because what need have people to spy when there's no privileges to gain?
You don’t think other apps on your phone collect mass data? I just found out about a new HealthPartners settlement because Facebook was stealing data, yet again
Exactly, meta is doing literally just that. The US gov is most definitely spying on its own people and doesn’t govern for the people’s interest soooo 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
That's why I try to avoid anything related to US. Haven't been there in years and since it's just a big clown show there I just sit and watch from far away.
Ok, they already bought that data from credit card companies and Facebook and Twitter and Google and Kroger and Toyota and United Healthcare and the NFL and every single company that has ever had a website so
That's why I willfully chose to give it full access to my location at all times, a permission I only ever give the default maps and weather apps on my phone.
Read Technofeudalism chat. There is no escaping having all your data stolen, at least you could chose to build a chinese cloud fiefdom instead of the american one
Enough American hands have been on my data, it would be selfish of me to not share with China. I mean no Chinese person has ever called me a tranny and told me that I should be eradicated.
they all take your data and use it to spy on you. there's a reason why you can look at a product on amazon and suddenly see an ad for it in google adsense, or on facebook, or on twitter
china doesn't give a shit about us civilians talking about their dinner, too. but doordash notices
they all do it, ad companies stash that data and license it to big corporations via services. this is why competing companies all seem to know what you were eating and what you were googling for
YEAH! unlike instagram, facebook, twitter, etc. etc.
you demented racist twat, you really think the US government is more benign than the chinese gov, i have a bridge to sell you, you mark, you rube, you fool
Do you ANY research before you write this stuff? Do you know who paid a ton of money in lobbying to get rid of TikTok? Did you know our info on TT is stored in Texas? I can't with you people. FB and Google have been caught selling our info to China. Stop spreading the propaganda!
what do you think all the other social media apps do? like obvi this is a cynical advertising spree for Redbook, but if your argument is just "Spyware bad" then you really shouldn't be using any communications technology.
Preserving crumbs of democracy during the shitshow of oligarchy and incompetence means understanding national security. There are people attempting to protect a modicum of freedom while the kakistocrats leave us open to expert authoritarians. Trump is a moron; Xi isn’t.
I apologize for my momentary disgust. I should’ve said: People can become so devout, so gullible so quickly. Rednote is worse than TikTok. Seems to be that the same people who shout fascist! also give themselves over to authoritarian regimes who give us plastic toys to play with.
If you don't want to be tracked or have your data used, don't have a phone ig. I'm pretty sure every electronic in my house is listening to me and at this point I am probably just a conglomeration of price tags and algorithms. I've just decided to accept it. 🤷
You can do a search and see.
Pearl clutching about national security when no effort is made to stop US corporations from infringing on citizens' privacy and wellbeing just makes you look xenophobic or jingoistic.
b) facebook/google/the american government does this already and they are a much bigger threat to you or i than china
What more can they really get from rednote
Google Microsoft Meta dont do this?
China hasn't bombed anyone in a long time
We can barely go a day without our cops murdering someone
Are you sure China is the scary bad guy here?
china doesn't give a shit about us civilians talking about their dinner, too. but doordash notices
I'm far more concerned about the NSA/CSIS having my data
you demented racist twat, you really think the US government is more benign than the chinese gov, i have a bridge to sell you, you mark, you rube, you fool
I teach English to people in China.
They pay ME. I get money FROM China.
(sticking tongue out at your in defiance)
You want no spyware? Burn every phone and computer.