Love these Penguin Science Fiction Classics (L) but is that just because I'm a man in his 50s who remembers what 70s Penguins looked like?
At least they make me want to read the books, unlike Gollancz SF Masterworks (R) which always seemed designed by someone who especially loathed science fiction.
At least they make me want to read the books, unlike Gollancz SF Masterworks (R) which always seemed designed by someone who especially loathed science fiction.
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Bad cover art spans medium, too. Movie posters, for the most part, are less aesthetically pleasing, too.
In any case, the line spacing on those titles is uncomfortably small and I wouldn’t let one in the house.
I agree with you, I far prefer the Penguin covers but the garishness of the SF Masterworks has a pulp aesthetic. SF for lit-fic people v lit-fic for SF people
I forget the original asking price (I didn't buy it!) but copies now change hands online for ridiculous amounts
'Hey, you know how Stranger Things made retro 80s SF and horror really cool again? Well, let's... completely ignore that.'