Knitter here. Love cabled sweaters, and always have socks on the go as well. Recently discovered Brooklyn Tweed (love their cabled knits!) and Arcane Fibers (beautiful hand-dyed fingering color ways for socks). My yarn stash will outlive me.
I started by first ever cast on. Been looking at it next to me and need to do the actual first knit row. Right now, being a 70 single woman on SS only, I am in a constant state of terror. Not just for me but for my beloved country and all the non-Maga women, LBGQ++, and people of color.
i can knit like crazy, but have yet to be able to follow a pattern. I suppose I should break down and take a class (do they have those?) because i would love to be able to create a work of art. Your work is beautiful!!
Yes! Please post about knitting! I am going to miss you so much, but I can't take any more US politics right now. I have the luxury of blocking it all out as I'm in the UK, but I want to cry for you and the other SILs. I hope you are ok. I am so upset for you all.
Been itching to get back to knitting and crocheting after 4 months of living out of a suitcase, but thankfully the end is in sight and I’ll be able to work with yarn again just in time for winter!
Yes, absolutely! (I'm a knitter, not you asking for too much.) I have too many WIPs, and a wicked yarn stash! I'm afraid I have accumulated more yarn than I can possibly knit, unless I live to be 130.
Me! But I’m not very good. My mother was an amazing fiber artist.
I recently picked up embroidery again and am having fun practicing and creating.
Survival mode activated.
I knit, weave, spin, embroider, quilt, and sew. I write, teach, garden, and raise chickens (Silkies, most recently). I'm a nurse, musician, and mother of three marvelous women. And I've been a Socialist since childhood, having been raised by a Swedish born far Left grandma.
Knitting is my addiction and therapy. I'm working on another sweater rn..and this is one I just completed a week ago. So glad to have found a thread with knitters! 😊
I’m a knitter! I’m based in #Alaska but I travel often, and always take knitting along. This is a project I was working on in a little bar in Chiang Mai, Thailand last winter.
Knit and crochet - working on baby blankets at the moment and a very important Emotional Support Chicken. Embarrass my friends by dragging a project almost everywhere - even sitting in a field watching a horse show.
many #knitting feeds to choose from. What I really like about this platform is that whenever I need to I can just click on, say, the #gardening feed I follow and all I see is plants. Except for that guy who posted pictures of his BBQ dinner the other day. ...
I've been in a funk lately....
Love your posts.
My brain is fried rn but I hope to pick up stitches for armholes on a tank top soon.
So pleased to see you here!
and you knitted a lil doggo too!
Do you know about Colourmart?
I recently picked up embroidery again and am having fun practicing and creating.
Survival mode activated.
I miss it 😩
Mainly just jumpers or cardis for myself these days. I think it’s genetic!