But which console? A handheld like the switch or an Xbox/Playstation they planned on playing in the Pelosi household on the Pelosi's TVs while wearing the unicorn costumes?
It's like that old Steve Martin bit where the terrorist demands a getaway car and the letter "A" stricken from the alphabet. He did it so he could plead insanity if he was ever caught. Then Steve snickers "getaway car".
If he and Pelosi are both wearing unicorn costumes, the snipers won’t be able to tell who to shoot and if they try to arrest him he holds up the Canadian passport and says “diplomatic immunity” and they have to let him go
OTOH, Neal Stephenson would write something even weirder and it would be 100% consistent with the characters and storyline.
Straight to jail. These nutbags will keep doing it.
The Pelosi's needed some good protection dogs and a patrol.
Somehow, this was even weirder than I thought it was going to be.