I just won the Music Championship, probably my last, at Trump International Music Club, in Palm Beach County, Florida. Such a great honor! The Awards dinner is tonight, at the Club. I want to thank the wonderful Music Staff, and all of the many fantastic musicers, that participated in the event.
IF true (big emphasis on “if”), sounds like dad probably told him once that going into the arts was “too girly” or some shit
results of generational toxic masculinity bullshit maybe on display here? Insecure men who have sons LOVE to pass that kind of behavior down and teach it early 💀
Oh... C'MON!!! It's another bogus, self-aggrandizing story, like "my uncle taught at MIT..." Well, I guess he IS competent to run and ruin the Kennedy Center... 🙄
He knows more about war than "the generals"! He knows more about the economy than economists! He knows more about pandemics than epidemiologists! It's impossible for us regular folk to comprehend a very stable genius like Donald Trump. We should have assumed that he also had an aptitude for music.
I’m old enough to remember the “Was Trump actually any good at baseball in high school?” discussion. (He wasn’t. And he was such a bad team player he made a left-handed guy play 3rd because he was too much of a baby to give up 1st.)
It is literally impossible to have an aptitude for music, or even the most basic sense of rhythm, and manage to “dance”as badly, and as off-the-beat, as Trump does.
Trump could never play any instrument with those tiny hands. His voice sucks so he could never be a singer. What sort of music does he like? Is it the song YMCA? He claims to know the bible but can't quote a single passage. He doesn't know shit.
Gotta be one of those types who think knowing all the words to one (1) pop song "by heart" is some kind of super-human accomplishment. Anyway, moving on to the death and evil he's decided should be his legacy instead...
A movie came out a few years ago about that period in Hitler’s life. I think Willem Dafoe played a gallery owner(?) in it. It was an interesting “what if” piece. He’s written as a young man who has a small talent but is desperate to succeed. And the art world says “Nein!”
I just keep thinking of a scene from Pride & Prejudice when Lady Catherine says, few people in England have as refined a musical taste as I do. I would have been a true proficient (at piano) if I'd ever learnt."
"Trump's upset he has to go to court."
He’s still a Nazi.
Such, um, grace.
That’s his”aptitude”
*He's gonna do it, and create another Constitutional crisis, because he's still facing possible prison time in 2029.
Not something you lose like your fucking car keys.
He's not qualified for a damn thing...but he is white.
results of generational toxic masculinity bullshit maybe on display here? Insecure men who have sons LOVE to pass that kind of behavior down and teach it early 💀
B. Trump telling people he has aptitudes for things has been his life’s work. His actual life continuously debunks himself.
And they had the fucking GALL to lecture everybody about how "out of bounds" it was to critique that fucker
Cassie Hutchinson's Trump-paid lawyer said about her:
"Like, don't worry. She's friendly to us."
what, he could slam down 5 diet cokes and then belch the alphabet?
There's no evidence whatsover to indicate Trump ever did anything at all to apply his alleged musical aptitude.
This idiot can't even tell the difference between The Blue Danube and Gangnam Style!
That's like me telling Motor Trend that I invented the automatic transmission.
If he can play any recognizable melody on any instrument in the world I’ll wear a MAGAt hat.
He’s a gifted ballerina 🩰.