I think a bit of the "AI is democratizing art" argument is trying to avoid the ugly truth that to get good at anything you have to do a lot of it. I grew up "knowing" I was a good writer, but I really wasn't until about 700k words, and it took reading hours of scripts to really have a voice
I ramble enough to probably start a podcast but I stay on topic so poorly that no one would listen to me for more than fifteen minutes
I used to write a lot, then life got in the way and I stopped. It's been 10 years and now my fiction writing is absolutely awful.
I'm disappointed in myself and I can see the appeal on training AI on my old work to get "my voice" back. But that's a shortcut.
The problem is those groups are now harder to find since the internet has changed.
I also saw someone post that art doesn’t need to be democratized, we all have access to paint and paper
I've argued with people over this who will look for all kind of excuses why ai is good actually and i had to keep myself from just yelling: yes, art is hard but anyone can do it. just sit your butt down and do it. do it badly, do it irregularly, idc, just do it with your own two hands
But that means I’m more likely to collab with others to fulfill visions.
It’s GOOD to be in group projects re bringing arts to people. It’s communal.
That's who AI art is for. Anti-creatives.
“I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself. I am utterly disgusted” - Hayao Miyazaki about AI
IMHO creating art is the most human thing to do
Of course people who aren’t internally motivated to behave humanely have no desire to create, only to brutalize and destroy
They don't mean it. They want something that sounds positive to the public so they can proceed with their con and make a lot of money.
Same goes with chess players secretly using stockfish.
1. Interest - You must have Interest in wanting to draw, without it you will lack motivation and you will look for the easy way, which may look like efficiency but it is actually laziness (1.
And I can go on with more but I am going to stop here, these three played a huge role when I became an Artist, and finally just think about this, I am a High School drop who is an Artist, what does that say about those who are trying to find the easy way (4.
The people who are using AI to get ahead of that skills gap do not want to "waste time" in the adventures and processes of learning and honing a personal style.
And people have become super judgmental way earlier on in kids' lives, too.
So whatever spark of joy the kid has can get snuffed earlier.
I think it’s amazing technology that has grown out of the question “what can we get a computer to do?”.
Programming it is a form of creativity in problem solving in itself, but that does not mean I want (or society needs) AI art.
I think I could be a good writer - I’ve got some talent - but I do not have the reps to actually get there yet and I’d need to spend much more time practicing
no real shortcuts