It also makes me feel insane that the rat fuck around Biden’s age and mental capacity is being uncritically spread around by Democrats when Trump is *incredibly obviously* grotesquely mentally incapacitated, in a way that is genuinely terrifying.
Reposted from
Faine Greenwood
It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
For *years* Trump's shown uninterrupted, increasingly severe cognitive symptoms: he's incapable of linear thought at baseline.
Whatever disrupted Biden's linear thought in the debate is at worst intermittent.
Bonus: he's not an overt fascist.
let's kill all pundits
you decide
What the fuck is going on
They screwed up the narrative that could have run for weeks.
There are FAR too many people insulated from reality and don't think tRump is a danger.
There won't be a viable 3rd party candidate for DECADES, because THAT is what it will take to properly build a party from the ground UP, instead of throwing random nutballs at the top spot every 4 years.
"Dog catcher on up" is how the GOP got where they are.
A 3rd party could find someone that actually deserves to be President (a first), and they'll likely lose, and if they didn't, they wouldn't get a DAMNED thing done.
Dog. catcher. on. UP.
It's going to take a very strong, very fit and very attractive Democrat to beat Trump.
Yes, Biden’s debate performance was extremely concerning. But Trump says much worse things at essentially every event he does now!
Republicans simply choose to ignore the mental condition of their candidate. But this isn't what Democrats should do too.
BTW, MAGA wants Biden to stay in the race. Trump will decline the next debate because he has nothing to gain. Meanwhile, all they need to do is wait for Biden to slip again so they can pounce—and that's a very good bet.
But Biden is old and is funding genocide!
(Which is absolutely shit, and something to be furious about), but the alternative is someone intent on DOING genocide himself.
Like, America? Put your own fucking oxygen masks on first?
We all know that should he fail to make it through the next 4 years (Gd forbid) we have a perfectly competent VP to step into his shoes. Policies continue, the world continues, life goes on.
It's all up with Trump.
MAGA is lockstep that Trump can do no wrong. They are remarkably consistent with this.
But this requires idolatry, hypocrisy, and willful ignorance that Dems don't possess. They are too principled.
So, in battleground states, MAGA wins.
There is only a 3 year difference between them and many want to ignore his compensation for a stutter.
Because how you CAN hear him talk and not think he’s completely lost any grip he may have once had, I do not understand.
I don't really GAF what he has, I just wish it would speed up exponentially.
Trump seems like he's got dementia, Biden seems like he's slowing down a normal amount for his age.
You can argue they're both too old. They are! But those are the choices.
The other talks about sharks and Hannibal Lechter and thinks some airplanes are invisible, and hoards paperwork, some classified, in the bathroom in his own personal Versailles.
1. Hannibal Lecter was A Good Guy
2. Hannibal Lecter was real
3. Hannibal Lecter is dead now
All three are alarming.
The other guy hasn't even picked a running mate yet, and for all we know it may be David Duke or Steve King.
Like, what are we doing here?
but unfortunately everyone he's ever met is an unprincipled, self-obsessed, greedy, two-faced, backstabbing rat-fuck you couldn't trust to put a quarter in a meter
so you can see the sort of dilemma he's in
At least you can say Biden put in his time for 40+ years.
I can only imagine the America we’d have if the media hadn’t been bought by oligarchs hellbent on bending us to their will.
Famously unhealthy too, a lot more likely to drop dead of a stroke or heart attack.