Some unnamed dimwit may have just dropped a very expensive laptop from an about two foot height, putting a small but notable curve in the lid, which he then oh-so-gently bent back into something approximating its previous form. This unnamed dimwit needs to be much more careful with my stuff.
Asking for a friend.
I don't even want to imagine how much a shop would charge.
He told me about it a few days later.
"When I looked at it, it had a distinct curve, so i turned it over and drove over it again. "
It worked, Toshibas of that vintage are tanks.
Don't do that, please.
Cut to me frantically bending it back into approximate flatness while nervously checking if she has boarded yet to see.
Solution: Laptop strap and mounting hardware.
Thank him with a glass of good wine.
Also because I don't have anyone else to blame.