CRISIS AVERTED: This morning Krissy went "sock-shoe, sock-shoe," knowing FULL WELL that this is a "sock, sock, shoe, shoe" household. All my assumptions about the foundational principles of our relationship were called into question until she said she did it this one time just to fuck with me. Whew!
I also usually do that when I’m putting on work boots because I’m disrupting my pant legs to pull up taller socks than I usually wear.
1. Nuclear war
2. sock, shoe, sock, shoe
3. Serial killers
(In the ALL IN THE FAMILY skit it was boots, so tying didn't come into it.)
I'm likely an abomination.
When you have mobility issues, it makes perfect sense to attend fully to one foot at a time instead of twisting back & forth! 😉😁
Hehe on the sock-shoe!
Also, sock, shoe, sock, shoe is the true path.
As a person who lives in the Cascadia fault zone, I am constantly wondering if the big one will hit while I am one-shoed and that will cost me my life somehow.
(This is the energy our husky throws the moment you start rustling any outdoor wear.)
Please send help.
Now imagine that tiny moment of utter surprise when my Italian mind read your name and your post together…