Well he was married to the insane screaming woman that was attached to one of the Trump boys during the first Trump administration and I always wondered.
To everyone who wants this explained… my take? It’s meant to:
1.) Grab attention
2.) Appeal to an audience that doesn’t listen to MeidasTouch or Rachel Maddow.
I think it’s the same general idea of people who thought Kamala should go on Rogan. Not saying I agree, but I think that’s the theory.
If he can attempt a conversion without openly vomiting—great.
Our current messaging/branding sucks. Losing elections sucks. Watching FAFO is entertaining for 5 minutes, and then what?
Maybe these conversations can give us an insight as to *WHY* half of the country identifies with this mindset.
Whomever does his strategy, thinks that appealing to non-Trump alienated Rs that he's a centrist who isn't caught up distracted by the cultural war politics of the left further their serious consideration of him as president. Except, no one is taking him seriously.
I get the anger. Steve does belong in prison. However the GOP won nationally across the board so there should be a curiosity as to why. I listened to the Charlie Kirk one and it was insightful as to what other people believe, right or wrong
Because I truly do not get it.
His brand is getting ahead of lefty causes and pushing them hard.
This is the opposite and I doubt I'll ever vote for him again.
I can't trust him anymore
Newsom had a good chance of making it to the White House. Mainly because of his Presidential hair.
I think he can forget all that now. Not going to happen.
What’s the difference between this and Pete going on Fox? What’s happening is going to affect Bannons listeners too. They are not going to go to the Dem leaning podcasts.
I could understand a Crossfire type podcast, but it hasn’t been marketed as that, and you never go full Nazi and normalize these RW hateful racists, bigots, misogynists, & homophobes.
@governor.ca.gov has gone off the rails since returning from his Trump WH trip & Capitol Hill last month.
Someone wrap Mayor Pete in bubblewrap. I can't lose another bright, hopeful example to whatever brain-eating virus is spreading through people such as Fetterman and now Newsome.
Calm down everyone. This surprises me too, BUT I trust Newsom knows what he's doing. He is one of our biggest democracy defenders.
Don't let us down, @governor.ca.gov 🫶
No, you never normalize white supremacists and people who have called for the execution and jailing of innocent people for doing nothing other than voting and exercising their constitutional rights, and you don't normalize criminals who have commit serious crimes and who should be in prison.
I agree. We shouldn't normalize it, no doubt whatsoever! BUT, maybe he's gonna call him out? Maybe Newsom will show him for what he is?
I'm not sure what will happen but I don't think it will be good for Bannon. If I am wrong I will apologize and punch Newsom in his face. 🫶🦋
We don't need him to be platformed in this way to call out his disgusting beliefs. He is going to play friendly with Bannon, not treat him as the danger that he and people like him are to our country. That is assured because he is his guest. Just like he did with Charlie Kirk.
I get why people are upset with this but just consider the opportunity that he speaks to the other side and they actually listen? Who knows, it might work in our favor. Just saying.🤷♀️
Honestly, I think this is who he's always been. I don't think he has ever really held Dem values. He just adopted the platform because it helped him rise in his career in CA. He'll throw other groups under the bus, just like he did trans youth, if he thinks it will benefit him politically.
Really? Because I can't understand at all why someone with his ambition would be pissing off his base at a time when unity and solidarity (which I might add are SHIT among Dems right now,) are SO very important. I'm so tired of being disappointed by these people.
Likewise! Not to mention showing courage during the State of the Union gets you censured...by members of your own party! Who are so damn concerned about decorum, and playing by a rule book that the GOP burned in 2016!
RIGHT!? Omg, I literally had a 20 minute conversation with my therapist this week about the 10 dems who voted to censure Al Green, lol. Long story short, I have rage issues.
Weird. He acts as if he thinks they beat us bc of a couple of weaponized tactical issues. I think this is his flaw--seeing the trees but not the forest. This is so DNC.
I feel like he’s gearing up for a run at higher office with the premise of working across the aisle. Although, I haven’t been able to bring myself to listen to his podcast yet for fear that I’ll lose respect for him due to him giving magats credibility and a platform for misinformation.
Why is Newsom, a Democrat interviewing a "fine people on both sides"? This is just a speed run of his career going to end up in flames and lose credibility.
So very disappointed with my Governor. Like isn't he busy governing the 3rd largest state in the country? Who asked him to do a podcast at all anyway (much less one like this?)
I understand the logic but did they have to use an airbrushed picture of Bannon? He normally looks like he slept in his car for his podcast and court appearances.
No idea what he is trying to do other than make me write him off as another politician I had high hopes for but ultimately showed his true self. I‘m writing him off completely. Don’t cozy w anyone who is a Nazi/traitor. Leave your coat in a room w someone who smokes, soon it will smell, too.
This, I think gets at the reason for this. There is a split in the Trump kingdom between what you might call Original MAGA (Bannon) and the tech/oligarch newer people with the money (Musk). He may be trying to wedge that open.
I hate this. Problem is, Democratic leadership has failed miserably with messaging/branding; and judging by the outcome of the elections, people didn’t feel heard.
As much as I revile the POS he’s speaking to, maybe we can start to understand why people identify with MAGA.
We know why people identify with MAGA. They tried this crap the first time Donnie won, “understanding rural America” articles were everywhere for 4 years. And it was all bullshit. Because all they want is to hurt other people and be hateful.
I agree that many *DO* want to be hateful. But there may be some that regret voting as they did…aren’t those people that we want to win over in future elections?
Constantly speaking in an Echo Chamber isn’t working, and we need out of the box thinking.
You know what? Okay. Let’s go full sunshine optimism here. Let’s say there are people who can be won over. Do you believe that those are the same people who listen to Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon?
He’s being a real dummy. This is NOT going to help him get elected if that is what he is thinking. So many of the Dems have abandoned their base. I really didn’t think he would. So disappointed.
Why would you give the "we are bringing about a new world order by burning everything to the ground" a platform? SMH 😒
Enemy of the state is a fitting description of him and his ilk.
As a decades long biz development & branding expert (WWE/UFC) this is a 10/10 move to get this podcast off the ground!
WE MUST LOOSEN THE GRIP JOE ROGAN HAS HELD CAPTIVE ON YOUNG MEN WITH MISINFORMATION FOR YEARS and Newsom is MUCH smarter and a much more effective communicator than Rogan.
Which is wild. Fetterman had a stroke that likely fucked his brain up while in a purple state. Newsom is leading a very blue 5th largest economy with zero medical issues that we’re aware of.
Fetterman has always been a fraud. Him chasing an innocent runner with a shotgun through the streets of Braddock because he thought the runner (a Black man) was a thief. That should have been the end.
I liked what he did as Mayor, helping turn around the total shithole of Braddock that hasnt had the same impact before or after him. What he fought for as Lt. Gov were all good things.
Hes done a total 180 after his stroke. He’s simply no longer fit to be in office.
He's going to talk shit about Musk the whole time and how much he's hurting the country, it's actually pretty perfect because it's the only thing Bannon is right about so he can do the Dem messaging they are failing to do. I'm not picky.
All he is doing is losing those that supported him now. Too bad. You don’t change your stripes trying to get to where you want to go. Authenticity is what matters!
If I'm charitable: he is trying to communicate with the right and to reach people who listen to Bannon, Kirk, etc. His ambition is involved, but if we are EVER going to find our way out of the us/them polarization, we have to talk to each other.
He’s not trying to do anything but giving a platform to racist nazis. Newsom is done. He’s failing and he is now a danger to minorities. There is no such thing as a difference in opinion/views when it comes to racists. Racism IS NOT a difference in opinion.
Here’s the deal you can’t tell the Democrats that they are failing in getting their message across when their audience won’t listen to their media so the only way to get the message across to them is to go into their territory so I do understand the Steve Bannon thing
I hope this move leads to Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco's defeat. He's a pro-MAGA COVID denialist who claims immunizations cause autism and 'Chemtrails' are real. I think it's fair to say that RFK Jr has covered all those bases.
He knows most people forget but if he makes some maga voters think twice then it's a liberal gain. Wish him luck. Not a lot else is helping other than Trumps current chaos (max entrumpy).
What Newsom doesn’t understand is CA dems are done with him now, millions of dems from other states are done with him. And unless he joins his ex-wife Kimberly as a republican magat his political grifting days are probably over. So gross and unredeemable IMO.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” If it turns Red MAGAs to Blue MAGAs may not be a bad thing????? Not a fan of Newsom, but if he’s willing to enter the the lion’s den at least it’s SOMETHING.
That won't end it. It'll be forgotten & forgiven as soon as people realize the Democratic Party has no one. There 100% behind him now. He's related by marriage to Queen Pelosi, after all.
But, if the elections are now fixed for the GOP anyway, does it really matter?
As a life long Californian and someone who lived in SF during his time…I will do whatever it takes to make sure he’s never a presidential candidate. He’s always been a snake
He is certainly deceitful & a master of manipulation. I go hot & cold with him, particularly when it pertains to Trump. But, in no way do I want him as POTUS. He is going to leave the state hopelessly in the RED.
I have a friend who is a lawyer with the state and his whole time in office he’s gone against their recommendations. This whole thing about aligning with Trump to approve the delta tunnels is a lie. He was already planning to approve them. He’s very sympathetic to industry over the environment
What the hell is wrong with him?? And if you see what Newsom is trying to do here, could you explain to me why he suddenly wants to alienate everyone who supports him?
After the LeGrand decision, Newsom made being homeless on state land illegal, and encouraged cities to pass similar ordinances.
So I haven't trusted him since last summer.
He's not like us.
I don't understand what he's trying to do here. What? He's my governor and he's dealing with one of the worst fire aftermaths in our history. Truly a nightmare. And he's doing a stellar job.
So why suddenly is he cozying next to these guys creating so much negative press and hate?
He's done I'd never look at casting a vote for his dumb ass.
The magats despise him.
Can’t believe he’s doing this.
Alienating your base by inviting these sleaze balls on his podcast is just plain stupid.
Short sights lose fights.
Gavin having him as a guest on his podcast was a stupid move.
1.) Grab attention
2.) Appeal to an audience that doesn’t listen to MeidasTouch or Rachel Maddow.
I think it’s the same general idea of people who thought Kamala should go on Rogan. Not saying I agree, but I think that’s the theory.
Our current messaging/branding sucks. Losing elections sucks. Watching FAFO is entertaining for 5 minutes, and then what?
Maybe these conversations can give us an insight as to *WHY* half of the country identifies with this mindset.
Stupid fuck.
It’s a horrible strategy IMO, especially by platforming ppl like Kirk and Bannon. And agreeing with Kirk on trans people? Absolutely not.
Because I truly do not get it.
His brand is getting ahead of lefty causes and pushing them hard.
This is the opposite and I doubt I'll ever vote for him again.
I can't trust him anymore
Is doing.
I'm with Angry, though - Bannon? He may hate Elon but he loves what's happening now.
I think he can forget all that now. Not going to happen.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend
Cheers 🍻
bannon will NEVER be anything remotely like a friend.
Nick Fuentes, How about Stephen Miller? Might as well get Enrique Tarrio.
Opportunist Newsome already ‘28 election positioning:
“No. THAT’S just what they’d expect us to do….”
@governor.ca.gov has gone off the rails since returning from his Trump WH trip & Capitol Hill last month.
And we need to recall him and get him out so we can get someone in who will protect our state.
Don't let us down, @governor.ca.gov 🫶
I'm not sure what will happen but I don't think it will be good for Bannon. If I am wrong I will apologize and punch Newsom in his face. 🫶🦋
I missed the Charlie Kirk one.
He’s lost my vote for anything in the future.
Will someone in the leadership show a spine!
presidency is coming.
May as well be talking to Satan.
I said I understand what he’s trying to do.
He’s trying to be the Joe Rogan of the left. He’s also failing miserably.
He seems to think he’ll bring centrists to our side by debating the most awful people on the right.
As much as I revile the POS he’s speaking to, maybe we can start to understand why people identify with MAGA.
Constantly speaking in an Echo Chamber isn’t working, and we need out of the box thinking.
it beats platforming nazis.
#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
lgbtq people left camps convicted criminals. Texas wants to make it a felony to be transgender. bad trends start in Texas.
I'm not going to be throwing him any support in the future.
I reached my limit for tolerating the intolerant.
White supremacists should be in prison.
Enemy of the state is a fitting description of him and his ilk.
If he takes off the gloves, but avoids shaking hands, might be worthwhile.
1) The urgency of the current moment
2) Recent studies showing handing it to fascists does the opposite of mobilize the base
3) Common fucking sense
This is not just bad but an actively harmful idea to the point I now question if it’s intentional— he knows better than this
WE MUST LOOSEN THE GRIP JOE ROGAN HAS HELD CAPTIVE ON YOUNG MEN WITH MISINFORMATION FOR YEARS and Newsom is MUCH smarter and a much more effective communicator than Rogan.
Constituents who have supported him literally for decades are not liking what they are hearing.
This is not the way
You’re not going to gain Republican votes kissing MAGA nazi asses in polite interviews without burning bridges with the Dem voters you’ll need more.
This is an absolute fucking failure by Newsom
Hes done a total 180 after his stroke. He’s simply no longer fit to be in office.
We should be happy Charlie Manson is no longer available.
What a disappointment, though.
If I'm being uncharitable, it's just ambition.
Or it’s a case of straight up “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” kinda thing (the enemy here being Elon)
Which is highly unlikely what he’s doing
But, if the elections are now fixed for the GOP anyway, does it really matter?
So I haven't trusted him since last summer.
He's not like us.
So why suddenly is he cozying next to these guys creating so much negative press and hate?