WTAF??? I'm a nurse & I work with elderly folks. I've seen 1st hand over the last 10 years of the EXPLOSION of the theft of our Medicare $ going to so-called Medicare "Advantage" w/less care & TONS of profit being made. I'm an MDS Coordinator. It's really complex but it's how skilled nursing &
nursing homes get paid. This includes Medicaid. The people picked are there to dismantle it all. I work w/ such a diverse group of patients, including disabled folks. Why do they (& we) have to pay for this anti-science, anti-poor, anti-worker, project 2025 bullshit? For Elon to get even more of our
hard earned $? I'm sick of him. Of Trump. Of Vivek. Of poor Americans thinking these mofos give 2 shits about THEM. They DON'T. THEY NEVER WILL... JUST LIKE TRUMP & his family don't care. This is the #BiggestGriftofThemAll. It's like as if #IdiocracyHasComeTrue.
But as a nurse, I have to fight for
patients who cannot fight for themselves. I once had a patient who was a long haul truck driver. He was overweight, an uncontrolled diabetic that was a huge republican. Then he got so sick he was in a medically induced coma for 3 weeks. Took 3 weeks to come out of it. BC of the diabetes he got a
Stage IV pressure sore on his tailbone from his anus to the top of his sacrum & just as wide. It takes months & months to heal that. His tailbone was completely visible. He lost everything, including his semi. He had to get on Medicaid & public assistance. He said he'd never vote GOP again.
Because he realized all that trashing on the poor our people in a bad spot in their lives...well, that was him now. He recognized his own hypocrisy & CHANGED HIS MIND. BC HE HAD TO.
All the old grannies out there & disabled kids & normal retiring folks are gonna give Elon & Trump even more $. Sad.
Your story is very enlightening. The omissions in various systems have led to some benefits that should have been given. It's like the biggest scam of this century!
Take a screenshot & save it somewhere safe so that in 6 months, we can shove it down his throat. Trump had 4 years & did nothing for the majority of Americans. His administration was a disaster & that was with guardrails. We've seen this show before.
I'm somewhat comforted by the fact that Trump appears to be a rather lazy, easily bored man. He won't get much done. He'll be golfing for 4 years.🏌🏼♀️I think he can be contained. #Resist #Loudly #Organize
I sometimes point out that people were initially optimistic when he bought it and SDUT, because they had been owned by Trib (not great) and there was some concern it would end up in Gannett or VC hands
Of course he’s since sold SDUT to Alden and done this at LAT sooo
It’s just so “ in your face”. Just gangsters robbing us blind. There isn’t any local media to report it. No cable or network that will report it. No wapo. No LA fucking Times. Canceled for the last time. #leftisbest
I used to be a reliable subscriber. I hate that the local journalists are being punished for their boss’ behavior, but…Screw that noise; Never a single penny again to the LA Times.
Establishment media showing their cards; shameful and embarrassing in the extreme. Are they betraying their ignorance, or their slobbering capitulation to authoritarian gangsters? Either way, disqualifying, and all would do well to withdraw their attention from these sources.
Deliberately bankrupted the oldest hospital in Los Angeles (St. Vincent's) which served our most vulnerable population. He hates and harms and profits from this city.
PSS literally made his name/fortune investigating cancer vaccines so siding with deniers is only consistent if you ignore science and accentuate being rich and wanting to stay that way
Oh, and his bio brags about islet cell transplants he definitely did not do
...he knows that there are more than 3 MDs in the country, right? You could pick three random doctors from anywhere in the US, and at least they would probably remember that class in med school where they learned that vaccine good, lead poisoning bad.
If he doesn’t care about the sick & the poor in the US, he wouldn’t care about the ppl suffering in other countries. We must remember that very few of the billionaires/millionaires are benevolent; most of them only cares for more money!
He must be high on his own supply. Another billionaire traitor. He’s too stupid to realize that sucking up to the orange God is not gonna save his ass when the orange one wants to get rid of the msm media. Wake up, billionaires.
I’ve had multiple @latimes.com reporters on telling me the owner doesn’t interfere with the news side and that may be true but there’s zero reason why I should give to a business owned by this guy.
I was thinking the same thing. Like, how much money is enough? How much "stuff" is enough? I suspect what these billionaires seek is power. They want to walk in the corridors of power. Berlusconi was the same. Filthy rich but still reaching for power. 'Til the very end. He was a Putin pal, too.
Critics often point to instances where Soon-Shiong has overstated the potential of his treatments and research findings, leading to accusations of hype and misleading information to the public and investors. So...not listening to this guy's advice.
I heard somebody say the USA is best in the world in crisis care, but horrible for health care. If I'm in a car accident, USA is great. But it is true we don't focus on health. I admire the goal of HEALTH care, but don't trust these jokers to do it.
I hope his daughter is real pleased that she helped further degrade reproductive and LGBTQ rights just to watch Trump appoint Huckabee as Ambassador to Israel.
Groveling. Quite the fashion these days. Fortunately it is part of our historical record that everyone can read and watch in the decades to come after we return to our senses.
If someone has to announce that they’re a “free-thinker” or has “critical thinking skills” that’s usually the indicator that they’re on the fascist side. 🙄
It’s such a scary thought, but I think you’re right. We’re digressing into a dark, ugly phase in this country. I almost can’t believe we are sliding closer and closer to it and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.
Yes, I agree. Right now I don’t know what’s the most effective way to resist, besides ranting about how awful they are, but I don’t want to think this is it. More effective actions are needed, I get that. We have to figure out what those are.
There are people writing to their members of Congress every day already to complain about the various GOP nominees. One woman today said she writes to the DoJ every day to ask for an investigation of election integrity. I wrote to Biden today on the same topic. Let's start by getting LOUD. #Midterms
So I think there's stuff we can do right now. Like you said, connect with community.
Find good news sources and support them.
Join local organizations.
Register opposition to Trump appointees and urge Biden admin. to do what they can with judges by contacting legislators.
It's a mystery what med tech and pharma capitalists think they can get out of an anti-vaxx anti-science pro-quackery government. Do they think RFK Jr wasn't serious?
"In responses to POLITICO’s questions, Soon-Shiong defended his record of charitable giving and stated that many of his donations provided no tax benefit to himself." Oh, well as long as MANY of the donations weren't tax scams, that sounds fine 🧐
Why would Soon-Shiong say he didn't get tax deductions for all his charitable donations? Is there a limit to how much money one can donate to charity & get a tax break? Asking for real. 🙂
It’s not that the endorsements would have made a difference, per se. It’s the level of fealty it revealed in our most previously trusted journalistic institutions — and in billionaires who don’t need to be begging for favors but are terrifying as a force against us.
I’m furious not because the endorsements would have made a difference, but because withholding them contributed to the sanewashing and called editorial independence into question. Billionaires interfering because they can, which means they can do it again when it matters more.
last count we were at 4M fewer votes in 2024 presidential election than 2020. that is insanity and what delivered the race. i havent studied where or the demographics but my sneaking suspicion is the youths protest worked
I think those decisions were made w/o consideration that they would move the needle in any way. I doubt they thought they would or could. They were personal insurance policies.
It was bad of newspaper owners to shut down endorsements of Kamala out of their individual self interests (and lie to all of us about why) regardless of whether it factored at all in the election result.
Listen gang, legacy media is d-e-d dead. We've been fighting the corpocracy since at least the 80s but not enough people saw that. Bluesky is a good start, what do we do moving forward to expand, educate, influence and unify?
The amount of wishful thinking to imagine that just because these nutjobs hate vaccines, they will somehow reduce costs and improve health outcomes, is just staggering.
No they will make already rich Healthcare practitioners richer by screwing everyone else in the system. The reduced costs and improved health outcomes are just the justification for fucking over everyone else
The exorbitant prices we pay don't go to the medical care professionals, those prices go to insurance companies. it's WHY we need to abolish insurance companies in this country.
Same. I've subscribed for a couple decades, but this might be the final nail in the coffin. I just feel badly for the employees, and I actually enjoy the paper.
But as a nurse, I have to fight for
All the old grannies out there & disabled kids & normal retiring folks are gonna give Elon & Trump even more $. Sad.
People should stop grading on a curve. it's not a good look. The United States of America deserves better.
"In 2023, the number of people who graduated from medical schools across the United States amounted to 28,811 graduates."
🔗 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1270398/total-medical-school-graduates-in-the-us/#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20the%20number%20of%20people%20who,school%20graduates%2C%20followed%20by%20Texas%20and%20Pennsylvania.
These fuckers are going to implement eugenic policies that kill off sick people rather than treat them.
Is this some sort of South African businessmen conspiracy?
Reminds me of this: https://www.ft.com/content/cfbfa1e8-d8f8-42b9-b74c-dae6cc6185a0
Of course he’s since sold SDUT to Alden and done this at LAT sooo
I can see this happening under a DT regime - with control of DOJ, FBI and SC no one would be held accountable
Dark times ahead IMO
Oh, and his bio brags about islet cell transplants he definitely did not do
"Patrick Soon-Shiong: the billionaire LA Times owner who blocked Harris endorsement"
"Musk Says Trump Win Would Result in ‘Hardship’ for Some Americans"
"Musk, Thiel and the shadow of apartheid South Africa"
LA Times losing subscribers and credibility daily.
Prepare. Take stock. Count your allies, find your community, and prepare.
Find good news sources and support them.
Join local organizations.
Register opposition to Trump appointees and urge Biden admin. to do what they can with judges by contacting legislators.
The information and media ecosystem are deeply broken and delivered the race to Trump. This is a useful and anecdotal example of the central problem.
Who will take @latimes.com medical or health reporters seriously anymore (and actually they have been pretty good in the past.)
Where does Dr. Pat Soon-Shiong’s money come from?
Is it from (or related to) our shitty privatized healthcare?
Until, 😢