Both he and Jordy Peterson have this weird compulsion to appear as pathetic as possible via tweet when they’re trying to be tough guys; the weird boomer threats and childish analysis. 🙄
Uh oh,the guy who wrote dilbert has thoughts on the border and he’s
B I G M A D.
I'm going to guess the multiple divorces, combined with an ego the size of a planet.
It's the corollary of the "No matter how hot she is..." idiom: "No matter how rich or famous he is, some woman out there is sick of his shit.". And he took it personally and terribly
I'm sorry, the border between two countries is a man thing? Am I getting that right? He's going to biologically, through maleness, keep people from crossing the border? Or is there a different border, perhaps a gender fluid one?
What in the name of fuck does this mean? I may not be from the US but Id like to think I have some kind of a notion about whats going on over there and I am fucking stumped.
I remember his absolute meltdown on Feministe back in the day. It was around the same time (ish) that Richard Dawkins went all-in on "sexually harassing women at conventions is okay, actually" about Rebecca Watson.
He had written something about how women were dumb and didn't experience oppression and showed up in the comments of Feministe to insist that women were dumb. I wish I could remember the details.
My uncle had the complete Dilbert and then I grew up and realized that he actually identified with the other parts of Dilbert besides being a curly haired rotund software engineer
I never liked or even understood "Dilbert" even when everyone thought it was so great, because the closest I've ever been to the cubicle world was when an engineer client who had to work late alone paid me to give him a break.
If I didn't already know all I needed to about how far down the toilet Xitter is, the fact that Adams post wasn't ratioed into oblivion would do it. Just, wow.
He’s saying a few things:
1. Suggesting immigrants rape women
2. Suggesting immigrants have more babies, making whites a minority
3. Suggesting immigration takes pressure off white women to reproduce
4. Doesn’t want to compete with immigrants for dates
5. Doesn’t want to have mixed grandkids
The alt-right has always been like this. It’s almost physically painful to listen to their hateful bullshit. But people need to understand the arguments being made.
They see their traditional gender role as “protecting women.” Even though we know most assaults are committed by someone you know, their racism and chauvinism won’t let them think about that. See this post by Jordan Peterson
*stand up*
office cubicles - amirite?
bosses, eh? what's with them?
uh-oh! spreadsheets!
*cries of bravo*
women shouldn't be involved in anything that's serious
like... that's biology, right?
*audience throws things*
hold on, let me do my funny foreigner voice...
That’s when “cuck” became a popular insult. That was their critique of Jen Bush’s immigration policy they thought was too lax. They said it had to be based on a sexual fetish of what the immigrants would do to his wife.
I think the comment above got it - he thinks letting brown people immigrate will result in (horrors) biracial children. Up with which no Red-Blooded White Man will put, cue the fourteen words, etc.
My Irish aunt married and miscegenated with my Mexican immigrant uncle in like 1964, so pretty sure Dilbert guy’s race nightmare is not as new as he imagines.
Whenever I see things like this, I flash back to the episode of "News Radio" where he made a cameo. Who would have thought then that he and Rogan would elicit so many eye rolls here in the future.
In the past year or so I have taken to saving ads from one of the latest TwitterClones (x)
I don't know if this ad was effective for the buyer/Tweeter/blue check but it makes me laugh.
I remember I unfollowed him on Twitter because he'd repost a bunch of transphobic content. Then again, he's been tight with Him Goad for awhile so can't completely be unexpected
I'd had email exchanges with him and he was really nice to me. I have the Liartown book. I was kinda glad when it found a post-Tumblr platform but, given his turn, I simply grew cold to it
I expected that was coming, after he unloaded on me on the old site one day, for my innocuous observation that decent people calling assholes assholes was to be expected.
Same thing that happened to Tatsuya Ishida (webcomic artist for "Sinfest"): the initial schtick of "subversive to the status quo" lost its way when what they were advocating as "subversive" became mainstream. Rather than pivot to more challenging/complex issues, they simply reversed their position.
I suppose I should have seen his early unrequited love gags as proto-incel content, but admittedly I thought that stuff was mostly cute and funny and it is very sad to see where he ended up
The weird thing is that he went completely in the other direction and became an anti-porn radical feminist for nearly a decade, then he became transphobic, then THAT caused him to radicalized in the direction of the far right
my sense is that he started doing comics about the annoyances at work, then got fired from his job and/or quit because the cartoon was making him more money anyway, then started relying on mailed-in stuff from his audience for ideas, then ended up eaten by his audience
Uh oh,the guy who wrote dilbert has thoughts on the border and he’s
B I G M A D.
It's the corollary of the "No matter how hot she is..." idiom: "No matter how rich or famous he is, some woman out there is sick of his shit.". And he took it personally and terribly
That is fascist organicism.
Man am I glad I stopped thinking Adams had anything intelligent to say. Sadly, it still took until like... 2006 I think for me catch on
Thanks for the clarification
Dude has clearly lost his marbles.
Reading Dilbert now: The dog is an avatar for the author's psychosexual rage and sociopathy.
Said no one.
I only remember it because he was starting to give off weirdo Republican vibes and that’s about the time I stopped reading his stuff.
1. Suggesting immigrants rape women
2. Suggesting immigrants have more babies, making whites a minority
3. Suggesting immigration takes pressure off white women to reproduce
4. Doesn’t want to compete with immigrants for dates
5. Doesn’t want to have mixed grandkids
It would almost be impressive, if it wasn't for all the stupidity, sexism and racism.
(That being said, thank you for explaining or it would have bothered me all day... or at least for an hour)
office cubicles - amirite?
bosses, eh? what's with them?
uh-oh! spreadsheets!
*cries of bravo*
women shouldn't be involved in anything that's serious
like... that's biology, right?
*audience throws things*
hold on, let me do my funny foreigner voice...
I mean, in what language does that even make sense?
Also, women would feel safer walking around at night. (This kinda is).
My Irish aunt married and miscegenated with my Mexican immigrant uncle in like 1964, so pretty sure Dilbert guy’s race nightmare is not as new as he imagines.
Nope, I got nothing, he's got brain rot. Best to put him down before he spews any more idiocy out
It is weird and sad how this guy went from making a comic strip that was pretty funny when it first showed up in the Post... to whatever this is.
I don't know if this ad was effective for the buyer/Tweeter/blue check but it makes me laugh.
Sometime in the ’00s Adams started relying on reader mail to come up with jokes and now the hero of the strip is the pointy-haired boss.