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SIGNAL GATE is a threat! The incompetence that many of us knew existed prior to the confirmation of these individuals is on full display for the WORLD & it’s weakening US, collectively. The fact that there is an obsession over wanting me silenced tells me that I need to speak out more. 🫶🏾
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If Trump issued an Executive Order requiring all newspapers to send articles to the WH for review before publication, would newspapers report it is a “requirement” or “mandate”? Or would the fact it’s preposterously illegal and unconstitutional make right into the lede and headline?
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Why do news organizations keep misstating the effect of this executive order? The president does not regulate elections in this country.
Democrats continue winning recent special elections, this time flipping a PA State Senate district that Trump won by 15 points against a candidate backed by Elon Musk.
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BREAKING: Democrats have just flipped a Pennsylvania Senate seat in a special election. Trump won the district by 15 points. 🔵 James Malone (D): 50.0% (26,951) 🔴 Josh Parsons (R): 49.1% (26,469) 🟡 Zachary Moore (Lib.): 0.9% (480) Keep fighting!
A proposal to severely limit guns that use detachable magazines is approaching final passage in the Colorado legislature. The state's Democratic governor, Jared Polis, is expected to sign it into law.
“You simply can’t treat the airstrike group chat the same way you treat the friend’s girlfriend’s birthday brunch planning group chat. … I mean, these dumbasses are probably planning the invasion of Greenland on Snapchat right now.”
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💯 — not to mention the guy who chose them all