So here’s my thought: I’m not asking anyone to trust these people. I’m not asking you to take them into your hearts.
But. My personal plan is when someone tells me this, to tell them that they were lied to, and I’m sorry that happened, and they deserve a better leader.
But. My personal plan is when someone tells me this, to tell them that they were lied to, and I’m sorry that happened, and they deserve a better leader.
Reposted from
David J. Loehr
Was out getting groceries this morning, overheard a few conversations that were basically:
-- He what?
-- He shut it down.
-- He can't, we need that.
-- And I voted for him.
-- So did I.
-- Motherfucker.
Some were about health, one about WIC programs, all seemed to be Trump voters.
-- He what?
-- He shut it down.
-- He can't, we need that.
-- And I voted for him.
-- So did I.
-- Motherfucker.
Some were about health, one about WIC programs, all seemed to be Trump voters.
It’s kind of like trying to sympathize with a child who has hurt themselves doing the exact dumb thing you just warned them not to do.
My problem is they weren't lied to. Everything that's happening is exactly what was promised. The problem is they thought the promises were lies...
In my heart I am furious, but that's mine to deal with.
And if we believe in "do unto others," then kindness and patience will go a longer way than anger.
I wasn’t asking for you to participate, and I also wasn’t asking for edits.
We all should not be doing the same thing.
* i know, they were pigheaded idiots, but TELLING them that won't help.
Yeah, you voted for him even though he literally said he’d do this stuff, & everyone with two brain cells switched on at the same time told you he really would in fact do this stuff. You told us we were overreacting and he wouldn’t really.
But I think most people get defensive when they hear “I told you so.”
(“You” here meaning, trump voters at the grocery store, etc, not Courtney)
You know what moved me over from the far right when I was young? It was being embarrassed for the dumb shit I was saying and having to slink away and really think about things.
You're not going to nice your way to them.
A lot of people will say, "You can't change someone's mind by yelling at them," but I know someone who needed that shock to his system before he could start listening to the calmer voices of reason.
But if you have more success another way, more power to you.
(That's not letting people off the hook, that's letting people grow).
1) Trump mostly lost voters compared to 2020 - but lost less than Dems - not gaining them (so lies mostly did not achieve rightward herding of vote).
2) Media trust is very partisan see & how few outlets have trust from majority of GOP voters.
I would never expect someone who is to be as gentle or accommodating. I would expect them to protect themselves and express all the righteous anger they need to.
They knew. They were told. There was evidence. There was a first term. There were felony convictions. And, for the exceptionally dense, he said he was going to do this.
I intend to rub their noses in it.
They're stubborn, self-obsessed, self-absorbed people who only start to care when things start hurting them personally. Keep your message simple and emphasise how Trump is to blame for *their* pain.
And repeat it again.
And again. And again.
For the next 4 years.
At all times.
At all opportunities.
And never stop.
Full stop.
Maybe empathy will come with time but today I’m terrified & angry & have no time to coddle anyone who chose this when suddenly it’s hurting *them*
I just don’t believe it will be helpful to do it to their face.
Occupy Wall Street got far without structure and leadership, acting in a decentralized and organic way. People can start now at grassroots levels.
I think there can be redemption for the former... much harder to forgive the latter.
*Goes back home to keep getting their news from BonerLord 420's YouTube channel*
Sorry, but I cannot be a good person about this.
"I'm furious he's doing this to us, aren't you?": consensus-building
It took baby steps and lurches for me to fully move away from the lies.
If we make fun of people who say they did their research we have to acknowledge that some of this is people who listened to people they should be able to trust