Now that X is becoming an ever denser swamp, lots are coming over here.
Tell me the good and bad tips for using BlueSky pls x
Tell me the good and bad tips for using BlueSky pls x
It's a whole different thing 🤔
Re-post rather than "like".
If you follow an account you like, look at the list of accounts they follow, & follow those that look good.
Thank you 💙
New to the app and I'd like to keep it clean ☺️
Thank you!
If you subscribe to the list, you are instantly given the option to either mute all accounts, or block all accounts.
Use the block button to eliminate chatbots and 34-felon lovers.
Just be Carol Vordeman.
Well, maybe not quite as much as I do. But talk to everyone. It's very chatty.
I got a weird feeling this morning for the first time that BlueSky feels ‘critical mass’ today, if you know what I mean?
So I’ve been using it a bit more and, perhaps, more than the other place today.
And then you came along! 😆
Lots of starter packs too for almost everything
And any clips can only be 60 seconds long
Enjoy and welcome
1. If you have your own website or domain you can self-verify to show who you are. More details here
Starter packs are your friend here and there is even a feed of them so you can find some weird and wonderful niche interests.
Definitely a good idea to follow more people here than you might over there, otherwise your feed will be full of baffling nonsense that doesn't interest you at all. I'm still building, but Bsky became much more useful once I started following 100+ people.
Dunno what the problem is
Bleats does sound apt tbh
I watch in disbelief the journalists still hanging on Txitter(!) massaging their thousands Musk bots followers…
I've got a long, untidy list of them here.
The time was when he first took control having already shown his true colours in the infamous Thai pedo guy libel case
That people cared more about a digital audience than holding to account shows why we are here
Also, lots of 'starter packs' set up: accounts grouped by interest/profession. You can't search them, but when you get sent a link to one, great to trawl through for folk to follow.
So good to see you on here, come into the light!
Sadly I’m relatively new too so have no practical advice, just wanted to say it’s uplifting to see you, you made a real difference in U.K.
2) Let your hair down
3) That's it
Here is one I started with lovely charity folks:
One major exception: simply don’t feed the trolls. Block them (report them if really grim) & move on in peace
(Worth noting blocks are public - see 😆)
Use follows of followers to find other ppl you know.
You can self authenticate via your own website (or use #proofofcat)
Block works here so use it and move on for trolls.
Alt text for images.
If you pin the below feed to your main page, you can bookmark a post by replying to it and adding a 📌 emoji. The pin feed on your homescreen will show you every post you've done this to.
The block function is brutal. Use it freely.
Best tip I have is to actively use this site. Post and re-post, and follow people to build your timeline up.
It’s a much nicer place than the other. 🙂👍
I believe that frequent reposting of one’s posts helps ‘reach’.
Presumably not kindling, fluf and matches😁
The other place is a flat roof bar on a sink estate on the outskirts of Liverpool serving out of date Heineken in jam jars, Alsation on the roof and getting hassled by dealers.
Some great help and guidance to Bluesky.
Bad things are that everyone on x is not yet on here permanently!
It blocks all MAGA acc from you.
Click block on the 3 dots.
Block works here btw. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Screenshotting outrageous or offensive things from Twitter to share anger/disappointment/upset/derision is not encouraged, we're here to escape Twitter, so don't being it here
I joined about the same time & it all felt a bit cliquey.
Hoping it's better now.
And rabbits.
And people being genuinely civil.
It’s liberating, Carol!