I’d love an explainer that not every judge is corrupt and that there are plenty of judicial guardrails over the next four years to prevent the end of civilization.
Doesn't have to be every one and incompetence is just as suitable.
"Judges gonna judge" according to a lawyer friend because guardrails only work if they're supported. otherwise they're just a formality no more rigid than the paper its printed on.
Justices Thomas and Alito are not hypothetical despite their extremes and the guardrails placed by Roberts are only backed by what little determination he has to enforce them.
There are a group of people who seem to think that all law is magic. I refer to the “sovereign citizen” types who think things like frilly ridges on an American flag remove jurisdiction from a court.
you'd be explaining it to people who don't have any interest in understanding, so it kinda sounds like a waste of time. Unless it's something that already interests you.
My job as a litigator is so weird because I depend on litigation for money but I also spend most of my time trying to convince people not to file lawsuits
Do you enjoy ruinous expense, anxiety, and uncertainty with no clear end in sight? Do you like answering impertinent questions from obnoxious assholes and thrill at the thought of trusting your fate to twelve randos who don't even know you exist? Call now!
Um… someone’s wearing a robe (sometimes multiple people), people are speaking Latin, if it goes on long enough a few people are gonna try to reach out to the spirit world and speak on behalf of dead guys.
Unless you have provably and grossly misbehaved in harmful ways, most lawsuits only have as much power as you're willing to give them. Scare tactics and important looking pieces of paper can inspire a lot of cooperation from people who fear confrontation.
I don't think people want to be reminded how much of the "justice" system comes down to the personal beliefs, mood, and current digestive condition of whatever judge they end up in front of.
Ken, I’ve had a few clients (including claim reps) who assumed I was a wizard that could magically have a case dismissed. Or an expert could hold an envelope to his head Johnny Carson style and offer glorious opinions.
What if instead of lawsuits, we settled our disputes on the Blockchain? Would that be magic? What if we used AI? I am an engineer, I have lots of ideas for improving things...
Hang on, I've been reliably informed by prospective clients that their case is a slam dunk and that I should absolutely take their case and, hey, why are you walking away? Is that vein on your forehead supposed to twitch that visibly?
But they use magic words and phrases just like an incantation. And do not even get me going on the fringes and robes. Mystic symbols are all over the court house. And I'm pretty sure the Gavel is just another kind of wand. /S 😱
They require the study of huge, ancient tomes filled with obscure knowledge. The lawyers incant strange phrases like "certiori" and "mens rea" at each other, each competing to find the correct words to win the favor of inscrutable, implacable entities that wield incredible power.
Likely yes. Too many people think that there are magic words that can free one from the consequences of one’s actions- people believing this is the whole reason Sovereign Citizens exist.
Okay but counterpoint: what if lawsuits ARE magic? Can we get a show with a bunch of adorable pastel ponies scurrying about doing depositions and so forth?
Did you see Robinhoodie’s attorney? When asked about people volunteering to pay for his defense, he said,“I’m not sure it sits right with me, but billionaires can give millions to politicians, so maybe these citizens are only exercising their 1st amendment right to speech?”
Soooooo not the point. This is the first real sign of class solidarity in my lifetime. His “Jordon Peterson” listing ass is re-invited to Thanksgiving. 🤗
My colleague has this quote from Ambrose Bierce at the beginning of his CLEs: "Lawsuit: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage."
IDK, sounds kind of like magic to me.
RICO suits are voodoo, though, right?
"Judges gonna judge" according to a lawyer friend because guardrails only work if they're supported. otherwise they're just a formality no more rigid than the paper its printed on.
Those cases work their way up to SCOTUS(unless deemed an emergency).
That means very few will see the light of day in the next four years.
The inherent lumbering nature of our democracy is that way for a purposeful reason.
That’s occult-adjacent at least.
But nobody who needs to hear it will listen.
You go before an anointed elder in robes say some words in Latin and then they make stuff happen sometimes
Maybe you could help people understand that the Constitution isn't self-exercising, too.
"Sorry, I'd like to listen to you, but I'm wearing my lawsuit"
If not, no.
At least for us plebs.
Do you have a take on the Onion's blocked attempt to purchase InfoWars?
Will look around for the Hell map
They require the study of huge, ancient tomes filled with obscure knowledge. The lawyers incant strange phrases like "certiori" and "mens rea" at each other, each competing to find the correct words to win the favor of inscrutable, implacable entities that wield incredible power.
They're trying to evade the settlement with a "Texas two-step" maneuver.
Then there's the Sacklers.
(The answer is all you need to know to answer your original post.)
I’ll make a note to ask our legal staff how many hit points they all have.
As you can see, magic and the law are clearly intertwined.
This might explain why that judge wouldn’t let me wear my wizard hat in his courtroom.
But I would say a good one in this context is Phillip Sousa: the Thunderer , or Bach - Fecit Potentiam (nut shot on each Potentiam.
Next you’re going to tell me SLAPP laws don’t let me slap the idiot filing the bogus defamation suit.
What’s after that? The Supreme Court isn’t real?
For example, an NDA isn't a spell that keeps people from talking.
People can and do break contracts all the time, and they often don't suffer consequences for doing so.