Hi folks. I very rarely address drama these days, but after five years of recurring videos about me and recent concerning comments on a particular issue, I feel I need to explain my side. I appreciate you taking the time to understand my perspective ❤️
Between this, and getting sued by Andrew Hussie, people keep really showing their true selves in response to you
What sucks is that there are just enough other immature people to have them convinced their behavior is normal.
I think any pretext of good faith on the other person’s part has gone out the window. You gotta stand up to bullies.
Do what you feel is best. Love both your videos!
Also, I’d try to find a lawyer that would at least do a free consultation for you!!
Sometimes it’s best to do nothing, but that’s Sarah’s call. I’d hope they’d protect her!
(not referring to u btw, but like. petty mean girl parasocial obsessive shit like this is why i left tumblr like 10 years ago)
I'm so sorry you're being forced to deal with this
That’s absolutely bananas.
Also, maybe the internet was a mistake.
How very gross and pathetic.
Actually awful of them.
I wish platform responsibility was more of a priority for people.
But I guess it's about saying, not about doing. Cool shit. 💀
The internet is a scary and disheartening place sometimes :/