The Democratic leadership needs to be cleaned out. They're controlled opposition. They will not save you. The sooner everyone realizes this the better.
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My kids are all voting age, and they are just completely disgusted with how Dems have acted since he was elected again. Dem leadership has zero clue how much they lost the young vote, which is a huge number. Losing people like me too.
Just attended active shooter training. The officer made a striking point: in crises, those you’d expect to fight may freeze, while those you’d expect to run become heroes. Extreme moments reveal true character. Jeffries and Schumer aren’t built for this moment.
you're a fool if you expected jeffries and schumer to run, especially schumer, who has spent the entire trump era (10 years this fall) being an ineffectual, soft ass corporatist ghoul.
Amen. Not sure how we can see it any other way at this point. The paddles? The pink? I’m supposed to believe they have zero social listening practices? Ok. Stinks to high heaven.
The time has come for a new red army & partisans. The fascists have taken the US& Italy already. Will take Germany again. This when the democratic USSR steamrolled towards Berlin. Hanged musselini. In the bunker as they liberated Berlin Hitler shot himself to avoid capture.
There were more pro palitine dems who lost primaries. Every dem who takes pac money should have to defend themselves in a primary. Every one. Drain the national coffers and make defending their positions expensive. Because that is all they care about.
They need to figure out (with all due respect to Chuck Schumer) that Wall Street is not their friend. Park Avenue and Beverly Hills Liberals may throw great fundraisers, but they're not our friends either. Become the party of the PEOPLE--let Crockett & AOC & Ed Markey and Bernie show the way.
I talked to my parents, both 65+, and a few gen x ish coworkers, 50s, after the SOTU and I know it’s a small, anecdotal sized sample, but it feels like the Dems are losing the normie vote now. They have zero faith in their leadership group
There's a lot of evidence that they've been losing normies for a long time now. Far less people identify as Democrats, even if they vote for them. This has been brought to their attention and Dem leadership refuses to believe it.
DEMS FECKLESS they have no idea what Americans want. They arrogantly willfully ignored American cries for immigration reform and it lost the election and we are damned to this hellscape. Trump damage may be irreparable. We need someone like a Larry Hogan : reasonable competent. Give up on DEMS.
its not even the entire party thats the problem. people like aoc, crockett and even walz are all fighting like hell. its the fact that those in power are too soulless and stubborn to even think about passing their power to them. there are people who want to save us but they wont let us be saved
Who do you want to keep? I mean I hear geriatric, but is anyone more clear voiced and consistent than Bernie? Of course he should have trained successors and retired 5 years ago, but here we still are.
I’m geriatric and I’m ready to fight. Yes, you’re right the Dems aren’t stepping up to the plate, except people like Al Green, and he’s 77! That’s geriatric, like me. How about those 10 Dems who censured him! This is an existential crisis and everything that can be done must be done now!
I agree but I’m also wondering, if the party is dead, why does the opposition even need to borrow the party name? Why attach ourselves to a failed party? Opposition from politicians who have support from constituents doesn’t need the sinking weight of the establishment tied around their necks.
Geriatric is not a synonym for feckless. Two of the most aggressive voices against Trump/Musk are Bernie Sanders (83) and Al Green (77).
Purge the people who don't have fight in them, regardless of age.
I thought she was in her early thirties and that's just because she's an elected representative and it's really hard for someone in their twenties to get elected at any level.
Honestly it feels like this crap ain't gonna change for another 20-30 years given the...dynasty of milk-toast white men and women running the DNC. (Like Pelosi...sabotaging AOC.)
I don’t know if it is strictly a generational issue. I think it is more of a neoliberal problem. Having the DNC and its financial backers choose who we get to vote for is a huge problem.
I hate saying this. But I'm not sure Bernie's going to be around much longer. We had two chances to elect him as our president in 2016 to 2020. And we frankly blew it.
Yeah, they've been curiously flaccid about the fascist takeover. And even if there are clever machinations going on, they need to step down because the party (and country) got clobbered in the last election and the responsible thing to do is own the disaster.
The last 2 months has really brought light to laziness of the Democratic Party. They are so used to doing nothing that when the need arises for them to do what they were elected to do… Al they can pull off is matching outfits or a chant outside of a building with a few followers
Because they want to stay in power they are doing what Newsom did, go on a fringe show to appeal to the edge of maga. The Dems are not trustworthy. Tim Walz I believe is in politics for the right reasons and is doing good things for the people of MN. He is who I want as head of progressive party
He strikes me as an empathetic person. I understand that money pressures more. I too draw the line at genocide, and I think he was selected for the ticket because he was in a state with large Arab population, and his views are considerably more moderate than that of say Shapiro. Genocide is crime
I'm sorry, but Tim Walz wouldn't even call the genocide a genocide. So this idea that he had empathy for the plight of Palestinians is revisionist history. You can't be anti-genocide and be on the same ticket with an Zionist. You can't be anti-Genocide and be part of a party that is/was dedicated to
That’s a weak, defeatist excuse to do nothing. “Clean them out” and replace them with what—pure rage? Sitting back and whining about “controlled opposition” hands power to the worst people. Politics is war, not a fantasy where a perfect hero saves you. Get in the fight or get out of the way.
The worst people already are in power, So stop threatening that "it will get worse if we don't fall in line." That's why we are here in the first place! Defeatist is what the USELESS dem leadership is doing. Look at that stupid sack of shit jefferies, "what can we do?" Dem leadership is pathetic.
I go backwards and forth on whether they're controlled opposition or are too stupid to breathe. I now know it's both - the rich have exploited our idiotic electoral system with money to elect the stupidest people alive into the Democratic party to suck the oxygen out of the left.
Reminder, Citizens United was signed under Obama, most of the DNC is owned by the same Oligarchs as be GOP. Only a handful of the Dems aren’t corrupt, it’s also why they invest more in fighting against progressive candidates during primaries than they do against the GOP.
I also remember when Obama, who had mostly kept quiet post-Presidency, popped up just long enough to trounce Medicare For All, then disappeared back into the woodwork again.
Sigh. I remember before the election a guy warned me that Obama wasn't what he seemed, but rather "a hard knuckle player from the Chicago political machine". I still had high hopes for him right up until he appointed Rahm Emmanuel the Chicago Dem party whip as his chief of staff. It set the tone.
We definitely need a generational change in leadership with those over 75 retiring. Term limits!! That said not all Dems are bad. There are a number of impressive leaders that can be promoted into leadership roles.
I was just saying this, the people with the strength and message are the young people. Let them lead. These old heads are still calling podcast and social media “new media”, the opposition owns X, we are light years behind.
Honestly, we just need a party that actually represents the left, and I don't see that being the Democrats.
The more I think of "vote blue no matter who" the more I get pissed off. Sure you're not as bad as Republicans, but you also really don't seem to make anything better and beg for money
Power always corrupts. The bare minimum if people can't learn about better systems, is to outlaw money in politics and enact term limits with congress.
The middle class have to organize yo protect our wealth. We beed a wealth tax on billionaires, then we can fund our agencies. Mobilize march for your wealth.
Unified Front. Straight ticket no more. State values on website. A little bird gives me a temperature check. Hint: The value of reaching across the aisle is not a selling point. Nor is reasonable compromise. Fight for your citizens and we're not talking about the long game. Also, move faster
Most of the Dems need to go. They’re either complicit or they don’t know what’s happening in front of their noses. Reps and senators are too old and comfortable in their jobs.
I’m finding on my local level the Democrats are sanitizing the party and undermining POC candidates and POC incumbents. The Democrats are failing us all.
I feel the opposite is more accurate. They bash McConnell all the time and did when he was Majority Leader. They went after Kevin McCarthy mercilessly. The GOP loves to bash their leaders to keep them in line.
And give Republicans a bigger slice of the pie? No thanks. The Squad was working, we just didn't stand firm enough when the Establishment started pushing back.
Numbers go higher than two. Concentration of wealth and power are the problem, and both sides of the duopoly are guilty of selling out the American people. Do you really not see that Democrats are also the Establishment??
Yes, and we at least can uproot Establishment Dems through primaries like The Squad did. Starting a third party in a First Past The Post system is a dead end.
You're so right that the Establishment parties have rigged the system in order to remain in power. BOTH OF THEM. Good news is we outnumber them, and we don't have to accept their bullshit paradigm if we stand together.
“You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies”. How the orange fuckwit got elected is beyond me, and the Democrats take a very large slice of the blame for allowing this to happen twice in one lifetime.
The question for all Democrats needs to be: Do you believe law, regulations, and policies should protect people from bigotry, discrimination, and hate regardless of their gender, gender identity, and/or sexual orientation?
Reprimanded the ones that actually had a backbone. Geeez….and here I thought that the Dems would lose the midterms by way of Doge shenanigans. Primary every self serving cowardly donkey.
It’s harder to build a party from scratch than it is to basically do a demolition & renovate while we’re living in it. We need new blood joining county & state parties or we won’t have the numbers to make the changes we need. I will start an account with everything we need to start if we can get
followers to share, & encourage or personally join & recruit. The power is always in the numbers. The donors have a lot of say, but new blood in massive numbers who aren’t getting paid can tear their influence down to nothing. It’s the cheapest quickest way to overhaul things. And it’s not hard.
Every last one of them will betray us.
We have to force those aholes out if the reaper doesn’t do it for us.
The time has come for a new red army & partisans. The fascists have taken the US& Italy already. Will take Germany again. This when the democratic USSR steamrolled towards Berlin. Hanged musselini. In the bunker as they liberated Berlin Hitler shot himself to avoid capture.
As a "leftist" you're not supposed to admit that out loud.
To all Democrats and Republicans who fight against Fascism, this message is from a retired veteran.
There are total 4 screenshots.
Pretty young.
Purge the people who don't have fight in them, regardless of age.
Warren is really the best positioned to challenge social fascist AIPAC Chuck Schumer. Can't really rely on that happening though.
My opinion is that they are old and stupid. Solution is the same: primary them.
The more I think of "vote blue no matter who" the more I get pissed off. Sure you're not as bad as Republicans, but you also really don't seem to make anything better and beg for money
All while disillusioning their own base without care.
Shame Someone like Warren Or Sanders hadn't gotten the nomination and respected democracy. No one Wanted Biden but leadership.
That said, I agree. They are too broken at this point to be salvaged. Primary them if we can, but vote for them in the general if we can't.
That being said, let's start with the dingbat Dems that voted to censure Rep. Al Green
See what your reps do! My rep has mostly been silent. Imma get on her ass too! Least she didn't vote for this censure.
It is a strategy the right uses consistantly and it works to enact change. We can make it work for us.
If yes, you stay.
If no, you're removed.