If he can’t hold the line on this and has such a complete lack of grit, he has no business being in leadership. Grow a pair or get out, @schumer.senate.gov!!
Does anyone think even a single Democratic Senator will publicly call out Schumer for supporting the Republican budget?
Based on listening to weasels like Hickenlooper and Alsobrooks, I'm expecting nothing but crickets as the Democratic Senate sells us out in an attempt to avoid blame for anything.
For this vote, it's damned if they do, damned if they don't. A yes vote gives cover to those acting like Congress is still in control of the purse, which they aren't since the GQP forfeited control to Musk and Trump. If a no vote, GQP blames Dems for the shutdown and it's giving Elon what he wants.
Since Schumer won't lead, he needs to step aside. I didn't know Harry Reid, Harry Reid was not a friend of mine, but I can tell that Schumer is no Harry Reid.
@schumer.senate.gov History is not kind to those who appease tyrants. And this is the kind of behavior that leads people to never want to vote again — for either side. Trump is killing us, and you are standing down. I know all the options are bad, but this is NOT helping.
In this era of wartime tyranny and slavery (like the 4-year periods of 1861-1865 and 1941-1945), we need a General Grant or General Eisenhower leading our Democratic Party to save this country and the world. Instead we got Jeffries and Schumer...
Fuck You @schumer.senate.gov, you goddamn CHICKENSHIT!
Schumer is betraying all Democratic voters - all Americans because he's a slimeball COWARD!
#History will remember Schumer as a complicit traitor who gave Putin, Elon and Trump exactly what they hoped for - the death of Congress!
Why do the Dems want as their leader someone who can't even stand up and fight when he is insulted. Literally all Trump had to do was call him Palestinian and he folded like a house of cards.
Voting yes somewhat undermines the argument they are against what Donald/Elon are doing. "Vote for us! We went along with it all!" may not be a winning slogan.
To be fair, obstructionism is very unpopular among the voting public. Anyone remember when Republicans provided *zero* votes for Bill Clinton's first budget? The 1994 midterms? Republicans won every winnable race, and some unwinnable ones, from sea to shining sea. They beat the Dem Speaker 😖
Pathetic. Historically awful president, unprecedentedly unlawful shredding of the constitution, and Dem leadership’s instinct is “we must help him, being decisive is unseemly”
EXCUSE ME?!?!?! here's the stick, beat yourself while I count your money. Your wallet is crap. Eat it. EAT IT!!! BWAHAHAHA!!! LOBBY ME!!! LOBBY ME HARDER!!!
If this is true, what a coward. He’s only helping to enable the complete fascist takeover of our country. His words yesterday were just as worthless as he is, if this is what he does. That goes for any other democrat who votes for this garbage CR. @schumer.senate.gov @democrats.senate.gov
Perfect illustration of a pol absolutely out of his depth and utterly clueless. We are beyond performative BS, and if you must do something performative, make it clever, cutting, and memorable in a positive way.
What's the mechanism for Senate Dems to vote for a leadership change? I'm about to hold any Senators who continue to follow Schumer's leadership accountable. We're doomed as long as he continues in the position, both because of his inability to wield power but also to craft any kind of narrative.
The dems are totally lost… senior party leadership needs to step down. They led the party through two electoral disasters, easily winnable elections. They need to be done.
Based on listening to weasels like Hickenlooper and Alsobrooks, I'm expecting nothing but crickets as the Democratic Senate sells us out in an attempt to avoid blame for anything.
Never another dime from me and I think I am just going to start voting independent or DSA. Because this crew is never going to fight.
This isn’t that difficult.
The GOP has provided a path for Musk/Trump to DESTROY the federal government and consolidate power for the executive…
This is a mistake. The CR is dirty - the GOP will not clean it up. Do not vote yes.
They need to have a sparkling clean CR…
Can schumer be this stupid???
Give the drunk , drugged lunatic the keys to the car and expect things to be better than hiding the keys!!!
Schumer is betraying all Democratic voters - all Americans because he's a slimeball COWARD!
#History will remember Schumer as a complicit traitor who gave Putin, Elon and Trump exactly what they hoped for - the death of Congress!
I wasn't going to vote for that weasel anyway, but now I want to volunteer for whoever primaries him.
Voting yes somewhat undermines the argument they are against what Donald/Elon are doing. "Vote for us! We went along with it all!" may not be a winning slogan.
I'm willing to volunteer for ANY Democrat who runs against @chuckschumer.com.
And if there is none, I guess I won't vote in the next senate election.
Have it your way, Chucky. You'll join McConnell in the trashcan of History.
They always do.
And so polite.
He's just a self-serving political weasel. And the worst part is that he's always wrong.
They always want to fight another day but a) never do and b) don’t realize how few days we even have left.
And, worst of all, every single thing they think they are protecting with this cave will be destroyed anyway.
I assume that's how'd that go...
He wants another recession like 2008 so he can increase his wealth. Both sides are corrupt and looking out only for themselves.
It's Appeasement.
It's the Munich Agreement, except instead of betraying the Sudentenland, the Democrats are betraying our democracy.
The New York Democrat Party is Republican controlled opposition (except for Tish James and AOC)