As ‘Acting’ she doesn’t need Senate confirmation I believe? But is limited to serving 180 days or something? Let’s see how long she can afford her MAL jet-setting lifestyle on a govt salary.
All of it is. Blumbering fools. It's going to take us so long to recover & everyone will once again cry "but the Dems" & not notice when someone like Joe Biden was dragging us out of the last corrupt disaster.
Why? Do you prefer overpopulation, air pollution, traffic jams, school shootings and political violence? The worst thing about Namibia is the American trophy hunters.
Last year, the US put out a level 2 increased risk advisory for traveling to Namibia. It seems to be largely based on crimes such as robbing, mugging, etc. But I'm sure trump is hoping to gain big game hunting expeditions for his idiot sons.
Don't think just being sassy(- yet pretty- lol) is going to be enough. We've seen there are far superior lawyers. In fact-i wager she may not realize that until she FAFO.
Jersey expat living in Georgia here. I'm pretty confident that if she actually tries to screw with Jersey the old neighborhood will chew her up and spit her out. But yeah, not good and we really don't need the hassle.
We must shut down this country until the orange buffoon is removed by participating in the following work stop: 12am 3/25-12am 3/28. Call in sick, go to work late, take long lunches, leave early, take 1/2 days. We must stop: slow down transportation, airline industry, manufacturing, agriculture.
That’s what a dump and felon are hoping that we’re in such a dire situation that we can’t stop consuming so they can’t stop making money. Our society is messed up.
We are much poorer than most Europeans, and much more in debt to credit card companies which make old time mobsters look generous. So far too many of us simply cannot AFFORD to take time off work to protest. We need every single dollar we can get, just to keep a roof over our heads.
Time is so short. It’s been about 60 days and he’s done this much. I’d say we have about 30 days left…if that. Then it’s irreparable. Totally irreparable.
He is a horrible old man, no saving grace in him. His legacy and his servants of doom legacy , will be held accountable. Shame shall follow him and his family for all the days of their lives for generations .He will remain unforgiven through eternity
We are so spread out too. People are protesting in their state but we all should be flooding DC and that’s impossible for most people. Where are the buses to bring us in?
I feel that we have relied on govt so long that when we need to actually DO something, we don’t know what to do or how to do it. Our govt is destroying us & our elected reps are useless. We have keyboard warriors here who are telling us what to do or what they’re doing. And we’re just typing…idk
Unfortunately right to work states (which is essentially all of them) deters people from that. For instance I am home sick today bc i AM sick but tomorrow I will have to come in. I have no sick time left
Alina Hanna? Didn’t she lose as yr lawyer in court? She’s the worst. Did you see the video where she told Andrew Tate,rapist and sex trafficker, that she was a big fan of his. Barf. She’s gross.
She did such an uniformly impressive job representing the Deluded One in court, I'm sure she'll be fantastic as US Attorney for NJ. Watch out bad guys, there's a new sheriff in town! 🤣
No. Incompetent people are easy to control because they can’t work elsewhere in a system that rewards performance. He rewards loyalty no matter how much a loser you are.
A federal judge has decided the federal court in Newark is the more appropriate venue to conduct that review because it is where Khalil was located at the time his attorneys filed their petition challenging his arrest.
Namibia ? Trump didn’t even know how to pronounce this in a speech given to, of course, African leaders - (He called Ethiopia “Ithipio” too). Am amazed he was able to use it in a sentence even now..
probably something to do with his golf resort there that mustn't be touched so you need a total incompetent cult member to be in charge so she can stop any legal issues at the source.
No, she's the one who signed the deposition swearing that Trump had returned all the top secret documents he'd stolen when he was keeping kept most of them
Again Trump didn't write this. It doesn't have that 4th grade grammar and erroneous capitalizations that proliferate his nonsensical blather. And Habba is going to be the perfect rube for his nonsensical ramblings.
Trump has 3 golf courses with liquor license/convicted-felon issues ... and just coincidentally, this month got th Trump Org licensed in NJ.
Stinks ...
Playing a lawyer on TV does not make one qualified to be the district attorney for the state. This is similar to Ailene Cannon, who clearly did not know the law, but was given a pass by trump and the SCOTUS.
I’m not a legal expert but she appears to be one of the most incompetent attorneys ever operating in the public eye. I assumed she was not in good favor after she botched his criminal cases.
I could’ve done better as an attorney from just watching years of crime shows in lawyer shows in court shows. The only reason he’s doing that is because he’s got business interest in New Jersey and he’s probably got lawsuits in New Jersey so now those will go away!🤬
His major issues in NJ are under state jurisdiction, not federal, the most notable of which involve loss of his golf courses liquor licenses due to a DWI fatality. Habba will probably be overwhelmed by the number of cases, and I'd say over 90% of them have nothing to do with politics.
Horrible maga people become ugly to me instantly. This is not virtue signaling. I think there might be something wrong with me. People keep referencing that these idiots trump hires are pretty. My eyes are not seeing that.
Bingo. It’s all about image. That’s why women get surgeries to have big fish lips and big boobs. Men have to look like the part they’re assigned to play.
Another Insane Corrupt Lawless Moron-Appointed By Lunatic Trump! Trump’s Whole Government Is Mentally Deranged Corrupt Lawless Sadistic Unqualified People! Why Does America’s Felon Treasonous Traitor Fascist President Trump—Only Pick The Best Criminals For His Lawless Gov./Adm!
Doesn't George Conway live in NJ and as such, has standing to challenge this on the grounds that "acting" is not a legitimate position under the Constitution and as such, an "acting" person has zero power and is just a seat-warmer.
Poor John Giordano, who thought for a New Jersey minute he was actually going to be a federal prosecutor and ended up being renditioned to the deserts of Southern Africa.
It's sounds like he's a male Kimberly Guilfoyle. What did he do to warrant the exile? Did he anger Trump's choice for governor. This decision came after he met with one of them over the weekend.
I’m not one for talking in hyperbole…. but Alina Habba is the dumbest fucking cretin to walk this Earth.
Her face looks the way it does from the perpetual blow-jobs she had to give to get through law school
My apologies. My comment was in no reference to her sex. It was merely a statement on her lack of intelligence as a person and the fact she is in a position of power despite this stupidity.
Also, men can give blow-jobs too so…
She should be hung, right alongside that orange fuck. They're burning down the nation and we're, as always, too busy virtue signaling our allies instead of doing what needs to be done.
Thank you for speaking up. It's so frustrating when a woman is in a position of power and disliked, people immediately jump to her having got there through sexual acts. It's sexist af. It truly does mean something when guys speak up about it (statistically... isn't that fun?)
Her face is that way from plastic surgery. It isn’t nice to say she had to give BJ’s to get ahead. I think it’s sad that women feel like they have to change their face, & their breasts. She was cute before the surgery, not as cute after. I don’t know if she is smart-definitely insecure about looks.
As opposed to what, exactly? I thought we blew through "unmitigated" back in mid-January. I'm lacking a thesaurus at the moment, but I think we're working our way towards "apocalyptic" disaster pretty quickly...
Why are all his appointments effective immediately??? People need time to finish up some things and be ready to leave. Felon is against women unless they are good looking and fiercely defend him.
Remember wondering why attorneys would tarnish their reputation when working on behalf of Trump and stating his half-baked ideas and lies in court. Fame and notoriety were the short term pay offs. This blatant corruption is the long term pay off.
"It is with great delight that I nominate Alina Habba, a loud-mouthed, inept, brainless but telegenic sycophant to be a great Attorney and bring to justice anyone I tell her to."
So Additionally, John Giordano, who has done a terrific job as the interim U.S. Attorney in New Jersey, will now be nominated as the new Ambassador to Namibia!
Watch out New Jersey....she really is a STUPID RACIST..she does not have the intelligence for the seat & she really MUST clean her face off.....Donny's diaper must have been really full..
Is the subtext to that that she was so bad as a chief legal consultant to the president (or whatever her title was) that he has to get her out of the way?
She'll suck wherever he puts her.
I couldn't believe any handbag, on Earth, could fetch $70K. I Googled. Apparently the Hermès Birkin bag is an *investment* that increases in value over time. Perhaps, in this way, Habba excuses her waste of money.
I don’t know how these people live with themselves.
I get excited when I can send 40 bucks AUD over to a friend in Uganda that’s caring for orphans and underprivileged kids so they can go to school. That buys them schoolbooks and food for days. 1/2
If I had 70k USD to blow on pointless shit, I wouldn’t spend it on a worthless fucking handbag! There are actual people out there that need that fucking money to live! I just think of all the good it would do if I could send even a fraction of that kind of dosh to my friend. 2/2
What also makes me sick to a far lesser extent is that it’s such an ugly fucking bag, too. And these dorks have no idea that this bag is so cheap to make in comparison. Anyone that spends that much on an accessory is declaring themselves a gullible dope.
Get it...Barf!!
go down with Trumps
sinking ship huh?
Prosecuting your friends and family will become your job.
Not only that, but her husband's parking atty is now gone...
She knows nothing of the law. Who needs to be let off the hook in NJ?
The senate would have approved her, but he wants to keep Democrats from questioning her.
This is how autocrats operate.
And u can't do that from Nambia
Only the best-I mean the worst
congratulations 🎊 😅
Stinks ...
Ambassador to Namibia!
pay her no mind bc she has no mind
We see what highly qualified dtrumpf people do…
Just look and the “intelligence agency, Secretary of State, DoD, White House chief of staff.. the list is long and obviously incompetent..
8647 now. He and his village idiots need to go
Condolences to everyone else!
It’s to make you scream at a solid wall.
Doesn't 🍊 leader consider it a Shithole country?
What did John do to be sent there?
He screwed alot of people in Jersey and they have a long memory!!
But I like the astute selection of modifiers you've chosen to describe this bunch of fucking assholes
but yep, they are quite a bunch of dangerous flaming hemorrhoids.
Justice Habba Dabba Ding Dong😂
Her face looks the way it does from the perpetual blow-jobs she had to give to get through law school
Also, men can give blow-jobs too so…
So thank you.
Is that like...a different kind of fair and just from the usual fair and just?
Askin' for a Nation
ie, Keep believing we'll have a "fair and just" election ever again.
Just like he admitted that Elon rigged the election in pennsylvania.
What and career opportunity for him🤣🤣🤣
On the bright side he’ll get to see where the “Tatooine” scenes were filmed in Star Wars.
Quite a bit away from Namibia.
About 4000 miles.
Naboo, btw, is in Italy, lago di garda.
She'll suck wherever he puts her.
This 2013 article explains: there are collectors.,a%20major%20part%20in%20attracting%20bona%2Dfide%20collectors.
Just like their owners.
Just saying, my Sans Beast noir Universo in the mockadile with gold accents is way nicer, I can fit stuff in it, and it's ethical and practical.
I get excited when I can send 40 bucks AUD over to a friend in Uganda that’s caring for orphans and underprivileged kids so they can go to school. That buys them schoolbooks and food for days. 1/2
Ask him about this in a few days, and he will know nothing about it...'that's the first I heard of it...'