The Democratic Party’s problems are not about being moderate or left. That’s a consultant and pundit red herring
The problems are in party organization, the culture of “it’s their turn” nominations, candidate recruitment, gerontocracy, inability to shape media topics, and coming off hella lame
The problems are in party organization, the culture of “it’s their turn” nominations, candidate recruitment, gerontocracy, inability to shape media topics, and coming off hella lame
ffs don't turn into a republican by oversimplifying reality so you can sound aggrieved.
2. I considered myself a moderate once. My son still thinks I am one.
3. At one time I considered myself Republican. I came from Republican parents.
4. I'm not talking about simplifying reality. I made a glib comment, an observation.
5. Get over it.
Research on state legislatures that passed term limits show that they actually make things worse, counter-intuitive as that may seem.
I think it's hilarious how outraged people have been over AOC not getting that position when they can't even name the last three people to hold it.
I'm truly sorry nobody told you guys about where your parties sit on the political spectrum and that you have to find out this way. But it's on wikipedia if want to confoim.
“Counterpoint: enjoy being ineffective. Taking a pill is a lot of work, and people may judge you for it.”
We need to end the two party system.
How did GOP claim to be the freedom party as they strip freedoms? Why choose the alarming phrase “defund the police” to positively reform law enforcement? Why stop calling them weird?
They need simple clear messaging rather than advanced punditry
The Heritage Foundation comes up with a new plan every election, but they're a mess
Harris offered a better solution to every single problem than Trump, but 77 million Americans voters chose Trump anyway.
Harris is a woman.
Harris is black.
Party organization had nothing to do with her losing.
Instead we have a party of spineless reactionaries who keep looking to the supposed good-ol' day's of the Clinton years for guidance.
And it really felt like that in 2016. There was no enthusiasm behind her. It felt like an obligation.
Unqualified based on the needs of the party at the time? Yes. We needed, and still need, candidates that people want to vote for.
So I'll amend my statement: we need people who people want to vote for in places that will decide elections. Is that accurate enough for you?
In 2016, who might that have been? A person who actually ran
But in 2016, there was a noticeable lack of enthusiasm around her. And that unfortunately carried through to the general.
I still voted for her. She would have been massively better than the shit-show we got. But I don't think she should have been the nominee in the first place.
Who do you think would have won the electoral, and why? (If you say Bernie you’re not serious. He had zero chance in the South).
And to answer your question, Biden would’ve been a far better candidate then.
the issue is that democrats and especially young people want a perfect candidate who energizes, entertains, amuses, and reflects their ideology and language style completely, whereas republicans want to win.
Hard to do, because we fear what might be looking back at us, but it's necessary to do.
Acknowledging the problem is the first step to solving it...
(an excerpt from my 2 part series "2028")...
In the process by blackballing them if they step out of line and primary the anointed ones; no bench gets built. Insistence on “doing your time” instead of looking for charisma & candidate quality
Joe Biden's were 4.9 million
Who won the MESSAGE Wars- the RNC
The DNC peeps should all be Fired
How could they screw this up so badly
2) They've also only had 2 years since the ACA with control of the White House and both Houses of Congress and that was with an evenly split Senate. When could they have made big moves?
But some Senators just seem to blow in the wind if there's no Dem President w/goals to tell them what's what
Maybe Chuck just really doesn’t like dignity for the masses
Profit status quo and power are more important than morals or justice.
Deep Throat's advice rarely fails. Follow the money. Whoever brings the money makes the rules. And Chuck Schumer is a Wall Street creation in every respect.
When the backlash comes, fixing campaign finance must be at the top of the priority list.
trump, johnson, tuberville, etc. - these people are incoherently stupid.
So that’s them being moderate.
Anything you think we can use to reform the DP?
And, the difference can’t be more clear; Dems are defending America (!!!) the Constitution (!!!) and democracy (!!!), while Repugnants are participating in an autocratic coup via oligarchy.
They could have ended Trump by pushing HARD on all the criminality. They allowed it to slowroll.
Now this "allow the GOP to make mistakes" stance once again shows that they aren't fighters. Most don't seem to care.
it's easy to cherry pick random things you dislike about dems, but nothing matters more than that
They didn't move far on the political spectrum after the great party switch.
WHY ELSE would #fascists make their 1st priority the elimination of entire history of "the rest of us"? (DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION)
AND obliterate our ability to vote them out of power?
Patty Murray has better votes
Winning a presidential election often comes down to charisma above all else - even asshole charisma can be better than no charisma at all!
Vote New no matter who
in the general and the primary
they have to go if things are ever going to improve
MAGA is ride or die for Trump. He could fuck up a thousand things and they’d still be with him. With Dems, it’s like, “If you don’t do every little thing exactly to my liking, I’m never voting for you again”. That was deadly in 2024.
Or Harris choosing to align herself with Liz Cheney and chase white suburban Republican women who did not vote for her, to the neglect of her Dem voter base?
I hope you don't oppose upholding US laws against arming human rights abuses and arming those blocking US aid.
What's the name of the Palestinian speaker at the DNC?
She didn't neglect Dems (actual,) in fact everything she was saying was nothing but a win for the American people, particularly the working class.
Why then in the last nation-wide poll before the election did 77% of Democratic voters say they wanted an embargo on weapons to Israel, while Harris said she would not change Biden's policy?
Glad to see this attitude. For a minute there I was afraid dems might learn something. I'm sure if they keep becoming more and more like the GOP they'll get those white lady votes someday. Don't give up!
Why do you assume it’s a win?
I have the same feelings and still voted for Harris, but even then I knew Dems were going to lose because of their choices.
If they and those who didn’t see the obvious to us don’t learn it’ll repeat.
People didn’t vote for Republicans, they voted against who was in power as the US folks do almost every election.
The inability to grasp why and how it’s connected to the conservative moves of Dems is part of the problem here.
She did not lose because of me or any third-party voters, but because she ran a shiat campaign.
Or did she actually win all of those white suburban Republican women voters?
Chutkan expedited DOGE discovery
Forbes POTUS attacks on Lawfirm stopped
Fed J OPM blocked & Rehire workers
Judge 👨⚖️
Dems need new messengers not new ideas.
That’s a follow. 👊🏼
That was in 2010.
It's been 15 years since the Dems even tried anything bold.
Delete the DNC
1 Midwest Math
2 Last Stand of Angry White Man
3 Hillary Problem
4 Depressed Sanders Vote
5 Jesse Ventura effect
Maybe same problems in 2024...
-Midwest Math (again)
-Swagger of Angry White Man
-Biden Problem
-Depressed Kamala Vote
-Musk Effect
C'mon dems. Define one big prize. Eyes on it. Go.