So, I am going to be honest with everyone here, over the past couple years I have had a bit of a personal evolution on trans issues. I have come to a place of *unequivocal* support for trans people. I would like to share my thinking as I hope it will prove useful.
To me it’s simpler: it’s bullying, from states, orgs, individual bigots and influencers. If bullying disgusts you, you should be a trans ally.
I'm a cisgender gay man, and I know enough queer history to recognize that the anti-trans "arguments" being trotted out today are the same ones that were thrown at people like me for decades. Not "similar to," not "reminiscent of" -- the same.
I don’t know if you follow (if not you should) but she wrote a very good piece on this (sports) several years ago and republished it last year.
They want to hurt everyone because of a super small subset. In both scenarios.
but, simultaneously:
we have cis girls who go to states for wrestling
we've had a cis female on the football team
nobody here said a fucking word
It was a very small number, just a handful in any given year. None were elite athletes. None even qualified for the state tournament, let alone won a championship.
Otherwise my own opinion is that participation should be decided on a person by person basis, and depending on the sport.
There is a direct correlation between transphobia and vanilla misogyny
EG Anti-trans supporters also support banning bodily autonomy which has led to the deaths of circa 100 women as a result of childbirth complications
Period. Full stop.
The science has already been done and thoroughly debunks your false “concern”.
Just stop being transphobic.
Seems to me that most just want to play a game with their friends. What business does the government or anybody else have in determining who gets to do that?
I am a good 30% weaker as a result of my meds and I STILL would not compete against women in anything physical. Nobody transitions to win at sports. The idea is absurd.
Why is the rule that being born trans is only allowed to make things more difficult?
The Rev. Dr. King once said the greatest threat to civil liberties for many people is the white moderate.
I feel in my heart that the Cis-moderate stands in the way of our struggle. We need radical compassion from people for any further progress.
fat ppl/skinny ppl--it's all people
tran ppl/cis ppl--it's all people
white ppl/black ppl--it's all people
"illegal" ppl/white ppl--it's all peopl
dumb ppl (hey maga!)/smart ppl--it's all people
you may may not understand "those" ppl.
On social media, it's so difficult to tell if someone asking a question is genuinely curious or just being an asshat.
At some point you will be dragged by a trans-activist for “doing it wrong”.
That’s been my experience, despite being a gay LGBTQ activist, protesting, getting into politics, for 40+ years, and for the last 10 years, volunteering at our LGBT community center.
Best of luck.
“Just asking a simple question” 🚩
“Just asking a simple question to plan for a talk show appearance” 👎🚩
"Trans issues" only exist because some people can't keep their noses out of other people's business.
Thank you for moving to that place of unequivocal support. Strong allies are very, very needed right now.
I feel like people who struggle are just ignorant of that experience themselves.
I commend you for speaking on this 👏🏼
1. It's never acceptable to disparage, exclude, or otherwise mistreat another person or population for aspects of their identity or history, and I mean that in an absolute way, under any circumstances and
2. Other people's sexuality and gender are none of my business
3. It's super fucking weird to be concerned with the condition of the genitals of a person you're not having sex with. WTF is the matter with you (rhetorical question for the "royal 'you'")?
That's my girl x