Stand with trans Americans. You don’t have to understand everything about the transgender experience to know that Trump’s acts of humiliation and dehumanization are unjust and dangerous.
You spent your whole career on this. You can spill the tea on your hypocrite friends.
You were listed as a trustee on their 2020, 2021, 2022 IRS Forms 990. Your son is listed as a trustee on their 2023 form.
MI has been pushing anti-trans nonsense since at least 2022:
Do you have any time?
Dems can fuck off to the moon without spacesuits for selling people out.
also trans people as a group are probably the most heavily left-leaning demographics out there. sacrificing them leaves you without some of your best potential allies.
MAGA Orange menace uses. Protest, Write!
If you can't get people to unite against unjust persecution, then you're never going to get them to unite against the rich and powerful.
get all the MAGA people no matter how big or small out of office and into prison.
You’re the one missing things
It's as simple as he is simple minded.
Our transgender community gets hit every single day, for no reason! 🙏🏽
The worst thing one can do is point a finger in judgment when three fingers point right back at the accuser.
If its Christ really did come back, it'd be the first one in line to crucify Him again...
And many have not been free before this current mayhem.
They didn't vote for Kamala Harris, who wanted a state-solution for the Palestinians. They believed a serial liar who now wants to remove the Palestinians from the face of the earth.
Please tell Sarah to stop talking about throwing them under the bus. This is our Martin Niemöller moment; we can't make the same mistake!