This is the type of thing a man who is out of touch with reality says. Your 'allies' have moved on. F-35 orders already cancelled. Countries turning to European alternatives.
The UK/Japan, European and Chinese already working on 6th Gen fighters while Trump wheels out a plastic model of the F-47.
We soo fell off the road. Who wants to rely on this guy for security?
He flipped the bird to all our friends. We're left with this? Really? A bankrupt, narcissistic, stupid old man??
I'm pretty sure our allies will stay away from him and won't purchase our military hardwares or reduce dependence on our hardwares
He just f'ed them up badly because his potty mouth.
Oh well, the leopard eats their face party.
Lancasters did the job. My grandfather flew one repeatedly over Dresden when he was fighting nazis as part of the allied forces. Now we spit on those allies and embrace fascists. My blood boils.
There are absolutely no guardrails.
This is the real tRump, and he plans on burning America to the ground.
He must be removed along with his cabinet immediately.
I hate that disgusting rapist pig. I fucking hate him. Impatiently waiting for the universe to give him back EVERYTHING he's put in. Waiting Karma, please; before he can hurt anyone else; please come back around.
He cheated. has the data. Check it out and share - donate if you can- they're pursuing paper ballot hand counts - just did analyses for two counties in PA
Well that would definitely be the reason they shouldn’t buy from the US — and the reason Trump should not have control of any country’s power infrastructure or other resources.
I’m still trying to figure out who are our allies at this point. Trump has sold us out! He’s never had one friend in his whole life other than Epstein and Putin.
Nice, Canada can now dump its F-35 contract with US.
French Rafale or Swedish Gripen will do just fine.
And they don't have any function which can be turned off remotely.
"Maybe they're not our allie"... so, according to fighter jets experts, there's a remote kill switch on stealth function of F-35. Migthy good reason to drop the contract.
That's whole deal, isn't it, a killswitch that can be remotely turned off.
USA allies need to review their allegiance, Donald Trump is untrustworthy because he's becoming more unhinged every day.
Drunk on power.
Crazy town stuff.
According to a French expert, F-35's stealth mode can be turned off remotely. Not really a kill switch, but a disabling one. Rafale & Gripen can fly lower than F-35, being more maniable, to avoid detection.
By kill switch, I meant a plane becoming unusable.
Disabling a non-vital function isn't the same.
What the French expert explained, is that a function could be remotely disabled, while the plane could still be used. It just wouldn't be stealthy anymore.
Joachim Schranzhofer, head of communications at German arms company Hendsolt, told the German newspaper Bild last week that a so-called "kill switch" put into American-produced F-35s is more than just a rumour, insinuating that it would be easy for the US to ground the aircraft
Of course the details are sensitive, but the F-35 is an aircraft highly integrated into a network of fighters. It shares information with others, it sends data to US based servers which are processed there and sent back to the aircraft. Cutting it off the data stream alone would cripple it instantly
He lacks any sort of empathy. Has he ever had pets? It doesn't seem like he would. Every picture he's in looks sterile and empty of warmth. Not even a plant.
The head of the snake. The root of what we're experiencing right now, is this man. He may be quietly in the background, but his published words have inspired millions to act to where we are now. Very dangerous man for America.
No doubt about it. Trump is their useful idiot & expendable. He's so full of himself, no doubt he thinks he's gotten the better end of the deal. But we all know what happens when his usefulness ends. They'll find a way to eliminate him like they're eliminating those dependent on social services.
I hope it doesn't come to that. But it's not looking good with how fast and furiously this regime is pushing P2025 AND I don't think it will be easy for 45's regime to do all the damage they want to do now that people are showing up for Bernie & AOC's Oligarchy Tour.
Confirmed (Saab Gripen from Sweden is like the Toyota Corolla of fighter jets; reliable, adaptable and relatively inexpensive, while the F35 is cutting edge but expensive and more niche) European Military firms stock prices rising fast atm
Based on this comment Canada needs to look elsewhere in future. I'm sure it would be way to expensive to cancel the current contracts but nothing else. What assurances will we have? Nothing like spending billions on defense to find out we may be a toned down version? This regime can't be trusted.
Go find a strong oak tree. Grab a length of rope........drag hair plug hitler into the streets and then make him walk on somewhere. His bitch ass is fired. Oh and get a used tire so we can finish the nice tire swing
I think because of a really huge party in German Rheinmetall and Swedish SAAB as in a few defence companies of France, it can come to champagne shortages across the EU.
Thanks, poker player, for tipping your hand. Canada is just about finished with getting any more of your to-be-mediocre planes.... and Portugal already cancelled, suspecting you'd do this anyway.
I imagine our allies would be crazy to buy American weapons after this idiot just told them these weapons may not work the way they’d need them to.
Time to short American defense stocks.
Military defense contractors are gonna be pissed, again. What industry has he not ruined? When will corporate America figure out if they are in the way or in competition with musk they are disposable.
The fat orange blob is 78 years old and has never had a pet. Narcissists usually have a had a dog at least once in their life. They hate cats because cats aren't completely dependent on their owner. The fact he can't even accept something that gives unconditional love says everything about him.
Likely he doesn't like dogs for at least one of two reasons: He wants all human eyes on him, and dogs steal the show; and he's a second-generation landlord.
Hey now, having both dogs and cats I can guarantee both species give unconditional love! But he doesn't know what that is and/or has been taught it's for dupes. That's why he can't tolerate anything that makes others happy.
It is the kind of thing an idiot says. The reason for selling good technology to friends is to help amortize awesome tech development for the US AND because every time you lose custody of an awesome piece of tech it may cost billions to create the next tech
We love you too much to have you buy ANYTHING he can touch, use to manipulate or otherwise use to jerk you around. It's like we have an abusive stepdaddy who is awful to our friends. Friends are no longer safe playing with US. But the love is still there.
I read the most concerning thing yestersay, that big Canadian companies are planning to the US so they can avoid tariffs. That would be the umpteenth beginning of the end.
Thus, from a sales position, we have evidence of how he managed to bankrupt so many businesses, including casinos, where the business model is people giving up their money without assurance of receiving a product or service.
Arthur Andersen advised that the Taj taking business from the other casinos, he was spending too much & he would go bankrupt. He fired the accounting firm and I think 18 months later went bankrupt
No filter. And all the US arms manufacturers are clenching their teeth and saying "what the fuck is he doing". That is an invitation for other countries to buy arms elsewhere. Good job, President Moron.
I’m surprised the US arms manufacturers haven’t taken him, Vance, and the rest of his Nazis out by now. Or convinced the military to. They’re going to lose billions as Europe ramps up internal production, and Ukraine is already beating other nations in drone warfare.
Lockheed Martin's stock price tanked by 40 points when the new Boeing contract was announced (plus the potential cancellation of F-35 contracts by Canada et al).
It's utterly amazing how in a little over 3 months, he's destroyed 75 years of American hegemony. Trump should be considered a criminal.
And Russia is economically collapsing which is what happened to them with Afghanistan as well. This time though the Oligarchs stole so much for so long their military is a train wreck. Rusted tanks, broken parts, they’re using Soviet era weapons now and buying from the North Koreans.
I really hate that he is representing all of us right now. No matter how much we say “I promise I didn’t vote for this!”, it’s too late. The damage is done. Embarrassing.
I appreciate that friend- most of us won’t fight Denmark or Canada if they decide they need extra land at this point. Looking forward to that universal healthcare 🤞🏻😂
Why have friends when one day they won't be? Definitely sounds like someone who has throws every friend under the bus. Or whose friends dump him for being a shit friend.
and the moron gets offended when other people use tariffs xD - congress gave the power to potus cause they supported free trade - violating every spirit of the law
Which is why France and Canada and Australia are looking elsewhere to buy new defense equipment. As Carney said, buying US would allow the US to cut off parts and maintenance whenever trump got mad. They will not willingly put themselves into a possible dangerous position
DeGaulle took a lot of shite for insisting on France having their own independent defense systems and nuclear policy but in retrospect he was right to not trust America.
The worst sales pitch ever. No wonder he's never succeeded in selling anything to someone with a brain. He's gone bankrupt 6 times. The US will make it seven
I don't know...the F35 has overheating engine issues, limited payload, limited range, and no chance of a new adaptive engine.
Europe has 2 different 6th generation prototypes in development already, and the tactical missiles used in Ukraine are now mostly supplied by Europe. Donold, try harder...
It simply means that Donold is an idiot because he is not selling something for which there is no alternative.
The US technology that goes into 6th generation fighters is harder to replace, so that would be more of a threat, but he is too stupid to think details, little alone to think at all😄
Thank you very much. I was just thinking what could Europe find and replace. Where need must...but so disappointing to see 150 billion euros being spent in weapons....Bloody Trump and Putin.
And that's exactly why they won't buy the planes from us. If this doesn't seriously hurt American military contractors, I don't know what will. So if you buy stock, buy the stock in the companies that make Swedish, Danish, and French, fighter jets. They will be selling a lot of them.
I’m truly hoping when my son gets out of the Air Force next year he goes to work for a NATO country. Then we can all go with him wherever he ends up. His expertise on F16s is top notch!
We love to travel and learn about other cultures, their history and meet new people. Now I dream about moving to 1 of those places where I don’t have to worry about a dictator and losing all my rights and my family is safe.
European countries are already ahead of this. Even of someone does join the dots for Trump, the US military contractors will find their markets have evaporated.
Denmark and other countries are already questioning their contract with Boeing fighter planes. Allies are saying that the USA may not make the parts and render it obsolete , or have their own kill switch on functions that give Russia and other adversaries advantages to making them sitting ducks
Many Canadians were already questioning getting military equipment from a country actively threatening us. Subpar equipment was a predictable potential outcome. His confirmation is appreciated. 🙄
Facts. Most of my career has been working as a government contractor (non-defense) for small and large companies. They're all whores for government dollars.
United States arms-makers are being frozen out of the European Union’s massive new defense spending plan, which aims to splash the cash for EU and allied countries, according to defense spending plans released Wednesday.
Why would any ally buy arms from us? Would you trust that the equipment was free from hidden/backdoor equipment that would render it useless if relationships changed? Trump doesn’t inspire commitment.
When he pulls the plug on research, where does he think the new toys keep coming? China? I am sure they are willing to sell him something, but perhaps not the things he needs.
I think it’s actually an old man so disconnected from reality and so pathologically stupid that he thinks that sharing this information makes him look smarter than everyone else. Oy! To quote Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does.”
This is normal DOD/State Department ITAR policy. Nothing new … I did this during my internship in Govt Contracts after College .. Did he learn anything as 45?
This has always been most countries policies, but the deterrent is now that it has made its way into the Mango Moron tiny brain, he will try to use it all the time, just like tariffs.
So no sane country will buy any US weapons anymore.
French Mirage European Typhoon can beat a MIG, UK South Korea & Germany have great tanks Eurocopter is phenomenal. Eutelsat-OneWeb is a step ahead of Starlink (India, Fr, UK) & the joint venture between India and U.S. beats both. US is great yet if we lose Engineers to other nations we’re screwed
Our new military equipment rolling out, is like new iPhones. When the new titanium 16 came out, you could dent it in your hand (F-35) Sounds like 17 will be coming out ( F-47) Only these phones didn't cost tax payers TRILLIONS.
With this fascist hateful and treasonous clown running America it’s a good bet current allies will someday be enemies!
It may be some day very soon, allies no longer trust Trump and his Nazi regime!
Then no. in trumps world everyone fucks everyone, it's a zero sum orgy or fuckery and lying. these people are so pathetic they sell human beings out for money. Don't they know money is stupid and no one cares about money anynore
It's all they've got, Liberty. Money hoarding is a mental illness manifested by the weakest, most fearful among us. They always run away in a one-on-one confrontation.
And you know the boys at the US companies all voted for Trump thinking he was their guy, but like the Wall St boys they’re realizing he really is Putin’s guy.
That is one of Trump's dumbest statements yet. He's completely ruining their military contracts and shutting down their industry with one dumb statement. I always suspected this bankrupt businessman didn't have any business sense and here's proof.
Whether or not Jabba the Trump would follow through with such a scheme, why would you advertise that moronic thought? Who is he trying to impress with his idiocy?
So any countries considering buying military equipment from America .. don't. Sweden, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Britain.. look to each other. Trump will sabotage the kit, and he'll probably already have sent all the blueprints to Russia. So that trading relationship is gone now.
Trumpovich, other nations aren't stupid like you are. They just won't BUY those planes & build their own which will match or even exceed the capabilities of US aircraft. Scientists are LEAVING the USA! Then America will be ALL ALONE without ANY allies thanks to you're bullshit! So fuck you Krasnov!
We've been doing this for many years. GPS has a mode that can be disabled except for military aircraft and weapons we want to use. We can disable any missiles or fighter jets we sell that use GPS this way. Missile systems have expiration dates.
Mary Trump's podcast helps explain a lot about this monster, delivered with much professional insight & wry humor.
She and the Pod Save America guys make most of these days livable, imho.
(Not forgetting the many independent podcasters who bring us invaluable updates & opinion pieces as well).
He is a very sad man. Loveless marriage. Half his children avoid him. After a lifetime of short-term transactions, he has no real friends. Now he is old, raging against the fading of the light, desperate for someone to remember him as a great man. Desperate.
Must watch
The UK/Japan, European and Chinese already working on 6th Gen fighters while Trump wheels out a plastic model of the F-47.
So much for made in the USA.
They said if the US fails to deliver spare parts, they wouldn't be able to maintain their military equipment.
They saw the writing on the wall some time ago.
I hope they succeed in moving to EU production.
He flipped the bird to all our friends. We're left with this? Really? A bankrupt, narcissistic, stupid old man??
He just f'ed them up badly because his potty mouth.
Oh well, the leopard eats their face party.
Case in point.
We sold the Brits the Mustang in WWII and it underperformed.
Until they used their engine
This is the real tRump, and he plans on burning America to the ground.
He must be removed along with his cabinet immediately.
French Rafale or Swedish Gripen will do just fine.
And they don't have any function which can be turned off remotely.
If they’re going to add more performance limitations, this should be breach of contract.
That said, I think there’s some
dementia talking and/or he’s full of shit.
USA allies need to review their allegiance, Donald Trump is untrustworthy because he's becoming more unhinged every day.
Drunk on power.
Crazy town stuff.
Disabling a non-vital function isn't the same.
What the French expert explained, is that a function could be remotely disabled, while the plane could still be used. It just wouldn't be stealthy anymore.
Who could have predicted that an oligarch would act as co-president?
We just paid an $880,000,000 instalment on the $360,000,000,000 nuclear submarine contract we have with the US.
Goddamm he's thee fucking dumbest human and business idiot
Remove the entire dtrumpf administration… a big rubber stamp of impeachment.
Completely worthless and inept
Condemned out of his own mouth.
Time to short American defense stocks.
i corrected that for you.
It's not because we don't like Americans, it's because we hate Trump.
That orange asshole is systematically destroying America and spreading his sickness all around the world.
He’s pure poison!
The damage will take years if not decades to heal!
Interesting times ahead.
FantaFelon will keep pushing the envelope seeing how much he can get away with.
Another reason not to buy American.
Especially since Trump has moved to personally put his brand on the J-47. (cf. Trump Airlines, Steaks, Wine, University, Casinos, etc.)
Just asking.
It's utterly amazing how in a little over 3 months, he's destroyed 75 years of American hegemony. Trump should be considered a criminal.
"buy our thing, we'll sell you the shit version."
(He're is the stable genius describing how tariffs work....)
He’s no genius - like Musk he’s a blowhard who got well positioned with money and never looked back to help others or society
How could anyone like, or ket alone love him.
He must be the loneliest man on earth.
Health, education, stocks, aviation.
Everything he touches…
Europe has 2 different 6th generation prototypes in development already, and the tactical missiles used in Ukraine are now mostly supplied by Europe. Donold, try harder...
The US technology that goes into 6th generation fighters is harder to replace, so that would be more of a threat, but he is too stupid to think details, little alone to think at all😄
United States arms-makers are being frozen out of the European Union’s massive new defense spending plan, which aims to splash the cash for EU and allied countries, according to defense spending plans released Wednesday.
Who the f**k said this idiot was a successful businessman? 🤣
There. Fixed To Closer To What He Really Might Be Thinking.
And Much Closer To What Decent People Everywhere KNOW He Was Thinking!
Russia is Trump's only friend, and they can't believe he's so easy to manipulate.
And I, also, do not blame Canada for doing what Canada has to do. If they'd have me, I'd move there yesterday.
This has always been most countries policies, but the deterrent is now that it has made its way into the Mango Moron tiny brain, he will try to use it all the time, just like tariffs.
So no sane country will buy any US weapons anymore.
The art of the deal.
"I love the poorly educated" DJT
It may be some day very soon, allies no longer trust Trump and his Nazi regime!
One side effect of Trump's brash, undiplomatic attitude is that some allied nations may back out of purchasing F-35 fighter jets from the U.S.,
Nobody is buying any jets or satellites from us anytime soon.
Hundreds of F35 contracts cancelled.
This project wasn’t ready for launch.
It was rushed for a bad-ratings photo op.
She and the Pod Save America guys make most of these days livable, imho.
(Not forgetting the many independent podcasters who bring us invaluable updates & opinion pieces as well).