Much of the media's attention is focused on what harm Pete Hegseth's reckless irresponsibility might do to him, when it should be focused on what harm it could have done to our troops--and *will* do to our relationships with allies, especially in Europe.
But not to worry… 🙏🙏 emoji were added to the thread so Jesus was called upon to protect our troops during the assualt.
Hey, president putin, what was the objective?
who is now working directly with Putin is saying while he’s in the Kremlin
This app was specifically used to accomplish this.
Doing illegal things and publicly protecting each other from any consequences is a fascist ritual that increases their appeal to their followers.
It projects strength and comradery, at least to the retards they rely on.
Stop trying to play by rules that no longer exist.
Lots of talk of “Elon’s activities” are distracting Trump & Republicans from “talking about the things they want to talk about” … but now, “with the VA & Social Security, they may be handing Democrats a tool.”
Very little on how Elon’s activities” are AFFECTING AMERICANS?!?!
In this case the Signal disappearing time was set for one week.
The damage will continue beyond Trump’s regime.
Imagine being a European, or especially in European government, and reading what the couch-fucker said.
Just yikes.
Just know that over half the USA stands with you, and we are deeply embarrassed, ashamed and outraged at how our neighbors, friends & allies are being treated—like garbage.
But we’re not too proud to apologize ❤️🩹
What will you all do if America sides with Putin and actually goes to war with Europe?
Seriously, 70 million of you voted for this. Because he told you what he was going to do. They wrote it down for you. And then the vast majority stayed home.
If Europe is the enemy.
What then?
Keyword in the allyship being “stable,” and fuck knows Donald and his regime are the farthest thing from that adjective.
The poll was taken before the Singal national security exposure and calling Europeans 'PATHETIC'
Of course, now our allies know our top national security people are irresponsible & incompetent.
Russia has now officially won The Cold War. With the aid of their puppet and his party.
That is a WAR CRIME all Americans should care about
Step 14
Step 6
Demand ACTION!
That name should be the Secret Service handle for Pete Hegseth.
Forget Pete's career—he’ll land another Fox gig.
The real fallout?
Troops in danger.
Intel exposed.
Allies pissed.
Europe saw it: a loudmouth clown with clearance, treating secrets like bar talk.
This wasn’t a leak. It was a breach of trust!
America rudder less...
Don’t expect the same kind of support from the rest of the west in future. We just don’t trust your govt.
Their passwords are online.
The focus should also be on WHY did Trump chose inexperienced & unqualified people to head the most important departments in our country.
What is the long term goal here?
Why hasn't a reporter asked Trump that?
Lincoln's "malice towards none, charity for all" looked good on paper, but that begat the KKK, white supremacy, and ultimately, MAGA. Next time, exterminate the cancer. Wipe them out... all of them.
Then why have the chat? This is treated with such disregard! A wave off by trump! My God people wake up! Don’t sit still for this attitude and deliberate menacing acts by this Govt impacting America.
As long as you routinely check to see if your passwords are compromised, don't use compromised passwords, don't reuse passwords, you will be fine.
So based on recent events, they are screwed!
It is NOT an appropriate coms tool for sharing classified information. Both the NSA and the Pentagon have made this abundantly clear.
The few remaining allies that the US hasn't offended are shaking their heads in disbelief.
Again! 😳
Take action protect USA
That convicted felon, rapist, conman, failed businessman shouldn’t even have been allowed to run!
Threatening us with annexation, imposing tariffs intending to destroy us economically, having Pete Hegseth as your Defense Secretary who thinks broadcasting intel over an open unsecured network is a good idea…
WE need to build a wall!🇨🇦
Each day with tRump in charge, postpones a normalization of relations with Europe a year further.
Soon 3 months insanity, will take 3-4 generations to repair.
US citizens have no idea which madness they have put themselves in. And it is not just the MAGA idiots.
Soon it will never happen ..
Rumour has it that the Whitehouse may withhold essential spare parts and software ware upgrades if tRump is offended.
Who would take that risk?
How much does an F35 cost?
You may loose more than goodwill
Your people have lost their moral compass.
Completely manipulated by propaganda, no critical thinking.
The school shootings have been a warning sign for decades.
Electing Trump for the 2nd term confirmed, the rule of law is gone.
I hate us too. I’ll try to do a little remodeling while you’re away.
Maybe someday we’ll earn your trust.
My grandmother in law lives in Syracuse and is completely embarrassed by this regime.
It is tough to see. Hopefully the good people can win this fight.
No emotion. Just reality.
I also think that he has something on tRump.
Either Kompromat or more likely he has become someone tRump worships.
Either will fit the scenario
I will continue to resist.
The US has been barely sane&rational since our founding. Good sense has only ever barely edged out bad ideas from the start.
Well maybe Russia.
So, yeah. The U.S. and the E.U. are pretty much at war now.
The whole point of this strike was to leverage it over the EU *after the fact*.
Bad Faith Actors, in every way, shape, and form.
The only consideration is what is transactional *today*.
Consider all treaties, agreements, pacts, and contracts with the US null and void going forward.
They were our fucking ALLIES in WW1.
But that never seems to be the angle in the press does it?
Relationships with allies in Canada, Europe and Australia are already seriously compromised.
Even authoritarianism is on our doors.
A single act of calamitous stupidity and every single ally immediately takes ten steps backwards with their security intelligence feeds.
Worse than having a mole in the security services.
Leaking intel is bad, but not as bad as jeopardizing millitary lives when you do it.
Not anymore, and even when the US would return to democracy, not for a long time.
And I wish that I could exert more pressure on our politicians to help overcome Krasnov and his comrades, but most of them are still holding the opinion that there's a way of negotiating something.
Wonder what will be going on here once that Orange Turd is visiting Germany...if he ever dares.
Not one thought given to US servicemen and women. Not one.
And what country is going to trust us with sensitive information now?
The UK will stop sharing information.
The US will be isolated.
Fascists are notoriously difficult to kick out. They are not likely to allow via elections alone.
The US might be terminally compromised.
How long will blue states continue to fund the red states while the lose all their rights at the…
…same time.
April 5, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Boston & every capitol in every city of our Country.