When you're going about your day, where do you encounter information that is NOT from an online source?
Possible examples:
Signs on a street pole
Sound system at the grocery store
Bulletin board at the gym
No answer is too small.
Possible examples:
Signs on a street pole
Sound system at the grocery store
Bulletin board at the gym
No answer is too small.
Post office
How close together the birds are on the wire
The one neighbor who is always fixing something with his garage door open
FM Radio
Barking dogs
PBS Newshour
Church ladies
I've learned lots of useful natural remedy and health info from it
newspaper stands by the bus stop
Ingredient labels
Flyers in shops
Chatting to people
Printed T shirts
Side of packaging
Local newspaper
Posted letters
Free shop magazines
Subway stations and train walls
Open/closed signs on store doors
Gas station prices
My paper trash/recycling calendar for my township
Notes on kitchen board, books (especially cookery and art), art magazines, ingredients lists on products, manuals, letters, notes I leave for myself in my studio, chats with husband, phone calls, old photographs, visitors, knitting patterns, the cat.
Bumper stickers (though probably not ACCURATE information, except where squids are involved)
Other people's phones on speaker (usually too MUCH information)
NOAA weather radio.
Eavesdropping at stores and restaurants.
Local Sunday newspaper.
Local free entertainment newspaper.
lotto tickets
product packaging
yard signs/flags
bumper stickers
uniforms/name tags
shopping bags
- Our indoor & outdoor thermometer
- Other dog walkers
- By sniffing the weather, to discern temperature, wind speed and most important humidity i.e. the likelihood that it will rain in the next while
- Presence / absence of cars outside neighbours' houses
- How I drive my car: it can tell me whether I'm stressed
- Interoception: noticing how my body and soul are feeling (sad / energised / low / placid / jumpy etc.)
- How active the dog is: tells me whether I'll get much peace for the next while
... I'm sure there's lots more ...great question!
Pavement signs outside stores
Streamers/signs on delivery cars
(illegal) posters on outdoor freestanding electrical cabinets
Signs in the subway
Community bulletin board
Whiteboard at gym
Movie theater marquee
Night club marquee
Magazines at checkout
Airplane towing sign
Friendly neighbor
Bumper sticker
Announcement before/after class
Sign in shop window
Poster on building
Gas station sign
Traffic light
Highway billboards
Bumper stickers
Telephone calls and voicemail messages
It's fascinating to think about because even though I first went "online" in the 80s, I really didn't start getting information from it in any major way until the late 90s
- Organized meetups of all kinds.
Watching the train go by while stuck in traffic.... graffiti has its own beauty.
Journaling, tarot, meditating.
Similarly: hearing sirens. And I can tell when we win a championship because all the car horns start blowing.
Also: foghorns.
Shop window displays. Windshield flyers (but these are annoying/litter-prone).
Signs in shop windows
Local radio
Word of mouth from friends and family
Info on the back of commercial vehicles
Signs along the highway about the places of natural or historical interest nearby
flesh-and-blood humans; i often walk to a relevant office to ask a human my questions
food packaging/instruction manual in product box
radio in the car
My Bishop’s sermon, now is the time to be salty.
Instruction manual.
Listening to people on public transit
Flyers in mail
Flyers on street poles
Business cards spread on street
Children’s books
The local free weekly
Bumper stickers?
Phone calls
In-person conversations
Feeling air on my face
I can smell winter coming, and once received a warning from the flight of birds that I was potentially repeating a huge mistake.
Also books and the national trust magasine.
Books books books (since news is only one kind of info).
Colleagues, clerks & cashiers, friends, family -- at minimum of 4 other humans/day.
Birds (observing them) (and other nonhumans around).
Occasionally magazines (I subscribe to some science ones).
I mean she seems to imply written information, but we get chemicals, spacial, temporal, and energetic information all the time from everything .
Body language, emotions, experience…
I make zines. So far they have been “artsy.”
Now they’re gonna be “newsy”.
I leave my zines in a lot of different places: restaurants, music stores, college campuses….