The blanket starts a chemical reaction with your skin causing your flesh to get hotter, if the blanket stays cold the chemical compound that makes it hot isn't working and you need to refuel it.
[attenborough voice] the blankets prey on us by leveraging their low power warmth attack. it is wildly ineffective but they remain persistent and comfortable.
[ Werner Herzog ] For thousands of years man has selected perfect blankets and influenced their evolution. Even now evolution no longer depends on survival of the fittest in natural settings.
Entirely new genus of blankets are weighted.
Did man create blankets or did blankets create man?
What is wondrous is that you can then turn the blanket over and it is magically cold again. But only for a little while as if it has slowly sensed you're on to its gambit.
What they don’t want you to know is that blankets can be kept warm with the application of 2-3 very fluffy cats. They have been trying to cover this up for decades.
And by “they” I mean the cats. They have covered all the blankets in my house.
When you put a paper against a mirror and then a ball behind it the mirror knows that the ball is there and will show the ball from the side. Modern science cannot explain this
Your body heat warms the blanket. More accurately, it warms the air between you and the blanket.
Warm-blooded creatures like humans are still pretty warm, even when we feel cold. The blanket is a heat shield that stops all your nice body heat from radiating outward into the environment
Sitting on a warm seat someone else recently sat on gives you the skeeving gips
This also remains unexplained
Entirely new genus of blankets are weighted.
Did man create blankets or did blankets create man?
Wait, are you a scientist? I was told not to believe in scientists.
And by “they” I mean the cats. They have covered all the blankets in my house.
Warm-blooded creatures like humans are still pretty warm, even when we feel cold. The blanket is a heat shield that stops all your nice body heat from radiating outward into the environment