I’m bringing Captain Vince Culliver as my guest to the President’s Joint Address to Congress.
Here’s why 🧵
Here’s why 🧵
When the Eaton Fire broke out, he rushed to the front lines.
His work, and that of thousands of others, saved lives and livelihoods.
That’s abhorrent. I hope Captain Culliver’s presence will remind my colleagues who these heroes are, and the sacrifices they make for all of us.
And why we must stand with them. Always.
Porter was a much better choice for California!🇺🇸
She would not pull this STUNT to justify attending! She has your missing balls!
please, @schiff.senate.gov please do not go at all. You are a ranking member You hold clouts and power just with your name... please represent us and do not go!
The right don't see it like that, or they're in denial.
So whatever we do to them, they are going to do to us with a perfectly legal candid POTUS .
I see what you're saying.
personally I think if they go and bring the people you said, and then maybe halfway through or at least when he starts on the bullshit Maga, just get up and walk out in protest.
only thing I'm worried about is they'll do it next time
1. No major media will spotlight your guest.
2. You’re still dignifying the State of the Coup with your audience.
3. You’re following decorum and tradition.
TONE-DEAF is exactly what too many of these representatives are now. They're acting like the political fight is the same one their mom/dad fought.
it's guerrilla politics now!
Hold a rally FOR THE PEOPLE on the steps! Do something MEANINGFUL AND BIG. Not stand there w a guest he is not going to notice. C’mon, Sen. THINK BIGGER.
They KNEW he's a russian asset
They KNEW he'd steal our election
KNEW he's illegitimate
IGNORED IT ALL and STILL ignoring it
These poser patriots aren't in anyone's faces, they're a fucking joke
They KNEW he's a russian asset
They KNEW he would cheat
They still handed US the fuck over with SMILES😡
A significant number of Americans are unfamiliar with the meaning of the word “abhorrent.”
but we really expected more
It’s time for Democrats to grow a motherfucking spine and stand up to this Russian Asset! How about not attending at all, or standing with your back facing his ugly mug?
A bunch of geeks at a brawl.
Seriously just don't go, the disrespect will make more of an impact.
Any high school pep club can help figure this out
I wish that the Democratic Party would boycott the event to show Trump and the country just how much we disagree wth him!
that's what Republicans would do.
We are better than that;
If you feel this way, if you are all about sending a "message", why are you still on Twitter? Kind of antithetical don't you think? Especially for someone in a leadership position.
p.s. spare me the "gotta get the message out to muh constituents..."
Read the comments here fcs
Don’t play this as business as usual. Turn your back on him. Walk out
authoritarian oligarchy. Pretending it’s business as usual while our government is destroyed & Putin is taking us over. You’re a huge disappointment. I’m sorry I voted for you.
This fight needs to be taken to the mat and boldly so.
Go, be seated. As Trump begins, one at a time, walk slowly out of the chamber. Then speak for America on the steps of the Capital. 1/2
The Senators with meaningful guests should have a joint press event to introduce them. Otherwise, frankly, who cares?
They don’t care! Putting people in front of them, actually makes them double down on their traitorous actions! 🤦♀️
I don't think sending them little reminders is helpful.
Perhaps you should do that.
If you absolutely must, though, I do like the idea of dressing like Zelenskyy.
Bring the Capitol police who testified, E Jean Carroll who is owed $88 million for sexual abuse and defamation, Stormy Daniels who Spanky illegally paid to rig the 2016 election.
have you seen 'em? when do they do that?
Crockett's great, she says the right things, but she's only 1 person & she isn't MTG.
Your idea is the dumbest fucking one ever. EVER
Opposition must be there and oppose.
No running away. Use the attention.
All Republicans did was lie and complain.
Boycott or walk out.
#CONGRESS #SENATE #DEMS Can you get going on a solution...
By going you normalize what these criminals are doing to our country !
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented responses.
You and Pelosi are obstructing progress for democracy.
You’re the problem.
Keep up the good work.
They are not coming to save us. It is now up to us. We save us.
Not infighting. Process of renewal and improvement.
1. Not attend at all
2. Disrupt. Chant Slava Ukraini for at least 5 minutes while he's trying to talk. Then, interrupt with references to veterans, sick people, and the elderly who are being hurt by his policies.
Business as usual simply won't work.
Attending with a fired federal employee. Invite fired republican federal employees.
America is no longer a serious country.
Where in fuck is your spine????
If you do attend, and Trump claims to have released the water, if you don't scream, repeatedly, "YOU POURED THE WATER OUT!" ..... well, California sure loves a recall.
When Trump begins speaking, start filing out
@balint.house.gov would be a good addition too!
I can’t believe it
Your pardon won't protect you schiffty
WADR. the Democrats' tone deafness is beyond frustrating.
He might have a stroke .
With a phrase:
"We refuse to forget the attack on this House - January 6th, 2021!"
If Dems don't show, they could hold votes on any type of mess, WITHOUT OPPOSITION.
It's not a Norm. It's his job.
It's way past time for the Democratic Party to show they have some balls.
Please. Please
I want every single Democrat to get up and walk out when Trump starts to speak.
gawd I wish @katieporteroc.bsky.social had won that seat, SHE'S a fighter.
1 - Wear Ukrainian colors
2 - Stay seated and refuse to shake his hand when he enters
3 - Stand and leave when he starts to speak
4 - Hold a press conference on the Capitol steps after walking out
5 - Let AOC or Jasmine Crockett have the response
ALL democrats need to boycott entirely!!
Hold a parallel event with TRUTH not Nazi LIES!
One that confronts evil that threatens all we hold dear, not acquiesces to it.
Stand in protest outside of the Capitol.
No one wants you to "rise above"
This is a address to congress
Actually it's a MAGA rally.
Why Dems think their attendance is required, or is even good optics is beyond me.
#Resist #ResistPersistInsist #JointAddress #USA
Or better yet, if you must go, everyone stand and turn their backs to Trump, especially if he meants Ukraine or President Zulinski.
Hello! They don’t care. Why is that so difficult to accept?
Time after time, the same old strategy gives the same result, but next go around..hey, let’s try it again!
So weak.
Show some balls and boycott the damn thing.
Set an example.
Be leaders.
I'd rather you walk out in protest and have a press briefing outside to say why. Introduce your guest at the press briefing.
It makes YOU complicit!!!
It makes YOU - at best - a Vichy senator. Shame on you!!! You’re a traitor to every vulnerable group those hateful monsters intend to harm.
You are capitulating to pure evil.
@democrats.org need to gather with military brass and oust this puppet regime of Putin from occupying the executive branch of America
Or if you feel compelled to attend, any who do should be dressed in the same style as Zelenskyy was at that abomination at the WH. I for one won't be watching.
It would not only show Trump is an ass it would show we support the Ukrainian soldiers.
You think anyone will pay attention?
Most probably not.
But wouldn't it be an awesome sight? 😊
Hold a presser outside w/ AP &
Reuters!! CNN, MSNBC, and especially WPO not invited!
I am just a lady in Canada.
Nothing is fair or just in the fight of your career.
You cannot just show up, in a suit and show off some guy.
What is going to #ROCKTRUMPSWORLD
This bit of nuanced theater will mean nothing.
But bring the dude.
Then as soon as trump opens his pie hole EVERY LAST DEM STANDS UP AND WALKS OUT.