What is so funny to me is that he actually looks normal. That could be anybody's grandpa. Maybe that's what is bothering him. He doesn't look like the tyrannical lunatic that he's worked so hard to become.
tRump is not our president. He doesn’t represent us, is not protecting our laws our constitution. He is terrorizing 350 million Americans! Our constitution demands our military step up and back up our judicial system: remove him and his minions. Presidential immunity doesn’t cover this coup!
This does not look "distorted" to me. It most likely doesn't look the way he imagines himself to look. You get that old and looking in a mirror is a slightly surreal experience. In your head you still look 40ish.
Trump likes his mug shot better and I can’t think of another representation that so truly hits the spirit of this person. I hope his mug shot is his official portrait.
That's how I feel after learning of HegSex stupid arrogant tweeting of Houthi targeting. The news sucked the life out of me & probably the rest of pentagon!
The painting has been up for five years and now he's whining about it? Have you seen DJT's tweets (or whatever) about it? He's literally saying "Obama is hot, I am not."
No - what Trump hates most about that painting is that it’s *not* biased or incompetent. It’s just a rather boring realist effort, jowls and all. It’s not unflattering or demonizing or incompetent, it’s just not the falsely flattering AI garbage he’s used to seeing of himself.
Trump kind of looks like he has the mumps in that painting, but other than that its only flaw is that it makes him look better than he actually does. (And with RFK as HHS Secretary, mumps will surely make a comeback.)
If it had more orange, an obviously bad comb-over, and an anus mouth, he would have seen what he likes. I volunteer to do the replacement portrait. Free, because I'm sure he wouldn't pay me anyway.
So, Colorado tax payers are paying for "spending resources or time on this"? I don't want my tax dollars paying to sate a weak, insecure and petulant man-child's fragile ego. But that is just me...
There was a word missing in that sentence, they ARENT spending resources or times on this. But it was indeed paid for by a go fund me to start so he has only wasted his supporters money so far.
Really captured that jowl. All that’s missing is smearing some orange around, bleaching the hair and brows out and adding a fuck load of combover fly-aways
It’s the most authentic portrayal of him I’ve seen in art. His tiny eyes are reminders of his true by hands. His full cheeks harken to the fact that he is full of it.
I think it’s a masterpiece.
Art is subjective that way.
The thing that’s so gross about the Trump portrait is that the artist tried to make Trump look like a serious leader. The artist decided to clean him up and normalize him.
You just know Colorado didn't spend the whole budget for the trump portrait. You get what you pay for in art. Take it from an old former professional artist
Time did an article about this. Colorado asked for contributions during his first term and got zero dollars for it. Then someone snuck in a portrait of Putin and hung it in his place. That's when the Colorado GOP got mad and raised money to have this portrait done.
His skin isn't saggy enough or creased and those eyes are too kind. Trump looks like he's going to stroke out any minute that pic makes him look serene compared to reality.
I don't care about his whining...it's juvenile. Still I can't disagree with him... YET, I applaud the artist for rending him in the cartoon fashion he deserves.
Wait you do mean the one on the right, right?
An unrelated to your post big guy of what a happy well adjusted leader looks like😎🇮🇪🐾🐾
This does not look "distorted" to me. It most likely doesn't look the way he imagines himself to look. You get that old and looking in a mirror is a slightly surreal experience. In your head you still look 40ish.
Sometimes art does imitate life
And sometimes it just has fun with it
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”
What I find hilarious is that Fat Trump has been hanging in the CO state capitol since 2019 and Colorado Republicans paid $10,000 for it.
That is hysterical!
Worthless piece of shit.
At least it's orange!
Nailed it.
This is the image they need to hang in the Capital!
I think it’s a masterpiece.
Art is subjective that way.
They have the same crazy look in their eye.. 🤔