Nearest I can come up with is xenocracy, where the Greek xenos means 'strange'. The root is used frequently to mean 'alien'. For example, xenobiology, xenomorph. 'Rule by aliens' isn't a bad description.
Thanks for posting this - I was just trying to remember that word. I used "kakistocracy" so much 2016-20, but realized that after 4 years of normalcy I couldn't remember what it was!
Right Paul! Politics aside, could you think of yourself as social friends with guys like Musk, Ramaswamy, Hegseth, RFK, and Gaetz? A combination of obnoxiousness, attention seeking and just plain weird.
If this utterly unqualified, egotistical, uneducated clown is allowed to take over as head of the DOD, military morale and readiness will suffer greatly.
Speaking of weirdos - is it safe to assume all federally reported economic data will be fake for the next four years? Where can we turn for reliable economic data?
Yes, there is a Greek-inspired term for "rule by weirdos": "Idiocracy" (from Greek idiotes meaning a private individual or an unskilled/ignorant person).
We can laugh a little now about the kakistocracy that is incoming, but what we're really looking at is a catastrophe.
We all see how sensitive the economy is to shocks - this one is a major earthquake.
When the shadows of this coming crisis grow darker, there will be an economic collapse. Bet on it
i get your point, however i can’t even laugh about it now. not even a little bit. i know this is the end of America as we have known and wished it to be. this is a very dark time and is going to get much darker.
From anomie (social instability resulting from the breakdown of standards) and cracy (rule), this would better capture the negative connotation of deviant rule, as it connects to:
The rejection of both cultural goals and legitimate means.
The breakdown of social norms and standards.
Several historical rulers demonstrated how an Anomocracy might function:
Emperor Caligula attempted to make his horse a consul.
Charles VI of France believed he was made of glass.
Niyazov of Turkmenistan, who renamed bread and months after himself.
Really at this point the USA is a social experiment, race to the bottom. Or it's just the next episode of an alien sitcom. Maybe they are watching you guys and complain about the lazy writing.
Just be thankful he wasn’t appointed to either the Dept of Agriculture (we don’t need stupid inspections) or the Dept of Health & Human Services (germs don’t exist, so why need the CDC).
I’m just looking for sunshine on a dark cloudy day…
Didn’t his middle school have a microscope in science classrooms? He might have played hooky the day students looked at things in the world that are too small to see with their naked eyes.
Just wait until he gets older & needs glasses to read, but if he can’t see the words, they don’t exist?
Paradoxocracy: from the words "paradox" (something strange, unconventional) and "state" (authority)
NB - The US two party system was always bound to end in an absurdity. Q.E.D..
I really, really struggle to believe someone hasn't, eg, gotten a scorching case of e.coli from that behaviour.
Kratia meaning power
T in 2024 - "...loyal fiends and criminals only"
We all see how sensitive the economy is to shocks - this one is a major earthquake.
When the shadows of this coming crisis grow darker, there will be an economic collapse. Bet on it
That's how it works, right?
From anomie (social instability resulting from the breakdown of standards) and cracy (rule), this would better capture the negative connotation of deviant rule, as it connects to:
The rejection of both cultural goals and legitimate means.
The breakdown of social norms and standards.
Emperor Caligula attempted to make his horse a consul.
Charles VI of France believed he was made of glass.
Niyazov of Turkmenistan, who renamed bread and months after himself.
This dude will be like, "Don't worry guys, if you can't see the enemy. They aren't there."
A personal “aide” (pants steamer) or something.
I’m just looking for sunshine on a dark cloudy day…
Just wait until he gets older & needs glasses to read, but if he can’t see the words, they don’t exist?