Can anyone out there who understands what he's talking about explain it—I only have 3 terminal degrees so it's possible the iconoclastic perspective on the infamously inflationary effect of tariffs offered here by a hedge fund jerkoff tapped by a rapist to placate billionaires has gone right past me
Reposted from
Carl Quintanilla
".. During a radio interview Saturday .., Bessent said 'tariffs can’t be inflationary because if the price of one thing goes up -- unless you give people more money -- then they have less money to spend on the other thing, so there is no inflation.'"
Inflation, by definition, is when prices rise faster than wages. So feel free to completely dismiss what he's saying
Talk about arrogance!
They will raise prices on nicer things, on wants, to force you to buy only the bare necessities.
He's a shithead desperately trying to obfuscate the consequences of a trade war because of fear of retribution from Trump.
Orwell, 1984
This sort of person should not be allowed within light years of the seat of power, and in a rational world wouldn't be.
Imagine thinking the only way ppl have more $ is by being "given" it...brainwormed, hedge fund, magnate thinking.
Workers EARN more money by being productive, this is what powers a growing economy.
If the price of absolutely everything went up then people would have less money to spend on absolutely everything, so then there would be no inflation at all.
Obviously. 🤷♂️
Let me interpret for you. What he is saying is “I am a complete asshat and have no idea what I am talking about. So, I am incredibly qualified to be in the Trump administration.”
Thats an incredibly cruel way to describe inflation
So a tarriff, that is a tax on foreign goods, increases their price and domestic goods, seeing that prices are artificially boosted, also raise their price...
Therefore the money lost paying one increased price reduces money available to buy other goods of increased price because magic.
Go watch!
Too many hallucinogens in his diet.
Sounds about right for a Republican economic policy
Which in turn will mean many businesses will go belly up, economy will crash and likely a hyperinflation will start.
Not so hard🤷♂️
I hate having to copy/paste/delete. I’m not always perfect!
importers placing 3X orders than normal. Tariffs are in force mid 2025, they increase prices, make a killing from cheap inventory, now sold at high premium. Inflation will go up. we mostly import cheap stuff. few pennies more, we pay!
Yes this is their argument.
There seems to be this instinct to perform as if it’s a real discussion
But it’s a *representation* of an interview, not an actual interview, that we get
See the attached picture.
Soros did this to Thailand as well, betting against the Baht, and "winning".
Hello!! Anyone remember 2008-9? And those guys were just in the hen yard, not the actual hen house!
I hate this timeline.
Y’all get with the program!
They'll kill all of us and laugh while doing it.
Think of it this way. If you cut off your finger you aren’t missing a digit you’re gaining some adhesive and stitches. And those are pretty cool.
So because of tariffs everyone will be too broke to trigger inflation!
Gotta love these Trump geniuses
So they are happy with consumers having LESS buying power. Good grief what a dope…that’s exactly why you get a deep recession with trump. So stupid.
So if prices go up on stuff then it’s likely the calculated rate of inflation will go up.
Hook, line and sinker, the 80’s
Monetary theory has never explained inflation. I have been studying this for years and there is almost no correlation.
The dirty little secret is that the Fed targets a small inflation rate.
The Fed fears deflation, especially with all the outstanding debt.
You get what you can afford not what you want or need.
Like people did during the Great Depression.
something like, if money supply stays the same, then prices stay the same; if the government stays in its budget (money available) by rearranging priorities, so can individuals.
Key phrase there is people won't have more money to spend 😂😂😂
Reagan started off his Presidency, blamed it on Carter, then ran on morning in America...
We’re actually swimming in it.
Even if the math works however, it reeks of centrally planned economy, which laissez-faire conservatives are supposed to hate.
A 7th grader who didn't do the reading?
Perhaps we have become too materialistic, we buy far too much stuff we don't need and use our free time shopping for it.
Would the world stop turning if we got off the capilistic treadmill?