As of this morning,, which represents NYT tech workers, is on strike.
Unless it's resolved while today's Wordle is still live, this streak is gone.
Here's a 🧵 with info on the picket line and how you can help. PLEASE READ — the rules may not be what you think!
Unless it's resolved while today's Wordle is still live, this streak is gone.
Here's a 🧵 with info on the picket line and how you can help. PLEASE READ — the rules may not be what you think!
I suppose at the very least I'll still skip the games until they get a contract.
News coverage — including election coverage — is NOT behind the picket line. It’s okay to read and share that, though the site and app may very well have problems.
2. Many of us will join Tech on the physical picket line before/after shifts and on breaks.
4. We will spread the word and make it clear to the company that we support Tech. You can do this too!
subscriber. Guess it's time to go back to the fake wordle.
Hoping for a just outcome.
(I was just looking for something that implicated both games and cooking to make a joke. When I make a chess pie, though, I've been making the one from Weller's A Good Bake. Today I'm making an NYT Plum Torte - that's one of the few I can bake from memory.)
That plum torte, always a winner!
*closes Spelling Bee, which is particularly annoying today in any case ...*
It's a good thing this exists:
A fair contract.
When do we want it?
Wordle 4/6
Seeing the strikers out in front of the NYT site...
I would never want to cross that line, so I just assumed
But seeing this morning that they made their own games app was heartening, too
SET family of games:
The Guardian's Wordiply:
Okay. Solidarity!
strategy is different, and you can replay your games.
So, if Maggie can do it, we all can. Let's support by doing the simplest thing, and not be digital scabs.
Taking copy of my streak - I’ll kiss it good bye tmrw in support.
And I expect most of the #WQuers group will reach similar conclusions
This will be the 4th time 😁
#Solidarity with Technical workers ✊✊🏽
Nor will I respond to anyone who breaks the picket line..