I know *Orthodox Jews* who do not believe in God/that God wrote the Torah/that God gets involved in life on Earth, etc. They are still full Orthodox Jews, they may eg think it's a great community to raise their kids and good sensible beautiful practices.
How much do you know about Rosh Hashanah and Simchas Torah?
How much do you know about Holi and Eid?
(I secretly actually think this is a very normal experience...)
I'm less familiar with Buddhism, but I'm pretty sure that they don't believe in God at all.
religion is a set of lifeways, rituals, sacred times and places, community and communal practices, values, stories, art and artistic practices (and more).
Christianity is actually incredibly unusual in world religious history for treating belief as central.
may I *warmly commend to you* the brilliant Reith lectures by Kwame Anthony Appiah, on this subject?
It definitely is not about a belief in any sort of deity. Taoism, Confucianism, and Jainism don't have deities.
Totally not a Sybil situation. Christian god is totally prime dissociative identity disorder.
I also know a lot of Mormons who hate Catholics.
Still, everything after the founding of Christianity that avoid the trinity are considered aberrations and not part of the faith. According to the vast majority of Christians.
We let our kid figure it out for himself and he had a very metal poster of Poseidon for a while
Besides the “deities” thing, which several ppl have already explained presents absolutely no obstacle to being an observant Jew
Which of those things do you think are an essential part of being an observant Jew
Hint: It has literally nothing to do with belief.
My understanding was that it was an external label applied to people based on whether they practiced rituals and customs. I'll be honest: pretty much every Jewish person I know is solely ethnically Jewish. My frame of ref for "observant" was as Catholics use it.
I'd always assumed a non-Observant Jewish person was like a non-Observant Catholic. I got it wrong, I'm guessing.
I think a big misstep you made here was missing half the convo and then speaking definitely on the topic
It's funnier in the original Yinglish, of course.
Your second error was not listening to the conversation because it was basically explained implicitly.
( Just Google "Observant" Judaism )
I know Jews who keep kosher (observant) but don’t believe in God (non-belief), and some who believe in God (belief) but don’t keep kosher (non-observant).
I'm trying to figure out why Erin has so many followers and why disagreeing with her gets her or other people angry? Should I know her from somewhere? Why is this thread blowing up?
And it also does not say that it means believing in gods.
Which is:
a) more like 'we are the people who chose this' than chosen
b) practice over belief
the actual "chosen-ness" is Mary being chosen to carry Christ, in Christian belief. so Jews are chosen as the people Mary comes from. but none of that is Judaism.
Theism: The belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.
Deism: Same but does not intervene in the universe. Doesn't interact with mankind
Lots of atheists seem to believe in that sort of thing.